Chapter 27

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Levi's POV

We were all in the mess hall, and some of the cadets were getting wasted with alcohol. I saw Hanji glancing over at me every once in a while, which made me curious as to why she was doing so.

Finally she walked passed me, grabbing my arm and dragging me with her in the process. "What do you want shitty glasses?" I frowned once she stopped dragging me.

"Hehehehehehe." She creepily giggled. "Stop being a creepy ass little shit and tell me what you want." I scowled, crossing my arms wanting this to be over with already.

"First of all, you're the 'little' one here. And second, I wanted to congratulate you and ask when you're going to do.. it." She nudged my shoulder with her elbow and winked.

My scowl turned into a disgusted face, by 'it'. "The hell, Hanji?! You little perv!" I backed away from her. "Huh? No! Not that 'it'! I meant, it." She quickly stated.

"I'm still confused." I dryly replied. "Ugh, I mean~ when are you going to tie the knot?" Her eyes were wide and serious for once.

"What are you talking about? I'm not planning to tie that fucking knot for awhile." I huffed, looking over at (f/n) who was laughing at Eren for trying a sip of alcohol and spitting it out.

"So..y-you're not proposing?" She looked a little sad. "Who said I was?" I glared at her again. "But I heard you in your office saying you were?!"

I face palmed and explained to her what I was talking about. "Now do you understand?" I was irritated with her foolishness and jumping to conclusions.

"So what I'm hearing is, you never want to get married and have Levi babies?" She mumbled something. I raised an eyebrow, "What did you say?"

"N-nothing." And and she walked away. 'I'm not saying I never want to get married..I just think that (f/n) wouldn't feel the same if I asked her. I would risk getting rejected..or even worse.. dumped.'

'I don't even think that she would be the one I would want to marry..'

(F/n)'s POV

After Eren finished cleaning his mouth with a wet rag from his first taste of alcohol, I scanned the room for Levi. He disappeared a few minutes ago with Hanji and hasn't been back in awhile.

I saw him leaning against a wall with his hair covering his face. "Hey Levi?" I got closer to him. "What do you want, brat?" He didn't make eye contact and hung his head lower.

'What's up with him?' "What's wrong? I've never seen you like this." I put a hand on his shoulder, which he jerked off. I frowned at his action and sighed.

I just walked out of the mess hall and sat down against the wall by the door. 'Did Hanji tell him something?'

A few minutes passed and I decided to get up since it was almost midnight. But when I was standing up, I fell to my knees and felt a large amount of pain in my chest.

My be more exact. I clutched my chest, 'What the hell? This hasn't happened before.'

The odd pain soon subsided, and I continued to stand up again. I rubbed the back of my neck while entering the mess hall again.

I saw everyone looking at the clock. There was only a minute left until midnight. I looked around the room again, I saw Levi and a female cadet whom I've never seen before, standing next to him.

I shrugged it off and watched the clock with the others.


Eren was biting his lip with excitement in his eyes.


Mikasa had a bored expression as always, while she watched Eren.


Jean was staring at Mikasa, and blushing a little(?).


Sasha was quickly eating a potato.


Armin was reading a book and would look at the clock every once in awhile.


Reiner was trying to flirt with another cadet.


Connie and Ymir were arguing over something.


Krista was trying to break up their fight.


Bertholdt was sweating.


I was watching the clock's hands reach '12:00'.

"NEW YEARS!!!!!" The whole room shouted and rejoiced.

Hanji turned to her left where Erwin was and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him down to her level and roughly kissing him?!

"HANJI!!!!!" Everyone started laughing and/or clapping.

They both parted and Erwin was in shock, his mouth agape and hers in a smirk.

I looked at the back of the room where Levi was....

Only to find him...........



lmao sorry XD

I'm so sorry my children ;-;

And sorry for the short chapter, BUT YOLO


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