Chapter 46

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*Three days later*

(F/n's POV

I woke up in the infirmary to a knock on the door. "Come in." I replied, sitting up a little. Both Levi and Hanji walked inside. "Happy birthday!" Hanji exclaimed with Levi, but Levi didn't say it as enthusiastically as Hanji did. 'It's my birthday? I can't believe I forgot!'

"Hanji said you could leave the infirmary now." Levi whispered to me. I nodded, looking over at him with a smile. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

However, my legs were a little wobbly from barely standing or walking in three days. Levi grabbed my forearms to help balance me. I looked up into his steel grey eyes and thought of something.

"Oh shit.." I muttered. "What is it? Are you ok?!" Levi got a little worried. "I-I'm's just that..a few days ago, Quinn told me something." I mumbled.

"What did she tell you?" Hanji asked. "She told me that...s-she killed my mother." I quietly answered. "Which one?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"My adoptive mother." I replied. "I have to talk to her." I added, walking over to the door. "Wait, (f/n)! It could be dangerous, what if she hurts you again?" Hanji pulled me back.

"If she wanted to harm me again, then why would she confess that she poisoned me?" I asked. They didn't reply so I walked out of the room and down the hall. I made it to Quinn's room and knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" I heard her call from inside. "It's (f/n), I need to talk to you." I responded. She hesitantly opened the door a crack and looked at me nervously. "Y-yes?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kick you ass. I just wanted to know more about what you told me a few days ago." I sighed. "About w-what?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You told me 'you're the reason why my mother is dead'?" I answered her. "Oh..r-right..come on inside then." She opened the door more, stepping out of the way so I could come in.

"Your biological mother forced me into assassinating your adoptive mother." She got straight to the point. "Why would she do that?" "I'm not sure, she just told me to do it...and I did." Quinn replied.

"Look, I'm sorry I had to kill her but..I needed the money at the time and..." "And...?" I repeated. "When you got poisoned, I had to try and save you. That is until a few days ago when I came to you in the infirmary."

I stayed quiet, listening to her explanation. "I don't know what got to me...but I was trying to kill you. I'm very very sorry..I hope you can forgive me." She gave a small smile.

"I'll forgive you, if you tell me how you killed my mother." Quinn sighed before explaining what happened. "So a few weeks before you came to Ms. Kataoka in the dungeon, I poisoned your mother with that same poison I gave you and Levi while she was sleeping one night. I guess the poison killed her the day when you went to visit her."

I nodded slowly, taking in everything. "Thank you for telling me this." I spoke, getting up from the chair I sat on. "Oh, and I forgive you now. Just please stop working for Rani." I said before walking out of the door.

"I will." I heard Quinn mumble before I left. I inhaled deeply as I went back to Levi's office to see if he was there.

I walked right in and saw Levi looking out his window. "Hey." I smiled, going over to him. "Your family said they were coming to visit today." Levi looked over at me. "They are? Hm." I mumbled to myself.

"When will they be here?" I asked. "Sometime tonight." He replied, I nodded. "So about this whole thing that Hanji said.." Levi spoke up after a few moments of silence.

I looked down at the floor, "Yeah.." I whispered. "I'm assuming you didn't want any kids though?" Levi raised an eyebrow as I slowly looked up at him. "Well..." 'Do I agree with him, or disagree?' "Yeah..I didn't want kids.." I mumbled.

"So it doesn't really bother you?" I hesitantly nodded 'yes'. 'Why did I just lie to him? Now if I ever told him I wanted a baby he would decline.' "So what did Quinn say?" "She killed my mother with the same poison she put in us." I quietly answered.

>>>Time Skip>>>

I went outside and waited by the door since my father and step-mother would be here soon. I heard someone walk up next to me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Ethan. "Hey sis." He smiled. "Hi Ethan." I smiled back, watching the sun set now.

We saw a carriage pull up and our parents step out of it. They walked over to us and gave a group hug. "Are you going to tell them?" Ethan quietly whispered to me. "Tell us what?" Ethan's mother asked.

"Is it good or bad?" My father asked. 'Crap...what do I tell them? They don't need to know about the whole Quinn thing!' "Nothing." I nervously chuckled. "Oh we know it's something." They both said in unison.

I noticed my father intensely staring down at me. "What?" I furrowed my brows, giving him a confused look. "Never mind." He sighed. "Why don't we go inside, it's getting a little cool out here." Ethan broke the awkwardness between us.

"Sounds good." His mother smiled as we walked into the HQ and went to the mess hall. We saw Levi in there and my father walked over to him. 'Wonder what they're talking about?' Soon they left the mess hall, going down the hallway.

I shrugged, turning my gaze back to Ethan and his mom. After awhile of talking, only my father returned to the mess hall. "Where's Levi?" I asked him. "He said he needed to finish his paperwork." He answered. I nodded as we started talking again.

*A few hours later*

I saw Ethan get up from the table and leave the mess hall. 'What's he doing.' Ethan came back inside and motioned for me to follow him. "Where are we going?" I asked as I got up from the table. "Just come with me." He grinned.

We went outside and he said we had to get our horses and 3DMG. I was confused as I got on (h/n) and started following Ethan again as he rode in front of me.

Soon enough we made it to the wall, "Ethan why won't you tell me?" I whined. "I'm not allowed to!" He held up his hands.

Ethan told me to get off of (h/n) and go to the top of the wall. "Ok.." I mumbled, shooting my anchors to the top of the wall.

I made it to the top and looked down over the edge of the wall, seeing Ethan leave with his horse. 'So what am I supposed to do?' I sighed, sitting down and looked out over the other side of the wall.

"I wish I could explore this world more.." I whispered to myself. A few minutes passed and still, nothing seemed to happen.

I stood up, about to leave but something stopped me.


So I had to write the first part of the chapter on my tablet then the last bit on my computer. Ugh, I miss writing on my iPod :P

But good news! I think I'm getting a new charger later today :D hopefully..

I hope you liked this chapter though! :3


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