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Barry stood in S.T.A.R. Labs with a heavy heart. He called Beth twice, but hadn't gotten an answer.

"Cisco can't you ping her phone or something?" He said pulling at his hair. He was more than a little worried.

"I did about twenty minutes ago. She's still in her apartment Barry. She's fine just give her time."

"I'm just gonna make sure she's okay."

"Barry-" Caitlin called. "Wait." She finished with a sigh since he had already left in a gust of wind.

"Glad we got those paperweights huh?" Cisco asked without looking away from the computer.


Barry ran through the streets his chest felt tight making him run slower than usual. Him running slower? Never heard of it.

He sped up a sudden feeling to be at Bethany's apartment. He hesisitated going inside, but when he put his head up the door to listen for anything his chest lurched when he heard nothing. Not even the TV.

He twisted the knob, but found it was locked. With a sigh he debating just walking away. She just needs time he told himself.

He put his hand on the door with his head down. He was about to run away when he heard a noise in her apartment. His head snapped up, and he immediately vibrated the doorknob so it came out so he could open the door.

He went in seeing that nothing had been moved or broken. "Bethany?" He called out looking down the hallway towards he bedroom. She must be sleeping he thought.

As quietly as he could he walked down the hallway looking through the open door to her bedroom to find the bed was made perfectly neat. Barry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Then he noticed the clothes strewn across the floor, and the window open. He closed it locking it in the process.

He decided to call Eddie, and find out if he knew where she was. He picked up after a few rings.

"This is Eddie."

"Hey it's Barry. Do you happen to know where Beth is? I need to talk to her."

"Oh ugh not sure. Maybe ask Iris? She said something about meeting up with her. They must've gone out for a girls night."

"Oh right. Yeah that's probably what she's up to. Thanks Eddie see you later then." Barry hung up turning around fixing the door making sure it was locked before he left her apartment.

He kicked at the pebbles on the ground feeling like an idiot for not telling her sooner. She had a right to know.

Especially after she told him her secret. Definitely after he kissed her. Barry should have told her.

He made his way towards Jitters knowing that Iris wasn't out with Bethany because she was meeting the Flash.

Worried he rushed to see Iris. He needed to know if she knew something.

"Nice to see you again." Iris smiled at him.

"We really should stop meeting like this."

"No one is making you come, but I have something to tell you before I get to asking questions. I have a friend named Bethany Stone. You may have saved her a week or two ago. She...has gone through some tough times. Right now she is out of town, but when she gets back could you do me a favor and look out for her? She's a good person. I don't want to see her get hurt."

"Of course I'll always help. Why did she leave town? Is she in trouble? Where'd she go?"

Iris smirked. "Now who's asking all the questions. She wanted some time to herself. Went to visit old friends of hers. Where she went...I can't say. I promised not to say. Well not to Barry per say. Hmm...you know a trip to Starling wouldn't take too long for you would it? Maybe you could check up on her over there?"

"Sure thing thanks Iris. Now what do you have for me today? I probably won't answer half of them anyway." Barry laughed feeling slightly better at least he knew where she was now. How could he have forgotten she had said something about going away? He pissed her off so he guessed her promise n


"You're too relaxed. You're not a dancer come on Beth. Let your body be tense, and only loosen when you have to. Be prepared at all times to take a punch. Again."

Beth was sweating disgustingly as Oliver pushed her hard. The two sparing with wooden sticks for many hours a day. Only concluding her training if the city was calling.

Oliver hit her in the back of leg when she left it vulnerable bringing the poor girl painfully to her knees.

"Sloppy. You left yourself open to that."

"Oliver we have a problem in the Glades. Minor robbery in a convenience store. He just made off with all the cash. Too small for you?" Felicity asked raising her eyebrow at him. He shook his head looking at Beth.

"You work on your form while I chase an idiot."

Beth nodded wiping her face off with a small rag. Immediately she started to go through each form she could think of. Solid punches, and kicks while doing fluid motions and fake dodges. Eventually she got tired of that using some of the equipment Ollie had.

Felicity was talking to Ollie leaving Beth to train on her own. Roy came down stopping Beth from her work out.

"I can spar with you if you'd like."

"I'd appreciate it thanks."

He pulled off his shirt with a smirk in her direction picking up the sticks used for Oliver's training.

"Go." Beth said taking a defensive stance. She blocked, and blocked getting a feel for Roy's style before taking the offensive.

She lashed out only to realise her mistake. Roy had changed tactics immediately seeing her motive, and brought her to her knees just as Oliver had.

"You're good Beth, but you try for the kill shots too quickly. Try to weaken your opponent first, and maybe you could win one. I guess you'd have to hit me first though. Let's make a bet. If I win you have to buy me dinner."

"And if I do?"

"Then I'll buy you dinner."

"You're on Harper." Beth smirked giving a nod to him to start. Once again the clang of the small sticks became a mantra of noise. Beth did a series of flips catching Roy off guard. Beth landed a hard hit to his torso causing Roy to step back.

Then as Oliver had she brought Roy to his knees bringing the stick to his throat in mock victory.

"I guess I'm buying you dinner later."

"I guess you are." Bethany laughed helping Roy up. "Let's go again."

And that's what they did. They spared until Oliver came back. Roughly thirty minutes later.

"She is getting better Oliver. Her training is paying off."

"And you are still a trainee we will see how good she is getting, but you've had a long day Beth. Get a good nights rest, and we'll pick up tomorrow morning."

She nodded giving him a small pat on the shoulder as a thank you. Roy followed running to catch up as they made their way out of Verdant. "How about that dinner?"

I am having Flash withdrawal.  I am counting down the days. I'm psyched.

Thank you Not_so_sweet for the amazing cover(=



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