Chapter 11

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Levi's POV (  \(^^)/  )

As I stared at (f/n)'s sleeping or unconscious form, I thought about what I should do. 'Do I take her back to her room..? I wake her up?'

"Screw it, I'm taking her back to her bedroom." I mumbled to myself. I stood behind her and began to lift her up. It was honestly a little difficult since it was like trying to pick up a rag doll.

While I was lifting her up, she slipped down a bit and my arms were wrapped around her breasts. I blushed and quickly put my arms around her waist again. 'Dammit Levi, don't think like this!' I scolded myself.

I finally got her up, her chest was on mine with her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms dangling over my shoulders. Her head was also resting on my left shoulder, and her hair was tickling my face.

Before leaving my office, I looked both ways to make sure no one was there and/or watching. The cost was clear so I made my way down to (f/n)'s room.

'She looks adorable when she sleeps.' I quickly shook away that thought, but why does she have to look so God damn cute with anything she does?

I made it to her bedroom, I opened the door and placed her on the bed against the wall. After putting her on the bed and before I could walk away, something grabbed me.

I looked down and saw she gripping my cravat in her hand. "Please..don't leave me...again.." I could hear her quietly say. Before I knew it, I was yanked onto her bed.

My heart started racing when I saw how close my face was to her's when I landed. We were no more than a few inches from each other. I noticed my face starting to get a little warm, 'Stop blushing, you idiot!'

I tried anything I could to break free (Ariana Grande lmao) from her grasp. But it was no use, her arms were locked around me. She was also resting her head on my chest.

>>>Time Skip, brought to you by Levi's eyeliner>>>

"Are my parents still alive?" I woke up to the sound of a voice. I glanced to the side and saw (f/n) sleep talking. I ignored it for now, and started to drift off to sleep again but stopped myself.

'Wait I fell asleep with (f/n)?!' I tried to get up again but she kept stopping me. 'Man this is going to be hard to explain to her in the morning.'


(F/n)'s POV

I felt my head resting on something hard, and it wasn't my pillow. My eye slowly fluttered open but everything was still blurry. I rubbed my eye, and after a few seconds I could see clearly.

My head was in the crook of someone's neck? I looked over a little and saw black hair. I raised an eyebrow out of confusion.

'Is this a dream? What the hell is going on?' I saw whoever was sleeping next to me, start to wake up. "...L-Levi..?" 'What is he doing in my bed?! What happened last night?!'

"I know what you're thinking." He muttered with tired eyes. 'God damn, that morning voice is hot! WAIT WHAT?!' "You're thinking, what the fuck happened?" Levi added.

"Yeah..k-kind of." I replied, biting my bottom lip. "Last night when you were in my office, you either fell asleep or passed out. So I brought you back here, but you wouldn't let me leave. You kept grabbing me, telling me to stay." He sighed.

"I d-did..?" I muttered. "S-sorry.." I mumbled, and hid my face in the blankets from embarrassment. "Tch." He responded and got up from the bed.

"I'm really sorry captain, did I sleep talk last night?" I asked him, starting to get out of the bed. "...No." He answered. "But you hesitated-" "Fuck off." He sneered, I shrugged and walked into the bathroom with a clean uniform.

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