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Bethany couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Her mind raced with multiple thoughts about why Barry didn't leave. In her mind he should've turned tail and run away as far as physically possible. When your date tells you she was kidnapped, and a murderous madman will stop at nothing to get her back the logical thing to do would be to run. Right?

The fact that Barry had said he wasn't going anywhere had changed everything. Made her fall for him even further when she knew deep down something would happen to ruin it all. She didn't get happy endings. People like her didn't get happy endings.

The fact that she was with Barry at any point in the day was dangerous enough. Going on dates? That made him a target. Turned him into an asset to her enemies.

She sighed tossing the blankets off her body. Beth rubbed her temples as an uncomfortable feeling overcame her mind. She attempted to get out of bed only to collapse into a heap on the floor. She tucked her head into her knees in a futile attempt to alleviate the dull ache.

A series of pictures flashed across her field of vision. A picture of the Flash falling through the sky. Another of Dr. Siward standing in her living room. She saw herself strapped down on a medical table. Central City at war with itself. Terrified people trying to escape from something.

Bethany sat up leaning on her bed for support. Breathless she wondered what the hell just happened. Unable to stay in her stuffy room she climbed up the fire escape to the roof. Taking a seat on one of the small benches by the buildings green house.

She liked the sound of the city. The way it sounded alive. The car horns and the engines roaring away. It gave her a sense of safety. It was peaceful despite the craziness of the city itself.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Bethany jumped up surprised grabbing one of her daggers from her thigh strap. Chucking it at her target with the grace of an assassin. Quick and smooth. The Flash caught it just before the weapon could do any damage.

"Don't sneak up on me like that." Bethany let out a breath of relief taking in the fact she wasn't in danger. "Sorry."

"Where were you keeping that? Better question. Why?"

"Safety? Paranoia would probably best describe it. I always have at least one on me." Bethany shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Bethany Stone you are one hell of a woman." Flash shook his head at her. The comforting sound of the city enveloping the two.

"Do you have a real reason for keeping your identity from me? We both know you don't have to protect me. Is it because you don't trust me enough?" Bethany said slightly hurt that she was kept out of the loop. She stood up to stand in front of him looking him in the eyes. Flash being unable to meet hers.

"You wouldn't see me the same way. It's not about protecting you anymore Beth. You have proved to me time and time again you don't need protection. And of course I trust you! I would trust you with my life if I needed to. Bethany you don't understa-"

Bethany cut him off by putting both hands on his cheeks making him look at her. She gave him a small smile. "It's okay to need time. I have spent so many years of my life alone. Unable to share my secrets, and then I heard about you. I have searched everywhere for people like me. Even going to different countries. Those who have also managed to escape. I don't want to get them involved." Beth sighed letting her hands drop. "I guess what I'm trying to say is you're not alone, and even if you're not ready to share everything with me I'll be here."

Then she was back in her bedroom teleporting to escape the heavy situation. She wasn't mad at him. She was just disappointed he still wouldn't tell her. She let herself fall onto her bed closing her eyes, and finally falling asleep.


"Lets see how you handle the morning rush on your own Bethany." Meghan playfully smirked at her new employee. "No worries though if you look like you need some help I'll step in."

Beth nodded a small smile on her face as she wrapped her apron around her waist already having two orders to take. The first ten minutes seemed to go perfectly fine. Until people started piling in. "Oh lord." Bethany breathed trying not to get too stressed as she took order after order. A grateful smiled was spared in Meghan's direction when she stepped in to help.

At some point Iris had stopped in leaving an unneeded large tip for Bethany mentioning something about karaoke night before taking her leave. Twenty minutes later, and the two were exhausted.

"That was busier than normal." Meghan laughed giving Beth a high five. "You did good newbie. We make a good team."

When no customers came in Beth leaned on the counter writing down things she needed to get from the store while Meghan wiped down tables.

"Hey Bethany."

She looked up smiling recognizing Barry's voice right away. The smile faded when she saw how serious he was. "Hey."

"We need to talk when do you get off work?"

"Uh..." She trailed off her eyes searching for Meghan who waved her off mouthing a 'Good luck.' "My shift just ended what's up?" Beth said coming around the corner.

"You need to see this."

Beth's heart rate picked up. He pulled Beth out of the café hailing a cab. She kept looking over at Barry for something, but he seemed too uptight today. Maybe their date hadn't gone as well as she thought. She stared at her hands not knowing how to assess the situation.

The cab pulled over and Barry grabbed onto her arm gently pulling her up into his lab. "Iris has been looking into The Flash."

Relief flooded through Bethany when she realized he was just worried about Iris. He wasn't going to tell her any bad news. "What about it?"

"She put her name on the blog. That will make her a target for his enemies. They will think she knows something about him."

Bethany nodded. "And you want me to do what?"

"Talk to her. Try to get her to understand that it is dangerous."

"I can try, but no promises. Oh apparently I have to go to karaoke night tonight. Did you know about this?" Bethany said looking at Barry questioningly.

"I may have told Iris you wouldn't mind coming along this time." Barry said smirking at Bethany.

"Jerk." She said bumping their shoulders together.




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