T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Barry had gone back to S.T.A.R Labs, and Beth told him he would meet her there. Cisco wanted everyone there for a big announcement.

Beth wanted to go to her apartment, and insisted on going herself because she'd be fine.

The whole way there she felt as if she was being watched. Before going in her apartment building she looked around to see if anyone was following her, but only saw people milling the side walks. No one suspicious.

She pushed her worries aside going up to her apartment. When she opened the door something flew past her, and she could tell it wasn't Barry.

She snapped her head up to see a man in yellow. This was the Reverse-Flash.

"Hello Bethany. Glad to finally introduce myself. You see you're becoming a distraction to a certain Barry Allen, and I need him focused."

He stepped forward, and Bethany took a step back already slowly taking control of time. It was her only advantage against a speedster.

"Then I thought if I just removed you from the equation. He'd be completely focused on getting revenge. For you and Nora Allen. So let me apologize in advance. I'll make it quick."

Beth tightened her jaw getting in a fighting stance. She put everything she had into slowing down time, but he was faster than Barry. She didn't anticipate him being so fast.

She managed to slow him down enough to dodge him running at her, but he was smart. He twisted around, and grabbed a hold of her ankle.

"Nice try." He said picking her up. Her eyes widened in fear for a split second. Bethany couldn't let it end this way.

He picked her up by the neck, and slammed her against the wall. "You're interesting. You managed to slow me down. That's quite the gift, but it didn't do you much good."

Beth gripped his arm tight refusing to show weakness. She kicked out hard causing him to keel over dropping her.

She fell with a thud, and as soon as her feet touched the ground she teleported outside of the building.

He followed her right outside. She sucked in a breath and slowed time once again, but he still managed to land a punch to her face.

She flew back a few feet rolling on the pavement. "I'm done with this game. Your time is up."

She glared at him as he stepped forward. "Not today."

She couldn't run, but she could teleport and keep a safe distance. Unfortunately he seemed to pick up speed, and caught her.

He picked her up, and she couldn't breath his hand wrapped around her throat tight as he sped through the city.

"Beth!" She looked over to see Caitlin holding onto Cisco's arm looking at her with wide terrified eyes.

She closed her eyes concentrating. She wasn't going to let it end like this. She could hear Barry yelling, but it seemed to get quieter, and quieter as she disappeared inside herself. When she opened her eyes she snuck at quick glance at Barry who looked ready to pounce. She watched as he got ready to launch screaming out at him to stop. He looked at her, and her heart seemed to stop in that split second. She knew he was fighting with every piece of himself to obey her command.

"She speaks!" Reverse-Flash said mockingly. Lifting her higher.

"Put me down." She whispered her voice hoarse.

Reverse-Flash just laughed squeezing a little tighter.

"I said put me down!" Beth screamed opening her eyes. They flashed white, and Beth just seemed to radiate power. Immediately he dropped her standing frozen in the middle of the room.

When she hit the ground Reverse-Flash seemed to come back to life running out of the room. Barry sped over wrapping his arms around Beth who was breathing frantically.

"You're okay. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Bethany." He held her close rocking her back, and forth.

Tears came to her eyes when she realized she had made it through. She wasn't going to die.

She held Barry tighter burying her face in his shirt crying. "You're okay now." Barry whispered peppering her face with kisses. They shared a moment for a few seconds before Beth rested her cheek on Barry's chest calming herself down.

"Guys I'm not training enough. I need to stop Reverse-Flash. If I had stopped him the first time then maybe he wouldn't have hurt Beth!"

"Barry I wanna go home." Beth said shakily. He looked down at her nodded slowly.

"Cisco be here early. You're going to be using that new training technique."

He nodded staring at Beth with worry. "Let's go home." Barry whispered picking her up.

He sped off only setting her down to unlock his apartment room. He really had to get a new place. His neighbors might get suspicious with him running around everywhere.

Beth didn't say anything curling up in Barry's bed. She could've died tonight. "I could've died." She whispered so quietly Barry hardly heard her. "I'm not wasting anymore time." Beth breathed looked up at him reaching a hand out roughly pulling him closer. She cupped his face kissing him hard tugging at his hair lightly.

He pulled away for a second pulling his shirt off before connecting their lips again. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and Barry seemed to realize where this was going.

"Bethany stop. You'll regret this in the morning if we go any further." He said flipping himself so he laid on his back.

"Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself? I hadn't planned on going that far." Beth said smirking at Barry who was now bright red.

"O-Oh right of c-course. I wasn't assuming you wanted to do that. It just-"

"Just shut up and kiss me." She whispered straddling the flustered boy. And he did. When it started to get a little too heavy Beth pulled away looking into Barry's eyes.

"I love you."

"Are you saying that just because I almost died?" Beth asked kissing his lips one last time before laying next to him tracing a small pattern on his chest. "I appreciate it, but it doesn't mean anything if that's the reason."

"I'm serious Beth. I do love you. I can't see myself being with anyone else. We both have powers. I don't have to hide or lie to you. You're someone I can rely on to understand me, and what I'm going through. Bethany I love you." Barry said drawing out the last three words propping himself on his elbow so he could look at Bethany's face. "And I will do anything I can to prove it to you." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear taking her in for the first time.

"Barry I love you, and I think I've loved you for awhile now, but I'm exhausted, and I'm sore. How about we talk about our feelings in the morning?" I said cuddling as close as I could feeling something that could only be described as pure bliss.

"Say it again, and then I'll let you sleep." He smiled wrapping an arm around her waist. He pulled her impossibly close kissing her neck.

"I love you." Beth whispered entwining their fingers together. "Now go to sleep."


This last bit was supposed to be really dramatic and heart wrenching but I changed it a million times and it never seems right.

Did I do it justice?



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