T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Bethany was at Jitters when she saw the news. One of the men that ruined her life.

General Eiling.

She slammed a cup down scaring some customers. She gave them an apologetic look before pulling her phone out to call Barry.

"Barry why is General Eiling on TV?" She rushed out when he answered.

"We'll talk in the cortex. I'm coming to pick you up."

"Okay." Barry had Beth in his arms before she could pocket her phone.

"What happened?" She breathed when Barry set her down.

"Eiling murdered Bette. Right in front of me! How can he just get away with it?!" Barry was fuming.

"Powerful men have a way with getting away with these things Barry." Dr. Wells said looking at everyone.

A silence enveloped the group as they took in Harrison's words. "Who was Bette?" Bethany asked quietly.

"A meta human who could turn anything she touched into a bomb. She used to work for Eiling." Caitlin whispered filling me in.

"He'll pay for everything he's done Barry. I will make sure of it." Beth said pulling him into a tight hug.

"I need a minute." He announced after pulling away. Barry gave Beth a small smile before running out of the room.

"Caitlin have you found anything out from the serums I gave you?" Beth asked after another sullen silence.

"Hmm? Oh yes actually. I'll show you."

Beth nodded following close behind Caitlin glancing over at Cisco who looked really down. Bethany made a mental note to cheer him up later.

"Okay so I compared the serums to your DNA from the blood samples I collected. That didn't give me what I hoped for, but I did see that when you apply them in very small doses you're DNA changes. Well DNA as a whole changes."

"Okay? I'm not really following that well." Bethany confessed.

"I ran tests taking about 3 milligrams of each serum and mixing them with your DNA. The serums make you're DNA change. It changes the chemicals made in your body. More specifically the chemicals needed for brain function. Expanding the abilities of your brain. Mutating you're DNA to an unexplainable feet."

"I can feel bad news coming." Beth said matter of factly. "I'm going to assume you can't undo the changes to my DNA."

"Unfortunately no. The damage is too far gone. Ten years of this treatment isn't undo able I'm afraid. We dont have the technology to splice your DNA. Bethany I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you. I tried so hard, and ran so many tests. It's just impossible for me to fix your DNA. Even if I were to try to counteract the effects I would do more damage than good."

"It's okay Caitlin. I understand, understood, to a small extent that this would happen. In my subconscious I knew." Bethany forced a smile giving Cailtin a small hug. "Thank you for trying."

Then Beth walked out feeling put down. When Caitlin finally came into the cortex she looked at her bummed friends and made a decision. "We're going out tonight. We all need a drink, and we're going to have to make something really good for Barry due to his metabolism."

That got everyone's attention. "So where do we start?" Cisco smirked looking better already.


Barry ran around the city putting all his emotions into his running as if he could burn them off like calories.

He stopped kicking at a can.

"You seem a little angry. Did something happen?"

Barry whipped around seeing Iris leaning on a building with a smirk on her face. Notepad in hand as if she knew he'd be there.

He blurred his face so she wouldn't recognize him, doing the same to his vocal chords. "Something like that, yeah."

"You know I ask a lot of questions, but I never ask how you've been. Being a super hero has its downside too."

"I'm fine. Just upset about something horrible that happened, and I couldn't stop it."

Iris nodded putting her thinking cap on. "I hate to say it, but you can't help everyone Flash. Even with that super speed you're going to miss something. People will get hurt, but just remember all the people you do save. The people who wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." Iris walked towards him as she spoke.

When she got close enough to touch him she hesitated. Hand over his chest as she looked at the small lightning symbol attached there.

The tips of her fingers outlined the emblem, and she smiled. "You do more good than you know Flash. It's times like this that you need to remember that."

"Thanks Iris. For the advice, but I gotta run." Barry turned tail in run. Ignoring the frantic beating of his heart.

He ran to S.T.A.R Labs trading his suit for normal clothes. He didn't see Beth, Cisco, or Cailtin so he texted Beth.

'Where'd you go?'

He didn't have to wait long for the reply. 'We went to the karaoke bar. Meet us? We all need a drink tonight.'

'Be there in a second.'

A small smile ghosted it's way on to Barry's face as he pocketed the phone, and sped off.

He stopped in the alley making his way to the front door at a normal pace. He found his friends right away.

Cailtin was downing shots like no tomorrow. Barry cringed knowing that is definitely going to suck in the morning.

"Hey Barry!" Cisco called holding up a beer.

"You guys remember that I can't get drunk right?" Barry said taking a seat as he took in Bethany who was looking sullen with her martini.

"That is why we have this." Caitlin said pulling out a blue vial from her purse. "It's basically five hundred proof. We thought we all deserved a drink, even you, so we made that."

"You guys didn't have to." Barry smiled talking the small vial.

"We wanted to Barry." Bethany spoke up. "Now try it out. I'm excited to see if it makes you drunk."

"Alright here goes nothing." He said before downing the whole thing. "Holy crap." He coughed. "That's good."

"Feel anything? Are you buzzed?" Cisco asked looking at his friend.

"Definitely buzzed...do you have more? That's awesome...and it's gone." Barry frowned.

"It's a process." Bethany laughed kissing his cheek. "Now why don't we all get drunk. Excluding Barry, sorry, you're gonna have to be the designated driver." Bethany said waving to the bartender to bring more drinks.

There was a chorus of 'yeah's' from Cisco and Caitlin, and a groan from Barry.

Beth just laughed finishing her martini. Tonight was gonna be good.


Okay so real talk...I don't know how to get from point A to point B at this point so there's going to be some filler chapters...I apologize in advance.



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