Chapter 8-Horrible news

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-The Next Morning-

You woke up and did the usual things-getting dressed.After you were done,you walked down stairs and in to the the kitchen.Even though you can eat in the dining room,you weren't comfortable in eating with the royal family,so you walked in to the kitchen where Bessie and few other servants were at.

"Good morning Madam" Bessie said when she saw you.

"Bessie I told you,call me Mary" you said.She didn't say anything,she just smiled.

"Why aren't you in the Dining room? The prince is eating his breakfast now.Join him" she said.

"No thank you.You know that I'm not comfortable with it.I prefer eating here with you"

Bessie smiled and said,"Well then,I'll serve you your breakfast.You can sit over there.I already ate" she said.

You nodded and walked over to the table that she pointed at.You pulled the chair and sat on it.While you waited for your breakfast,you thought about how you could get John to escape.It wasn't going to be easy at all,you knew that for sure.

Bessie interrupted your thoughts."Here you go Mada-Marry" she said as she placed the breakfast tray in front of you.

"Thank you and I want to ask you something" you said.Bessie waited for you to ask her.

"How do they treat the prisoners here?" you asked.

"Why do you want to know about that Marry?"

"I just wanted to know"

"Well,they treat the prisoners really badly.The soldiers wont give them anything real to eat expect for little bowl of burnt watery porridge and they even give that porridge day after day.So in short,the soldiers starve the prisoners for one day and give them the horrible porridge the next day.I feel sorry for the prisoners because I don't think they deserve to be treated like this.Don't tell anyone but I am not supporting the King" Bessie explained.

You smiled,knowing that you weren't alone on this boat.You trusted Bessie.So while you ate your breakfast,you told her everything about John.She was shocked at first but she understood you.

"Can I go down to the dungeon before the sun sets? I really want to give him something to eat.He must be starving" you said.

"I'm afraid that  you wont be able to go down to the dungeon during day time because all the soldiers are wide awake.I'll give you food to take with you to the dungeon so that you can feed him"

"Thank you Bessie.And,do you think that there is a way that I can save him? The Prince will order the soldiers to kill him in a few days" you said.

"I don't think that you will find the key to the dungeon.Nobody knows where the keys are except for the Prince"

You nodded and stood up from the chair."I need to think of something.I just can't let him die" you said and left the kitchen.As you were walking towards the stairs,you heard the Prince's voice.It was coming from the throne room.His voice sounded for angry and loud.

You walked towards the throne room.You peeked in to the throne room and saw the Prince sitting on his chair.A prisoner was put forth in front of him.You immediately recognized the prisoner.It was John.

There were two soldiers behind John,they held something in their hands.You realized that it was something like a rope because it was quite thick and long (touching the ground).John was on his knees.His hands were in hand cuffs and he was looking at the floor.

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