Chapter 10- 2009,His Soft Side

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After you all closed your literature book,you wiped off a tear."Sad ending" Mrs.Helen said.You,Kiara and Amanda nodded.They also had tears in their eyes."I think that story is lame!" you heard Niall say.You rolled your eyes."Because you are stupid,you don't get the value of this book" you aloud for everyone to hear.

"Ooooo! Niall just got TOLD!!" the boys in the class started to say and everyone irrupted with laughter.Everyone expect Niall of course!

"I'm so proud of you _______!" Kiara said and side hugged you.You turned back and saw Niall staring at you,giving you a death stare."Looking at me like that,ain't going to make you look even more Stupid!" you said and the class irrupted with another wave of laughter.You were actually proud of your bravery.

"Shut.The.F.Up!" Niall said,taking a pause after every word.He couldn't swear because there was a teacher."Make me!" you said and looked away.Just when Niall was going to say something,the bell rang.You happily walked out of the class room with Amanda and Kiara beside you."You pulled it out girl! I'm so proud of you!" Amanda squeaked.

"I can't believe I used to like that jerk" you said as you and the girls walked in to the cafeteria.While you guys ate,the boys in your English class keep commenting-"Finally you showed your feisty side! I love it!" ,"Never knew that you were a tough girl!","You should have seen Niall's face when you talked back at him!".

You just smiled-proudly as a respond.Now basically,the whole school knows that ________  __________  __________,told off her Ex-Crush-Niall James Horan.

"Your a hit girl!" Kiara squeaked.You just laughed along with them even though a little part of you was feeling guilty because of what you did."Wait! What am I saying?! He is a jerk!" you said to your self.

You didn't see Niall and his gang through out the lunch break.Probably he didn't want to come in to the cafeteria to get owned by the people.

After Lunch break was over,you had Science.Sadly,you weren't having it with either the girls.And the most dreadful thing was-Niall was your lab partner.You got out your books and walked in to the lab.There you saw Niall siting on his chair,looking in to space.You could tell that he was still angry.

He was already wearing his lab coat and his goggles.So you grabbed your coat and goggles and put them on.You walked towards him and quietly sat beside him.The lab had a weird smell and it was kind of strong.He looked at you and rolled his eyes before looking in front of him again.

Even though you hate him,you admit that he was a really good lab partner.He always took the responsibility of cutting gross stuff which you dreaded to do but other than that,you hated him

You felt like apologizing for your big headed behavior in English class but apart of your stopped it,"Remember he is a jerk! He doesn't deserve apologizes!"

After a few seconds, the bell rang and a lot of students flooded the room.Niall didn't say a word,he just playing with his pencil.

Finally after about 5 minutes,the teacher entered the lab."Alright students! Today,we are going to cut a cow's eye and examine the parts of it" he said.Everyone groaned,including you.You looked over at Niall who had a cheeky smile on his face.You knew that he enjoyed cutting out gross stuff.

You all put on your gloves and the teacher handed each partner one small knife.He handed the knife to you.You noticed how sharp the knife was.

After he distributed the knifes he handed out a glass box to each partner.The teacher placed the glass box between you and Niall.You examined and saw a cows eye in the box.Niall pulled the box towards you both and opened the lid.You almost gagged when you saw it.You looked away from it for second.

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