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Beth sat up in her bed breathing heavy. She quickly ran to her bathroom splashing water on her face. "Just a dream. He's not here. Just a dream." She whispered to herself.

She looked at the time seeing it was almost seven. Beth sighed hearing a knock at her door.

Nervously she walked over ready for a fight. She swung the door open pulling whoever was in front of her door into her apartment. Using her body to flip him over onto the ground. Quick and smooth. Knee planted firmly in the center of his chest hands pinned on the ground above his head.

Her breathing was heavy as she looked into the mans eyes. She quickly let go as she realized who it was. "Oh god Barry. I am so so sorry." She quickly jumped off him pulling him up her cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

"I thought you were someone else. Are you okay? Did you hit your head or anything? I slammed you pretty hard." Hands on the sides of his face making sure she didn't really hurt him.

"Woah. Yeah I'm fine. Are you though? You must be a little on edge to pull that on someone knocking on your door." Barry looked at her concerned. Holding her hands.

"Oh uh. Nightmares. I just woke up from one actually. I got a little worked up is all." Bethany shrugged worried about what Barry might think of her now.

"Iris told me you were a black belt. I thought she was kidding." Barry laughed easing all of Beth's doubts. "Are you sure you're okay though? People here in the city can be pretty dangerous and scary."

"You mean The Flash?" Bethany smiled. "Barry I think I just proved you don't have to worry about me. The Flash is a hero scratch that a superhero and he is nothing to worry about."

"I didn't mean he himself is dangerous. I meant the things he does. Like running into burning buildings or into a bank that is held up by armed men. Fighting things that are like him. It's not something to go looking for." Barry said shaking his head.

"I'm looking for him. Not what he does in particular Barry. It's not like I'd put myself in danger to get him to come to me." Yet she thought to herself. "I'm not totally stupid Barry. Lets not argue about this because I'm not changing my mind. I'm going to get changed you just hang out here for a bit okay?"

Barry nodded looking around the apartment before taking a seat on the sofa. Bethany ran into her room looking around quickly for something nice to wear. She found her favorite pair of jeans pulling them on along with her burgundy ankle boots and a loose jean flannel. Pulling her hair up in a bun she walked back into the living room.

"So why'd you come over so early?"

"Umm...Iris wanted me to check on you. So I rushed over thinking something was wrong. Obviously you had just woken up so I think you're okay."

"Awe you're cute when you act all caring. I'm alright Barry I promise. I'll let Iris know I am too. Don't you have to be at work though? Being apart of CCPD seems like a 24/7 kinda deal."

"Well you're apartment is on the way so it wasn't a hard decision. Want to head to the precinct with me? You don't have to if you are busy." Barry blushed not really sure why he had asked her that.

"I think it would be pretty cool to see your lab. Although can I avoid the dead bodies?"

Barry burst out laughing. "I don't work in a morgue Beth. You saw my lab. It's clean of dead bodies I promise. Just some harmful chemicals."

The two left Beth's apartment heading straight for the precinct. They stopped at the corner, and Barry was talking about how cool it was that pure water doesn't completely freeze. Bethany looked across the street the smile wiped from her face. A man in a black jacket stood smirking at her. Her body tensed when he moved. A truck flew in front of him, and when the path was clear he was gone.

"Beth? Hello?" Barry waved a hand in front of her face. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing. Just zoned out a bit. Now what were you saying about water?"

He lead her across the street, and up into his lab obviously excited that Bethany seemed interested in his chemistry fun facts.

"But the molecules of pure water vibrate so much that the ice crystals can't lock in place. For instance if you were to hit say a slightly frozen water bottle off the counter. One of those molecules are bound to lock in place, and the others will just follow suit." Barry smiled obviously proud of himself.

"Wow. That's actually kinda cool." Bethany laughed

"You must think I'm a total nerd." Barry said looking down at his dirty converse.

"I like that about you Barry. You're smart and there is no shame in that." Bethany said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Beth that means a lot."

"Hey Barry can you-Am I interrupting something?" Joe said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No we just...uh...what'cha got for me?"

"There was a murder down on fifth. We found what we think is the murderers hair and a fingerprint. Can you take a break from whatever that was, and analyze it for me?"

"Yes sir right away sir." Barry said in a mock salute. Joe just laughed tossing the evidence on Barry's desk before disappearing around the corner.

Bethany watched Barry who was smiling as he did his thing. A text brought Bethany down from the clouds.

Quickly she pulled out her phone seeing a text from someone she hasn't heard from in a long time.

'There's a lead here. Are you busy?'

'On my way' She replied a frown evident on her face.

"Who's that?" Barry asked causing Bethany to look up.

"An old friend who wants to check out my place. I better go see what he wants. Why don't you stop by later? Maybe we could watch a movie or something?"

Barry smiled causing her knees to go weak. "I'd like that."

"I guess I will see you later then. Bye Barry." She waved quickly leaving. She had things to take care of.


I have so much planned for this book. Are you guys ready?



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