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Bethany walked around the city streets keeping in mind she had to be back to her apartment in three hours to get ready for her date with Barry. She was going on a date with Barry! Just the idea had her extremely happy.

She never had the chance to establish friendships, go on dates, or even have a crush on the jock in school. The poor girl was always consumed with the fact that she had to get rid of Dr. Siward. Deep in her heart of hearts she knew there was some kid on a lab table going through what she did, and she made a vow to stop him. Even if it killed her.

She passed the old laboratory the doctor had in Central City. Glancing at it from the corner of her eye. She thought she saw movement so she stopped, and actually looked. There it was again.

Bethany took a deep breath worried about what it was. 'Sorry Barry' she thought as she crossed the street. She snuck inside the cool air in the charred room giving her a sense of doom. A shuffling sound brought eyes to the far corner. She put herself in a defensive stance waiting for it again.

Not even two seconds later there was another shuffling sound. As if someone was dragging their feet.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Bethany called out bringing a hand slowly to her boot. Which secretly held a small dagger about the length of her palm. A trick learned from training herself.

The shuffling sounded closer. Coming towards her now. She felt a breeze by her neck, and that's when she attacked. In the dark her sight was compromised, but she was trained. She quickly kicked out hard hitting something. A human figure definitely.

She heard a grunt, and immediately knew it was a male. "Who are you?"

"You are coming with me Bethany." The man coughed out. She felt an arm around her waist, and she whipped around swinging her blade in a wide arch. There was a small shriek when it made contact with something. The man hit back hitting Beth square in the jaw. Now this was a real fight.

She stepped back losing her balance and the dagger as it skittered across the floor leaving her almost defenseless. She fell to the ground, but jumped back up just as quick using her anger as an outlet. Becoming one with her rage she struck out. Her eyes were now adjusted to the dark so she hit home each time.

A sharp jab to the abdomen made him curl in on himself allowing her to knee him in the face. Still not unconscious she just let loose. Hitting the man over, and over until he no longer tried to hurt her. His hands going limp.

She breathed heavily checking for a pulse. Remembering her panic button she quickly pushed it. The Flash by her side in seconds. She pointed a finger over to him, and he just looked at her before speeding off with him.

"Thanks for asking if I was okay." She heaved as she finally calmed down. She had just excited the building when she was whisked off her feet, and now stood on her roof.

"What the hell were you thinking Bethany?!" Flash said pacing in front of her. "You could've gotten killed!"

"I know." She stated not really knowing what else to say.

"You know? You know?! Bethany I gave you the panic button so you could call me before you engaged a situation. I couldn't live with myself if you had gotten hurt." His voice strained with the effort to speak. His emotions coming across loud and clear.

"Last time I checked this was my problem. All I wanted from you was information. I can handle this myself. I know the consequences. I know that when I walk into a situation I may not walk out, but the worst that could happen is I go back to the lab table. I would rather die then go back to that place. Do you not understand what's its like to live as a human weapon? I only have access to about fifteen maybe twenty percent of all my capabilities. Imagine what I would be like if I could access the whole hundred percent. Why do you think I was created? It sure as hell wasn't to save people Flash. I couldn't live with myself if anyone got hurt. I never want to see anyone get hurt. I can't watch it happen." Bethany's voice cracked with raw emotion imagining all the things she could possibly do. She imagined the earth splitting under her feet. She pictured tsunami's tearing through cities killing millions, possibly billions, of people.

"What about you Bethany? If you die then who is going to stop Siward. You have no choice but to keep fighting, and I want to help. Not just to keep you safe Beth. You can't keep doing this on your own. It's okay to need help. I couldn't do what I do without my team." The Flash pulled her into a hug. She had a small smile on her face at his pep talk. She needed it. She needed someone she could talk to and share all this with she had been alone for so many years. She needed this.

"From now on I will call you, but if you are out there helping someone else I can wait got it?" She pulled away making sure he would actually do as she says.

"It's a deal."

The two shook on it.

"Thanks for listening to me. I've held in all these emotions for the past twelve years. I couldn't put any normal human in danger. I kept it from everyone. It's hard to keep everything bottled up, and then I just explode."

"I know exactly what you mean." The Flash said chuckling.

"Oh my god I have a date! A very attractive one by the way." Bethany smiled. "We are interrogating him tomorrow. Don't talk to him until I am there." She said heading to her room. She didn't even wait for a response.

Once in her room she pulled out several outfits having no idea what to wear. She pulled out her phone dialing Iris's number.

"Hey Bethany what's up?"

"I have a date tonight, and have no idea what to wear. I have two dresses each a different shade of blue. A black skirt with a cute blouse, and then I have a purple dress that is just above the knee. I am not used to dressing fancy. Barry said I needed to dress fancy."

"You and Barry are going on a date?! That's great! What time?"

"Uhh...in a little over an hour."

"I'll be right over. You are going to blow him away." Iris squealed hanging up before her friend could say goodbye.

"Oh geez." Bethany said to herself. Looking disdainfully down at her small wardrobe.


Are they moving too fast? I don't know.

As a writer I like to get comments from you guys even if it's one. It keeps me motivated to write. I would update at least once if you guys wanted, but the fact that nobody comments keeps me thinking you're not interested. I love that people vote though just to be clear that is motivation enough for now, but please as a writer feedback is important. Please and thank you.



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