Chapter 3

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I looked at my clock. 5:45pm. I have 15 minutes before the Hemmings arrive. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, talking could be heard from the living room. Wait. They were here already? I attempted to run back upstairs but I failed as always. I slipped on the rug infront of the stairs. My chin hit the stairs first. Ouch.

"Sweetheart is that you!" My mum asked from the living room.

"Uh, uhm, yeah. Just slipped." I said trying to pull myself up. "Just..uhm, heels." Stupid heels. I mentally face palmed myself. I got up too quickly and instantly felt dizzy causing me to stumble into the living room. All eyes were on me.

"I'm not drunk I swear." I said with wide eyes. FACEPALM MOMENT. I blushed.

I instantly locked eyes with the blonde. He looked me up and down quite obviously while biting his lip. I did the same trying not to be so obvious. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a red buttoned up flannel with a black leather jacket on top of it.

"Jessica, you know Liz." My mum said.

"Of course. Nice to see you Mrs Hemmings," i said nicely giving her a hug, the blondes eyes still on me.

"Liz, Jessica. Call me Liz." She said smiling.

"Oh, right. Yeah." I whispered.

"Meet my son, Luke." Liz said motioning to her son.

"Nice to meet you Luke." I said trying to me as calm as possible. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Nice to meet you two Jessica. You look nice." He said smiling.

"So, let's go shall we?" My mum asked grabbing her purse. "Wouldn't want to be late for our reservations now."

"Oh yeah yeah."

We all grabbed our stuff and piled into the car

"Hey, Jess. Why don't you bring Luke to your room?" My mum said as she started to boil hot water for her and Liz's coffes.

"It's messy." I said quickly trying to make up an excuse.

"It's never messy." My mum answered.

"Today it is."

"I'm sure it's clean." Luke said smiling. "You're house looks great."

"See, up you two go!" My mum said shooing us away.

"Fine." I mumbled. "Follow me."

Luke followed close behind me. I sat on my bed while he slouched in my computer chair.

"So." I said trying to start a conversation.

"Zip it Ross." Luke snapped pulling put his phone.

I scoffed. "Well you don't need to be so rude. I'm just trying to be nice." I mumbled the last part.

"Well don't."

"Are you bipolar or something? Cause one minute you're saying I look nice and being friendly,next minute you're a total ass." I asked annoyed.

"It's called acting, Ross."He said rolling eyes.

"What's up with the act, Hemmings?" I questioned him further.

"Let's put it this way. The nicer I am to you infront of our mums,the quicker i'll never have to see you again." He explained angrily. "I don't wanna be your 'friend' Ross."

"Don't worry. The feelings mutual." I mumbled.


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