Chapter 19-Leaving

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-Your POV-

Dinner went pretty well.My father likes Niall,I can tell!

After dinner,Niall and I went upstairs to my room to watch another movie.After debating for about half an hour,we ended up picking a horror movie to watch.

Niall chose an old scary movie that I haven't watched and I have no idea how it ended up in my DVD collection.

Niall inserted the disc in the DVD player and joined me on the couch.I grabbed another 2 cans of coke while we were in the kitchen before coming upstairs.I can't I'm actually watching The Possession.What if I scream during the film? Niall would probably think that I'm a scary cat.I'm not going to lie,I am a scary cat!

When the movie started,I moved closer to Niall so that the fabric of our clothes were touching one another.Now I really wish he had his arm around me,it would calm me.

The first part of the movie wasn't scary,so I relaxed a bit.It was really interesting.As the movie went on,it started to get scary.Too scary for my liking! 

In one of the shocking scenes,I couldn't help but grab on to Niall's arm,digging my nails on to his skin.Niall jumped at my sudden reaction and with the pain that I have caused.I forgot to cut my finger nails,they are quite long.

"I'm sorry!" I said quickly in a panic tone.Niall still looked in shock that I couldn't read a response on his face.I looked down at the damage that I have caused.Four deep nail marks were on his skin.They were quite red.

"I'm really sorry!" I said again.

"It's okay" Niall said after a light chuckle.

"Come here" he said and put his arm around me.I moved closer to him,putting my legs up on the couch.I immediately relaxed in his arms-only because I didn't look at the scream again.

I heard a scary scream coming from the screen.I immediately looked up at the TV and I instantly regretted it.I started to freak out again.I placed my long finger nails (Not including the thumb) in between my lips.I still had my mouth closed,no that my finger nails wont be drenched in my saliva.

I kept my hand that way.In one of the scary scenes,I added pressure on my finger nails,pushing them down on my bottom lip sending pain all over my body but I choose to ignore it.I kept my fingernails dugged on my bottom lip.

Niall noticed my reactions,he tighten his grip around me.Even though I can't see it,I knew that he was smiling.I wanted to make sure but I couldn't remove my eyes off the screen even though I desperately wanted to.The movie was too interesting to do that! That's what I hate about horror movies.

After a few more minutes of pure horror,the movie ended.

"I'm going to have nightmares for weeks!" I said right when the end credits started to go across the screen.Niall chuckled and I finally looked at him.

"Come on,it's not that scary" he said like he wasn't scared because of the movie.I studied his face to see if he was pretending to be all tough or not.He didn't look like he was pretending.

"Are you kidding me? It was like the most scariest movie I have ever seen" I said.

"Then you haven't watch many horror movies"

"Yeah.This is my 2nd horror movie" I said.

"What was your first?"

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