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The next morning Bethany woke up to find five missed calls from Iris, and numerous texts from Barry. He must've gotten her number from Iris.

Bethany rolled out of bed still reliving last night. The Flash was amazing. His speed was out of this world. She smiled to herself humming in the shower as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. Steam making the room look foggy.

After another two minutes of a warm shower she got out, and dried off wrapping a towel around herself.

Her phone started to ring she picked it up in heartbeat answering it a little too excitedly. "Hello?"

"Are you Bethany Stone?"

"May I ask who's calling?"

"It's CC Jitters. You applied here not too long ago. My name is Meghan Sherry, and I was calling to let you know that you had gotten the job."

"That's great! When do I start?" Not one of the agencies she applied to, but it's a job.

"How does tomorrow morning sound?"

"That's perfect what time shall I come in?"

"Six thirty. We'll train you right away for the morning rush. I'll be looking forward to meeting you in person. Bye Ms. Stone."

"Bye." She hung up with a huge smile on her face. She had to tell Iris. Bethany quickly threw on one of her old high school sweatshirts, a pair of jeans, and her favorite sneakers.

She brushed her hair on her way into the living room tossing the brush on her couch. She checked her reflection in the mirror before running out.

She made her way to the precinct hoping Iris was there seeing Eddie since she had no idea where Picture News was.

When she went in the first thing she saw was Eddie, Iris, and Barry all huddled by Joe talking about who knows what.

Beth walked in getting everyone's attention. Iris ran over tackling her in a hug.

"I heard what happened. I was so worried are you okay? He didn't hurt you right?" Iris said looking up at her new friend.

"Iris I'm fine I promise." Bethany smiled hugging her back quickly letting go walking over to Eddie.

"I swear you go looking for trouble." Eddie said pulling her into a hug. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"Guys I'm okay." Bethany laughed lightly. "An old friend decided to be a douche that's all."

"You could've gotten hurt." Barry said with an angry tone in his voice. Bethany looked at him realizing he was a little mad. Maybe more than a little.

"But I didn't." Barry didn't comment. Just turned on his heel going back up to his lab.

"He's really mad at me isn't he?" Bethany asked the other two.

"He's just worried about you that's all." Iris said with a small smile. "Go talk to him."

"I have good news first. I got a job at CC Jitters!" Bethany had to stop herself from jumping up and down.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you." Eddie said giving her a pat on the back.

"I didn't know you applied there." Iris said, "It's a really good place to work. The environment is really nice too. Plus you get good tips. Now go talk to Barry. Me and Eddie have a thing in a few minutes." Iris ushered Beth up the stairs causing her to giggle as she went up into his lab.

He sat at his desk looking really frustrated. Bethany wanted to go over and wrap him up in her arms. "I'm sorry Barry." Bethany whispered. She fell so easily for the dorky scientist. Barry turned around looking right at her. She couldn't hold his gaze, and looked at the floor.

"Do you feel guilty?"

"I don't feel guilty. I am upset because you're upset. I know that it was a dodgey situatiom, but I didn't put myself in it on purpose."

He took her hands in hers. "Look at me please. Just tell me why. Can you do that?"

Bethany looked at him searching his green eyes for some sort of reassurance. "I...There's things in my life that you wouldn't understand Barry. I can't tell you. I'm sorry I just can't. I want to believe me I do, but I can't. Please try to understand that." She started to tear up not wanting to hurt Barry. This would be the first time she had a real friend. Not to mention a crush on said friend, and now she is lying to him. Keeping secrets from him.

"Hey it's okay. If you have secrets you're not up to sharing I get that." Barry said wiping her tears away. "I have some too you know."

"You do?" Bethany asked feeling a little better.

"Look." Barry got up pulling on something showing Bethany all the newspaper clippings, and pictures related to Nora's murder. Bethany stepped forward taking everything in.

"Barry I had no idea." Bethany said turning to Barry tearing up. "I can't imagine what losing your mom felt like. I'm so sorry."

"It's why I became apart of CCPD. To prove my dad is innocent. Joe, Iris, and everyone believed that the blurs of colors I saw were just my childlike imagination running wild to compensate for watching my mom die. But I know what I saw that night. I know I'm not crazy."

"You're not crazy Barry. I don't think you're crazy, and they shouldn't especially now with The Flash. I'd assume that's some hefty evidence."

"It's why I'm so protective of the people I care about. I am terrified that one day I'll lose someone again. I don't think I could handle it a second time." Barry shook his head a few tears falling down his face

She rested her forehead on Barry's letting her hands drop to his shoulders. She opened her eyes seeing Barry looking at her.

Barry pulled her into a hug. In that moment Bethany wanted nothing more than to have Barry hold her.


"Don't say anything Bethany. You don't have to. I understand the need to keep secrets. You can tell me when you're ready."


Cute moments make my day.



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