Chapter 11-Drunk!

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You were walking down the hall to the detention room.This is your first time getting detention.Finally you opened the door and entered the detention room.No one was there.You realized that you were early for detention."I might be the first one in history that is early for detention" you said to your self.You sat in the middle of the class room and waited for some one to come.

After about 10 minutes the door opened and Niall came in.He smiled at you and you smiled baack.He sat on the desk next to you."So the goody-goody get's detention" he said as he sat down."I just whispered! I didn't do anything bad.Mr.Fexton is a nutcase anyways" you said.Niall chuckled.

"Here comes the tough side!" he joked.

"I'm not tough and I'm not a goody-goody" you said.

"Really? You don't go for parties,you never drink,you have never got detention before and you always get good grades and you always do your home work.So you expect me to not call you a goody goody?" 

"I have no interest in going for parties and I don't get invited" you said.

"Oh! Then why don't you come for Zac's party tomorrow?"

"No thank you" you declined.


"I'm not a nerd!"

"Then come to the party to prove to us that you are not a nerd?"

"I'm not that jobless"

"Come on! Tomorrow is Saturday! What can you possibly be doing?

"I'm busy!" you said.

"Doing what?"

"I have to study for the test on Monday!"

"What test?" Niall asked.

"Pay attention to English class! We have a literature paper on Monday!"

"Come on _________! Just One night! Anyways you never fail any test! Just come!" he said.

"Fine! But I'm only coming to prove that I'm not a real goody-goody and so that you will shut up!" you gave up.

"Okay.But don't bring those two friends of yours" Niall said.

"Why not?"

"Because if they are there,you will be sober the whole night"

"You think that I'm going to drink?" you asked.

"Let me guess,you don't know the taste of beer?"

You shook your head.

"You have been living under a rock all these years!" Niall said.

Just when you opened your mouth the say something,a few other students came in.Soon followed by Mr.Fexton."No one talks" he said and sat at the front of the class.Niall silently groaned.

Great! Now you just have to sit and stare in silence for an hour.This is Hell!

Then you remembered that you still had your literature book inside you bag.You took it out and started to read it."Book worm!" Niall whispered so that only you could hear.

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