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"Am I done for tonight?" Barry asked after he got back from talking to Iris.

"Yes, but Barry-" Dr. Wells started but didn't get to finish. Because he was already gone. "We need him to focus on training. Talk some sense into him when he gets back."

Meanwhile Barry was already about to enter Starling City. He needed to see Beth. Talk to her. Barry didn't understand the meaning of someone needing space.

"And what are you doing here Barry." Oliver said turning around.

"Where's Beth?" He asked without bothering to ask his question. Obviously they should know.

"Well I would say she is out with Roy. He's buying her dinner. A bet of course." Felicity said to Barry.

"That girl needs to learn how to rest." Oliver said annoyed.

"Do you know where?" Barry said walking up to Felicity.

"A hello would be nice Barry." She said turning in her chair.

"Hello Felicity how are you? Can you tell me where she is?"

"I'm good, and yes I can." She said typing away at her computer. "They are-"

"Got it!" Barry yelled already seeing on the screen where they were. Then he was gone in a flash. Typical.

Barry saw them immediately, but couldn't bring himself to go in. He watched them laugh and talk. Barry wanted to be the one making her smile and laugh like that. 'Is this how Beth felt at karaoke?' Barry thought.

They got up to leave holding hands as they walked out of the diner. Barry walked so he could listen to their conversation. He knew it was crossing a line, but he couldn't help himself.

"I had fun tonight Roy thanks."

"After training all day I like to come here. It's nice without all the fancy expensive stuff." He shrugged grabbing her other hand stopping her. Beth just stared at him not sure what to do. Barry wanted to jump in then and there, but knew it was a bad idea. Even when Roy leaned in, and Barry glared seeing his intentions clearly.

He could hear Beth's gasp from where he stood. Then Barry watched sadly as Roy kissed his girl. Barry frowned, but a huge smile spread across his face when Beth pulled away.

"Roy I like someone else. It's not fair to him or you."

"I'm sorry I had no idea. I wouldn't have done that if I knew you were with someone." Roy said looking at the ground in shame.

"Him and I aren't together." Beth mumbled. "I don't know if we will be. He lied to me. Has been lying to me for awhile now."

Barry watched hands clenched in a fist his jaw tight. Roy brought a hand to Beth's cheek.

"I wouldn't lie to you Bethany. You're an amazing girl. Whoever he is he's an idiot."

Beth smiled pulling Roy into a hug. "You're an amazing guy Roy, and to turn you down...would be stupid of me."

Although Barry didn't hear that part. He turned on his heel walking a safe distance before running back to the Arrow Cave.

"Back so soon?" Felicity said without turning to look at him. "I'm sorry Barry."

"How did you?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I pulled up images from a street light camera.What'd you do to Beth to make her go for someone else?" Felicity said finally turning to look at Barry arms crossed over her chest.

"I told her I was The Flash. After kissing her, and acting all boyfriendly, and she feels lied to and betrayed. As she should because I should've told her sooner." Barry shook his head leaning on one of the many metal counters. "She's special. I don't know if you know about her past, but she's a fighter, and despite all her obstacles she over comes them. It's kinda amazing actually. In a way I look up to her. Because she's stronger than I could ever be, and it's the sad truth."

"Why are you telling me instead of her?"

"Because she left with him, and I don't want to know what they're doing." Barry forced out. Not only was he mad. He was a little heartbroken.

The two sat in silence for awhile before Barry realised Oliver hadn't yelled at him yet. Because he wasn't there.

"Where's Oliver?"

"He is after a new threat, and I believe he told Roy to suit up so those two won't be doing anything. In fact I'm sure they'll be here any minute."

Felicity gave Barry a knowing look when the two came down the steps rather loudly. "I will be back later Beth."

"And we can leave off-What are you doing here?" She said surprised seeing Barry over Roy's shoulder.

"I came to see you, and talk to you."

Roy eyed Barry up before grabbing his suit. Bethany glared motioning for Barry to follow. She lead him to the alleyway by Verdant.

"Alright Allen talk." Beth crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know I should've told you sooner, but I was afraid of this situation. I knew you would be majorly upset, hurt, betrayed, and I know you feel lied to. Beth I didn't want to. As Barry I can't help you. Without my speed I can't help you. As Flash I can be everything you need me to be, and I wanted you to see me that way. You're so special and amazing. You're a fighter, and despite being terrified of what you could do you still fight to get rid of the threats you face. You're someone I look up to Bethany." Barry's hands cupped her cheeks, and Beth stared up at him a mix of emotions going through her head. "Can you ever forgive me for being absolute crap?"

"Barry I have had a crush on you since you spilled my coffee on me and gave me your shirt. You were so sweet compared to everything in my life. I'm not upset anymore I acted childish. You were normal, and he wasn't. I was just so shocked you and him were the same person it was hard to imagine that same sweet guy was out there beating people up. But I don't know if I forgive you yet."

"You said I love Iris, and yeah I did. She doesn't love me back so I moved on. She's my sister, and I'll always love her Bethany, but you? You make me feel things I didn't know I could feel. Without you I think I would be a train wreck. You were right when you said neither of us could be with normal people. To me you are normal. You're my normal." Barry tucked a stray piece of hair behind Beth's ear, and she brought her hands up entwining her fingers behind Barry's neck.

Her mouth was slightly parted as she looked up at Barry. Then she pulled him down so she could kiss him.

Barry's hands found their way to Beth's waist, and she realized nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to kissing Barry. She felt as if she could run a marathon right now.

She pulled away breathless. Searching his eyes for something. What she didn't know. "You're lucky you're cute Barry."

"I thought I was sexy." He mocked a smirk on his face. Beth's eyes sparkled giving him a peck on the lips before leading him back downstairs.

"I told you to rest not go on a date."

"In my defense I was hungry. I ate protein stuff. Promise."

Oliver just gave her a look, and turned to Barry. "And you. What are you here for?"

"I came for Bethany actually. We had some issues that needed to be dealt with."

"Oliver why don't you show Barry how he needs to fight."

"Because last time went so well." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Last time?" Beth asked looking between the two.

"He shot me in the back with two arrows." Barry said.

"You deserved it for being cocky." Oliver pointed at him. "Beth grab the sticks. Let's see if Roy was right about you being better."

Her heart sped up looking at Barry who just smiled encouragingly at her. She didn't want him to see her get beat up.

"Alright let's go then."


Poor timing right there. I couldn't handle Beth being mad at Barry. I'm sorry.



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