T H I R T Y - N I N E

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When the two came on the scene it looked like one of Doctor Siwards experiments had gone wrong. Looking around the burning room filling with smoke Bethany spotted the doctor running away.

She jumped out of Barry's arms running after him. Barry tried to follow, but another explosion stopped him from rushing forward after her.

"Stop!" Beth yelled rounding the corner the doctor had. Using her powers she locked on to his location running hard to catch up.

Another lab room exploded in front of Bethany and she used her arms to cover herself as rubble from the blast collided with her. She continued running ignoring the searing pain of embers landing on her.

"Siward!" She screamed almost caught up to him. Using her powers she sent a chunk of the wall flying towards him. He jumped out of the way falling to the ground.

Barry ran by picking Siward up by his lab coat. "You're not going anywhere."

Bethany breathed in deep as she finally managed to catch up. She had wanted to say so many things when she finally caught him, but now that he's caught. She was drawing a blank.

Siward just smirked looking past Barry. The two unaware of what Siward had his sights on.

Bethany frowned using her mind to sweep the area, but found nothing. He was caught he couldn't do anything. Then her body was flung forward hitting the wall next to Siward.

"What did you do!?" Barry said slamming Siward against the wall.

"Sorry we got to the party a little late." Barry dropped Siward whipping around the face whoever was here.

Bethany's eyes widened as she turned around to face Max. She should've saw this coming. Tina appeared from behind him. Both in hospital gowns with bandages along their bodies.

No this wasn't them. It was Siward. This is what they had warned her about. Now this really was her fault.

"Don't do anything stupid." She told them. Getting in a defensive stance behind Barry.

"Oh Beth. Why don't you just stop fighting. I mean after all this is what you were made to be." Max laughed attacking her full force before she could respond.

She was prepared for his assault, and used her telekinesis to hit him with large pieces of debris from the blast. Knocking him over he skipped down the hallway.

Tina yelled running at Beth, but she side stepped pinning Tina against the wall. Tina's mind unable to best Bethany's left her to lean on her physical abilities.

"This isn't you." Beth whispered. Knocking out her friend. Turning back towards Max who sent Bethany flying back.

"Stop!" Barry yelled holding Siward in a death grip. "Stop or he dies."

Max turned towards Barry with a small smirk. "You heroes aren't capable of murder."

"I don't think you wanna make that bet." Barry said coldly causing Siward to struggle harder.

Max used his powers against Barry causing him to fly back along with the doctor. Bethany tackled Max to the floor using her mind to pin him to the ground continually pounding on his head with her powers. As strong as Max's walls were he couldn't do two things at once, and blocking her out was his occupation at the moment.

Beth was lifted off Max and flung a few feet away. She quickly looked at Tina, but she was still out cold.

She looked back at Max to see Lorenz helping him up. "You won't win." She said the two standing back to back against the speedster and Beth.

Max nodded, and Beth realized they were talking in their minds devising a plan. Both turned towards Barry at once using their powers to send him flying through the wall.

Beth screamed running in the direction, but was knocked back herself hitting the wall knocking the air from her lungs. She watched as Max walked towards her picking her up by the shirt she was wearing.

"You're lucky I can't kill you Bethany Stone, or I'd snap your neck right now." He sneered. "But that boyfriend of yours." He trailed off looking over at Barry's body still laying in the rubble. Looking around she couldn't see Lorenz anywhere.

Using her legs she wrapped herself around Max using a free arm to elbow him in the face. Leaving him dazzled for a few seconds. Just long enough for her to knock him down. Round house kicking him in the back of his head knocking him out.

She looked around frantically for Lorenz only to realize she had run off with Siward. Beth ran to Barry making sure he was breathing before using her telekinesis to pick him up along with Tina and Max carrying all of them out of the burning building.

"Bethany you can put me down." Barry laughed realizing she wasn't actually carrying him.

"So how do you suppose we take these two back to the lab?" Beth asked pointing to her friends. Well she guessed enemies now. "I'll get Cisco on something."

"You know that Siward did something to them. Put a chip in their head. I don't know the details, but he has control over them now. That's what his plan to do with me was."

Barry didn't respond just wrapped his arms around her pulling her as close to him as he could. Kissing her forehead she just breathed him in.

"I love you." She whispered.

"And I love you Bethany. Let's get home."


I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you. I remember when I posted my first story and when it reached its peak and thinking holy shit 500 reads? What is this?!! 80 some comments!? Fuck dude I don't remember how many votes I had but it was somewhere in between the two...almost 460 I think

But looking at this story and having almost 43k reads and 1k votes and over 200 comments

Idk man

It's an amazing feeling to be honest. I never really expected to make it this far.

From the readers who've been with me from the beginning to those who read it all night to catch up I love you guys <3 I wouldn't have made it this far without you.

I will say though that I have noticed a decline in reads in the chapters. Which may partly be my fault because I went from updating about everyday to once a month if that. So I apologize for that.

And if you have criticism beyond that feel free to bitch about it in the comments because I can only get better from there XD



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