Chapter 16

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I woke up to a groaning Luke beside me. "Ooh fuck.." Luke mumbled squeezing his eyes shut in pain.

"Are you ok?" I whispered trying not to make his head ache worse. He opened one of his eyes to look at me. His blue eyes twinkled reflecting off the sunlight shining through the window.

"My brain fuckin kills, but with you next to me, everything feels so much better." Luke said smiling weakly. I giggled at his smooth talk. "Seriously though, my head kills."

"I'll go get you some asparin and water ok?" I said getting up to get it. He took his arm off me which gave me a weird feeling on insecurity. I quietly walked downstairs.

"Mum?" I asked looking at her. She jumped before she spun around to look at me.

"Oh Jess hello." My mum said putting her bag down on the counter.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned walking to her.

"My work finished early." She explained carrying her bag to go back upstairs. I remembered I didn't tell her about Luke spending the night here.

"Wait mum." I called after her. She turned around to look at me. "Uh, uhm. Luke's upstairs..." I started rubbing the back of my neck. "In my bed."

Her eyes went wide and she gasped. She ran towards me, her heels loud on the floor.
"Did you use protection?" She whispered harshly looking back at the stairs as if there was someone listening.

"No we-" i started off but she interuppted.

"You didn't use protection?" She said almost yelling. I held my finger to my lips telling her to be quiet.

"Omg, mum. No. We went to the party I told you about. The boys got drunk. Meghan drove us home and Liz wasn't home so I brought him here. I was going to sleep on the living room but-" I cut myself off not wanting her to know that Luke asked me to sleep next to him.

"But what?" She asked raising her eyebrows at me.

"But, but uhm, I got too tired." I said a little too quickly. She hummed not believing me but shrugged it off anyway.

"Ok then. Well, he probably has a really bad hang over. Get him some asparin. I'll be in my room alright?" My mum said making her way up the stairs. "Oh and do me a favour and get dressed. That's a nice dress you shouldn't be using it indoors." She laughed at her own comment.I nodded and got the asparin and water. I climbed back upstairs and opened the door to my room. My eyed went wide when I saw Luke shirtless.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." He said winking at me before putting his shirt back on. I gulped before I turned bright red. He laughed at my reaction and walked over to me grabbing the asparin and water from my hands.
"Thanks." I smiled. His fingers brushed over mine making my stomach go weird.

"You're uhm welcome." I realised that I was still in my dress from last night and blushed. "Uhm, I need to get dressed still so.. Uh." I said motioning to my dress.

"Oh. Right. I'll wait outside." He said leaving the room. I went to unzip your dress but I couldn't reach the zip. I knocked over my lamp trying to reach the zipper. Luke knocked on my door gently.
"Uh Ross? Need some help?" I sighed in defeat.

"Yeah." I said quietly but it was loud enough for him to hear. He slowly opened the door with his eyes shut. I stifled a laugh.
"You can open your eyes you know." He opened on eye before opening both and walked towards me.

"Hemmings at your service." He said puffing his chest out and saluting me. I laughed.

"I can't reach my zip."

"No problem." He said simply. He pushed my hair onto my shoulder and slowly pulled down the zip. My face began to heat up. How can a simple act make me go so red? "There ya go Ross. I'll be out in the hallway."

I thanked him and ran to shut the door. That was embarassing. I threw on black leggings and put on my white band shirt. I added a hoodie ontop of it. I unlocked my door and Luke was stood there looking through the book bookshelf. He turned to look at me.

"Oh hey." He said looking me up and down like the time we first met. "So what do you wanna do today? The boys are probably too hung over to do anything." He shrugged walking back into my room and layed down on my bed.

"You actually wanna spend time with me?" I asked suprised. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Why do you sound so suprised?" He chuckled shaking his head while sitting up right.

"I don't know." I said as I took a seat next to him.

"What an answer Ross." He said laughing. His dimples showing. A smile formed on my face as I went to poke one. He scrunched up his face when my finger came in contact with his skin.

"I like your dimples Hemmings." I smiled. "They're cute." I blurted out making him smile.I retracted my finger and pulled a nervous smile.

"So now i'm cute huh? We're onto the complimenting stage now are me?" He commented lifiting his eyebrow and biting his lips.

"I guess if that's what you wanna call it." I said giggling. His smile was even bigger this time. As the laughter died, Luke turned to me. His face blank. "What?"

"What happened last night?" He asked with a monotone voice. My heart beat quickened as I remembered the kiss we shared.

"Uhm, well. Uh, what do you remember?" I asked not wanting to bring up the kiss.

"Well, I remember me insulting you and you leaving the kitchen. Then I remember punching some guy upstairs. Uh, then performing then nothing after that." He said shrugging. A frown formed on my face when he didn't mention the kiss.

"Uhm, that's, that's pretty much all that happened. You threatened to chop of the guys dick you know." I laughed fakely trying to lighten up my mood. "It was pretty funny to see."

"Really? Well. It must have been a serious situation then huh?" He laughed also. "Wanna grab some breakfast?" He asked changing the topic. I smiled weakly nodding my head.

"Breakfast...WE GO!"


HEHEHHEHEHHE!!! Did you like it? Comment any improvements and comment yo thoughts and chiz! If yoy have any questions for meeee comment COMMENT COMMENNNNTT'!!

Ok, bye xxxx

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