Chapter 20

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*2 Weeks later*

3rd Person POV

The Survey Corps were going to be going on an expedition in a couple days, so they've been training nonstop for the past week. One of their goals was to try and return with less than thirty deaths.

That's quite a challenge, and it probably won't happen. But it doesn't hurt to try. They were also going to be staying outside of the walls for three days to look for new land.

Armin was terrified but excited at the same time to be discovering new land. They probably wouldn't make it far enough to see the ocean though. (F/n) was really excited to be going outside of the walls again.

Even if it means there's a good 50-50 chance that she won't come back to the walls. Sure, she was scared of the Titans. But not as much as the others. She didn't like to show fear.

(F/n)'s POV

"You ready for the expedition?" I asked Ethan, as we sat down at the table for dinner with the others. "Yeah, but I'm a little nervous." He bit his bottom lip. "It's ok to be nervous. I was too on my first time outside of the walls." I confessed.

"Trust me, you won't be in the hands of a Titan with us as your teammates." Eren smiled. "Thanks guys." Ethan smiled back.


Levi's POV

It was raining really hard and I was riding my horse outside of the walls. It was our second day on this expedition and so far, we've only lost about fourteen soldiers.

That was pretty good, since we would usually lose twenty in the first few hours of expeditions. But it wasn't going to stay like that for long.

My squad got separated from me awhile ago since there were too many Titans. I sent them on their own so they could escape then we would meet up again.

I haven't seen them in awhile. It's been longer then I planned for it to be. As I was riding I saw a few dead bodies on the ground. 'When did this happen?'

I pulled the reins on my horse back, quickly when I saw one of the bodies. It was that Arlert kid. His hood was pulled over his head, and his cheeks were stained with tears.

His blue orbs still open, and his mouth agape. 'I'm surprised this happened to him, since he was so smart and always had a plan to save others.' I snapped the reins again, as I continued riding through the rain.

A few minutes passed and I saw more and more bodies. All of the bodies were my squad. 'I haven't seen Eren or (f/n) yet?'

I heard a noise so I stopped my horse. I could see two silhouettes on a horse in the distance. Once they got closer I recognized who they were, "(l/n), Jaeger?!" I shouted.

I rode my horse over to them and got off when I was only a few feet away. Eren got off his horse, bringing (f/n) over to me. "What happened?" I asked, she looked awful.

Her eye was halfway closed, blood covered her entire face and uniform, she was also hyperventilating. "I-I don't know! I just found her like this on the ground, without her horse!" He cried.

"Are you ok, though?" I asked him. "I'm fine, sir. Just a few scratches." Eren answered. "I want you to go and find commander Erwin's squad. When and if you do, I want you to stay with them." I ordered. "Yes sir!" He saluted, getting back on his horse and leaving.

"L-Levi..?" (F/n) quietly asked, coughing up blood afterwards. "You're going to be fine." I whispered calmly, but worried at the same time. "No I won't, I'm dying..but p-please continue fighting for me t-though." She whispered.

"You're not dying! You'll heal and get better, let's just go and find the others-" "No..don't do that, Levi. Remember, I love y-you.." She weakly grinned, cupping my face in her hand. She reached up a little and gave me a kiss on the lips.

That is, until I felt her pull away and hit the ground. "(F-f/n)..? No..why did you have to leave me?!" I shouted, tears strolling down my cheeks as I tried shaking her to wake up.

"Come back!" I shouted again. 'She's g-gone?' After a few minutes passed, I picked her up and got back on my horse. Riding away to find commander Erwin's squad.


I woke up on my bed, sweating and breathing heavily. My cheeks were stained from tears, and my eyes were bloodshot. 'What happened? Where's (f/n)?!' I scrambled out of my bed running down the hallways to (f/n)'s room.

When I got there, I bursted through the door and saw her on her bed. I ran to her side and wrapped her in a tight hug.

(F/n)'s POV

I woke up to two strong arms holding me in a tight grip. I opened my eye and saw Levi. "Levi? What's wrong?" I asked a bit worried, hugging him back.

"I had a n-nightmare..I lost you, (f/n)." He whispered. I squeezed him tighter in the hug. "It's ok. I won't leave the world that easily." I quietly chuckled. "You better not." He sighed.

After a few minutes passed, we both released from the hug. I scooted over a bit on my bed and Levi lied down next to me. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Remember, that I love you." He whispered in my ear. "I won't forget. And I love you too." A smile grew on my face as we both fell asleep in each other's arms.


Chapter 20 guys! HOLY CRAP, ALREADY?! Wow!

Did I scare you there during Levi's nightmare? Did you think it actually happened? I know..I am simply one evil person. Ok, now I'm trying to sound like Sebastian.

So I re-read chaps 19 and 20 last night after I wrote them and I had to re-read them again because when I wrote them it was like 3am and I don't usually make sense that late because I was so tired XD

I know I said I would probably post the chapters tonight but since I already got these two done, I might as well put them up sooner rather than later for you guys :)

I hope you enjoyed these two chaps today! Thanks for reading and.....


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