T H I R T Y - O N E

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When the two girls landed no one was there to get them. Which Bethany thought seemed a little suspicious.

"I could've sworn someone was going to be here." Tina said uncuffing Beth for the second time that day. "Listen, I think you should chill for awhile here in town. I'll get some of the others and we'll make a game plan."

"No. We'll go in now so I know what I'm up against."

"You're abilities need to be better if you're taking on Siward Beth. Not everyone who was experimented on is on our side."

Bethany looked around the lobby unsure of how to reply. "What do you suppose I do?"

"There's a place I know of. It's secluded, and will give you time to train for a few days. I'm going to go to Siward and tell him the mission failed and I was unable to bring you back. He'll send someone else which will give you two weeks to prepare. I'll bring you everything you need. Don't leave the pool, or one of Siwards men is bound to find you."

"And you're sure this is what should happen?"


"Then let's go." Bethany said allowing Tina to lead her out of the airport.

Walking around the small huts of the village Tina lead Beth towards the edge of the jungle. Bethany hesitated unsure of what was ahead. Maybe this was all a trap.

"Keep going. We're almost there."

Trudging through the first few steps into the jungle Tina pulled Beth over towards what sounded like a low hum.

She looked questioningly over at Tina who just smiled pulling back vines revealing a small waterfall.

"Woah." Beth said looking from Tina to the small pool. "I didn't expect this at all."

Tina laughed letting the vines fall back to hide them from sight of the village.

"Come on I'll show you something." Tina then jumped right into the water disappearing from view. Bethany watched fear setting in when her friend didn't return to the surface.


Beth was about to jump in after her, but then Tina's head came up. "Are you coming or what?"

Beth just smiled jumping in after her screaming. When she resurfaced Tina was laughing at her.

"Come on follow me." Then she dived down. Beth followed not sure what to expect. Following Tina into the dark they swam under the waterfall, and the rocks.

Worried Beth was going to end up drowning she swam faster quickly following behind Tina who was pulling at Beth.

The two resurfaced in a cave where you could see the waterfall behind them.

"This is pretty cool, but for a second I thought you were gonna drown me to get here."

Tina just shook her head.

"Tina?" The two girls turned around seeing a figure in the back sitting next to a small fire.

"Max I have Bethany."

Bethany's heart lurched at the name. "Max?"


"She hasn't called." Barry said to no one in particular as he worked in his lab.

"She'll be fine Barry." Iris said hugging her friend. "It's going to be alright."

"Barry I know it's tough with your girlfriend being in a dangerous situation, but you need to be focused here. For her, and for Central City." Joe said from the doorway.

"Fine. Let's say I do ignore the worries I have. Then what? I don't know how to fight against Reverse Flash. I'm not any closer to beating him now compared to when I just got my powers. What do you suggest I do Joe?" Barry said turning around to face his foster parent.

"Instead of moping around like this why don't you get up, and start training. Start pushing yourself past the limits. We all know you can do it if you work hard. Believe that you can Barry, and two weeks will have gone by before you know it."

Joe turned, and left the room leaving Iris and Barry alone. "He's right Barry. It's only been two days, and you've been cooped up here burying yourself in this forensic science stuff of yours. It's time you start working again Flash."

Barry smiled at his friend nodding slightly before taking off in a blur. Papers flew around the room, and Iris groaned gathering them up.

Barry was in S.T.A.R Labs running on Cisco's treadmill quicker than you could blink.

"I'd say he's ready to get into action." Cisco said looking over at Caitlin, and Dr. Wells who had been questioning Barry's resolve to defeat Reverse Flash.

"So it seems." Wells said before wheeling away down the hall.

"I'm just glad to see he's better." Caitlin smiled turning to get back to work.


I'm back!

Sorry for the wait guys I've been super busy. It's short, but as promised they will get longer.

Predictions for the next chapter? n.n

Also huge thank you to everyone who's read, vote, and commented on my story. It means so much to me too see how far I've come. So happy guys<3 I can't believe it!!

Also as if March 30th I am now an adult. Fun fun now I just gotta graduate and do things with my life(=



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