Chapter 1-Rejected

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Insert your name here ________.You live in London with your family.Your Best friends are-Kiara and Amanda.


You were walking to your English class.You had literature today which you loved.You loved the story which you guys were learning for literature.It was a love story.Today,you all will finish reading the literature book and exams will begin.

You entered the class room and found your two best friends in a deep conversation.You walked towards them and sat next to Kiara."Hey! Whatz up?" she asked.

"Good!" you replied.After a few seconds the boy that you HAD a MAJOR crush on,walked in to the class room-Niall James Horan.His blond hair and blue eyes were out of this world.You looked away before he could caught you staring."Hey sucker!!" some boys called out for him.

Niall smiled and winked at them.You looked at Niall.He caught you staring immediately.His smile dropped when he saw you.He gave you a rude expression.You raised your eye brows at him and looked away.

Niall was being SO rude to you since the time he rejected you.He embarrassed you in front of your whole class.Your class made fun of you a lot but it has died down a bit.

It's being a week since he rejected you.You cried so much that day.You were starting to hate him because he embarrassed you and he wouldn't just leave you alone.He would throw pieces of papers,pens at you when the teacher is looking away.

You ignored him when he did that.It was a bit hard for you to not fall deeper in love with him at first but now you hated him.He was just being a pain in the arse.

-Flash Back-

"________,you HAVE to confess!! If you don't, he will find some one else.So confess before he thinks of having a girlfriend" Amanda said while you guys were in the cafeteria.You are the biggest stalker in the school.You always stalk your crush-Niall.

"I can't tell him directly.I would start shaking and I will do something goofy.Then I'll spoil EVERYTHING!!!" you said."Fine! Then don't tell him directly! Give him a letter" Kiara said,bitting in to her sandwich.You looked at her and thought about what she said.

"That's the most brilliant thing you ever said!" you said excitedly.You immediately took out a paper and  pen.You started to write him a letter,confessing that you are in love with him.


"Ok! There he is!!" Amanda said.You guys were walking in the corridor.Niall's locker was a few steps from you guys.He was facing his back to you guys,he was talking with some friends.You could hear his loud laugh.You always get butterflies when you hear him laugh,he is just too adorable.

"His bag zip is open! Slip it in!" Kiara said.You nodded.You guys casually talked while approaching him.He didn't turn towards you guys,he continued to talk with his friends.

Just when you guys were going to walk pass him,you slipped the letter in to his bag.You let a sigh of relief.But you was really scared on what he will say to you.You wrote your name on the letter.


You and your best friends were sitting on your seats,waiting for your English teacher to come.You were BEYOND nervous because you are meeting Niall again.He might have read your letter already.And so on,Niall and his friends walked in to the room.

Your heart skipped a beat."Oh Niall!!! There is your Princess!!" one of his friends teased."Shut up!!" Niall said angrily.You made eye contact with Niall.He looked really angry."What did she ever do to you?" a girl from your class asked (Not Kiara or Amanda).

"Well,she wrote this really lame love letter and gave it to me" Niall said and took out the letter out of his pocket.You began to shake."Read it out! Come On!" a few boys said.

Niall nodded and unfolded the letter.You felt your face getting red.Niall pretended to clear his throat and he began to read the letter."I have been wanting to tell you this for a long time.I think you are the cutest human being on earth.Your smile just makes my stomach drop and your eyes...

I can't even put it in words.I have had a major crush on you since the 3rd grade-" his friends didn't let him finish.His best mate-Zac snatched the letter from him.

"Don't embarrass her like that" Zac told Niall."Oh what ever! It's not like I care about her" Niall started to say after a chuckle.You felt tears starting to form in your eyes.The rest of the people in the class started to laugh about your letter.

Kiara and Amanda rubbed your back and looked angrily at Niall."Look,_______.Just leave me alone.I hate when stupid girls stalk me.Specially girls like you.I am not that jobless to actually hang around with you" Niall said frankly to your face.

The girls in the class were now laughing at you.All the girls in your class had a crush on Niall but they weren't stalkers like you.You looked down at your desk,not wanting the others to see your tears.

You didn't want to face anyone now.You got up from your seat and went out of the class room.Pushing people out of your way,you stormed off in to the bathroom.

There was no one inside the bathroom.You went over to the sink and continued to cry.You looked up at the mirror."Why would Niall want to be with a girl like me?" you asked your self.You opened the tap and washed your face.

Soon Kiara and Amanda came running in to the bathroom."_______! Just forget about what that Douche bag just said.He is nothing but a jerk" They started to say while rubbing your back.

"You guys are right.He is nothing but a jerk.But..... it's going to take some time to get over it.He just embarrassed me in front of the whole class!! What a dickhead!!" You started to curse while clenching your fists.

-End of Flash Back-

After a few minutes,your English teacher-Mrs.Helen came walking in to the class,carrying her books and files."Good morning class!" she greeted.

You guys greeted back."Ok.Lets finish off this book" she said and opened up her literature book.You guys did the same thing.You were totally obsessed with this book.You always get the best grade for literature.

But,a few strange things happen when you are reading your literature book alone.Some flashbacks come in to your mind.A girl sitting on a paddy field with another guy.The guy giving something to the girl,which you couldn't figure out what he gave her.

It's really wierd.You couldn't see the exact faces of the boy and the girl.And the flashbacks only stands for about 2 seconds.Once a week,you get a flashback.You didn't tell anyone because they might think that you have gone crazy.


Beginning from the next chapter,you will go into the story (The Literature book).Your name will be as Mary and Niall's name will be as Peter.Your going back to 1932,you are 17 years old and this was the time of war.................

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