T H I R T Y - F I V E

726 26 3

In Brazil Barry was lost, but with his speed searching for Bethany couldn't be that hard right?

Looking in the jungle he couldn't decide if she had gone in, but he's searched this town top to bottom, and he's found no sign of her or a secret lab. Then again this is different from the big city. A lab in plain site would raise some alarms with the locals here.

Rushing into the jungle he decided to circle the town so he wouldn't end up lost. Starting with a 10 mile ring he slowly stretched it out, but he didn't find Beth. He ran smack dab into Dr. Siwards trap.

Too distracted by looking for Bethany he didn't even see the trap set up specifically for Bethany's speedster. Unseen in the forest small threads formed a large spider web network of pulsing energy. Any force that ran into it would be knocked back into unconsciousness allowing time for Dr. Siward to collect the unfortunate soul.

Fortunately for Barry he wouldn't be there for too long. Bethany, and her rebellious friends were getting ready to attack. Unfortunately for Barry, Bethany didn't expect him for another week so she doesn't even know he's in Brazil.

"You stupid boy." Siward laughed motioning for his guys to pick him up. "Put him in the room I installed."

"Yes sir." Was the reply as the two men picked him up with ease carrying the unknowing Allen away.

'Are you in position?'

'Yes. I have a clear view. What's the signal?'

'You'll know when you see it.'

Bethany could feel Max's smug persona from over here radiating from his telepathy. Shaking her head she stretched her mind out locating Tina, but she wasn't quite at her position.


'I just got in position. Is Max on the move?'

'Yeah. Now we wait for the signal.'

'What's the signal?'

Then a body went flying off the low roof. Real classy.

'I guess that was the signal'

'Typical Max.'

Bethany circled around the first building locating the fire escape, and climbing up.

'Beth there's two men on that roof. Take them out as quick as you can'

She nodded barely looking over the side of the roof seeing the two guys Max was talking about. Taking a deep breath she quickly slammed into the guard with her mind causing him to stumble, and fall over the side of the roof.

With a small smile she climbed up ready to face the second who had spotted her in the commotion.

Quickly she pulled out her hidden dagger side stepping as the guard lunged at her, but he spun his body and grabbed her wrist painfully forcing her to drop the blade.

Gaining the upper hand he spun Beth around so her arm was now behind her back.

"Thought you could break in did you? I don't recognize you as one of them. You must be a runaway."

Without saying a word Bethany took a deep breath hitting the guard with her head hard. She heard a loud crack and knew that she had broken his nose.

She whipped around seeing him hunched over holding his nose, and groaning.

Using her elbow she hit him in the back making him sink to his knees. She was about to land a kick to his side when he grabbed onto her leg, and twisting it making her fall down.

She reached for her blade, but he dragged her closer. Turning onto her back she kicked him with her free leg sending him backwards. He fell hitting his head off the roof.

Scrambling off the ground she quickly grabbed her dagger, and tossed it at him sinking the blade in his chest with the expertise of an assassin.

'Alright now where's team B?'

'On their way.' Max tuned in.

Bethany sighed walking the perimeter catching a glimpse of Tina as she roundhouse kicked a guard unaware of her presence.

Stretching her mind she checked the building below her for activity. She could feel her team sneaking around the side of the building.

'I'm coming down'

Quickly she climbed down to meet them at the rendezvous point. Seeing all familiar faces she tucked the feeling of pain in her chest away. She needed to focus on the task at hand.

Motioning for them to follow her she quickly unlocked the door to the building like Max had shown her. Stepping inside she realized there weren't any guards.

She glanced back raising an eyebrow. One of her members nodded, and they continued forward.

Their job was to get to the generators, and cut the power. Looking down the hallway she could see the vent she and her team needed to climb into. As silently as they could.

She watched her team unscrew the bolts allowing them to pull off the grate. Bethany went first army crawling slowly cringing whenever she made a small noise with her elbows.

'We're gonna stay back, and keep guard. We don't want to make too much noise.'

'Got it'

Slowly, but surely she made her way towards the room that lead to the generators.

Stretching her mind she felt for guards. Finding two she slowed down even more using her arms to pull herself forward silently. Looking into the room she caught a glimpse of red.

Her heart sped up immediately thinking of Barry, but it was just some lighting they had set up in one of the labs.

Taking a deep breath she continued pulling herself through the vent.

"The idiot fell right into the trap." She heard a guard laugh making her stop. "His speed couldn't save him from that now could it?" Causing the other guard to laugh.

'His speed?' Thought Bethany her heart dropping with those words. They couldn't be talking about Barry. It hasn't been a full two weeks yet. No they must be talking about a subject's speed in training that's all. Yeah, Barry is safe in Central City.


Oh Barry.

I thought you were supposed to save the damsel. Not be the damsel.

Shame on you.



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