Chapter 49 (Sad Ending)

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*2 Months later*

(F/n)'s POV

I was peacefully sleeping until I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I shot my eye open, clenching my stomach as more pain kept rising. 'Fuck, it's almost time.'

I tried to call out for Levi since he was in his office still working on paperwork. I don't know what time it was, but it was late at night and I was exhausted.

I was able to manage getting out of bed, and used the nightstand to help me stand. Just as I was about to take a step forward, I felt something trickle down my leg.

I immediately knew it was time now. "..L-Levi!" I was able to shout. I heard him quickly get up from his desk and run in here. "Is the baby coming?!" He shouted.

I frantically nodded my head as he came to my side. "Shit shit shit." He started to freak out. He picked me up bridal style before quickly running out the door and down the halls.

He lied me down on the infirmary bed before running out the door again to get Hanji. He came back with Hanji in less than a minute thankfully.

"Alright, let's get started!" She exclaimed.

>>>Time Skip>>>

Levi's POV

It's been six hours since (f/n)'s gone into labor and she's still trying to push the brat out. I was so nervous, 'Am I really ready to do this?'

I was pacing back and forth in the infirmary room while I listened to (f/n)'s screams of pain. I sat back down next to her, holding her hand in mine while she squeezed it.

I didn't even care if she were to break it. "Come on (f/n), a few more pushes for the head!" Hanji exclaimed. "Now a few pushes for the shoulders!"

I brought her hand up to me, kissing her knuckles and saying, "You can do it, you're almost done." to calm her down a bit. "One more!"

She gave one last big push before the room was filled with crying. I looked up from the floor and saw Hanji holding a baby before handing it to (f/n).

"It's a girl!" Shitty glasses smiled widely. Hanji took a towel and started cleaning our newborn baby girl. I looked up at (f/n) with a smile and saw tears in her eye.

The tears started to fall as she held her close. 'That's the first time I've seen her cry..' "Have you thought of any names?" Hanji asked. "Yes. (D/n)." (daughter's name) We both replied.

"Look, she's opening her eyes." (F/n) whispered. Hanji came over as we watched (d/n) open her eyes. We all gasped as we saw the..colors..?

(F/n)'s POV

I don't understand..she had two different eye colors?! Her right eye was (e/c) like mine and her left eye was a steel grey like Levi's.

"Looks like another special one." Levi whispered. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked looking up at Levi. He smiled before nodding. I slowly and carefully handed her over to Levi.

"Aw, papa and mama shorty!" Hanji giggled, pulling out a small camera and taking our picture. Levi actually didn't protest when she took the picture. "Hi squirt. Don't worry, I'll protect you and mommy no matter what." He smiled at (d/n).

A few more tears escaped my eye when he said that.

*3 and half months later*

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