Chapter 15

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"Damn Ross." Luke whispered after pullling away. A wave of cheers and wolf whistles came from the door.

"GET SOME HEMMO!" Michael yelled thrusting the air.

"Badass Hemmings going after good girl Jess huh?" Ashton smirked leaning against the door frame. A small smile creeped onto Luke's face even though he tried to stop it. He flipped them off.

"C'mon mate. Stop getting all kissy wissy with Jessica! It's time!" Calum shouted ushering Luke out of the door. I grabbed Luke's wrist and he stared at me. I quickly let go and blushed.

I rubbed my arms. The summer breeze making me slightly cold. "Uhm, time for what?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll see Ross." Luke winked making me blush even harder. He smiled at my reaction and dashed away from me catching up with the other boys. I stared at Meghan who was now stood beside me. She smirked.

"Not a word from you." I said pointing a finger at her. She bit her lip trying to stop herself from smiling. I rolled my eyes knowing that as soon as we were alone, she'd start with the whole OTP thing again. "Just come on. We got to see what 'it's time' means." We linked arms and walked into the crowded house. A group of people were huddled together looking up at a small stage. Me and Meghan waited in anticipation.

"HEY GUYS!" A voice shouted. Wait, that sounded alot like Luke. I looked up to see the boys with instruments in their hands. "I'm Luke."

"And we're 5 Seconds of Summer." The boys said not in time making the crowd laugh.

"Did you know about this?" Meghan whispered to me. I shook my head at her untangling our arms.

"Our first song is an original called 'Don't Stop'! Hope you guys enjoy it!"

Ashton began playing his drums and then Calum, Luke and Michael began to play. The boys started to singing and jumping everywhere which caused the crowd to do the same. After few more songs, the boys finished with a final song.

"Our last song isn't an original. We'll be doing a cover of Maroon 5's 'Wipe Your Eyes'." Luke said taking a quick glance at me.

The boys sang the song almost effortlessly. When the final chorus came on, the boys went quiet and Luke sang on his own. He stared into my eyes as he sang.

Please don't lose your faith
Don't worry 'cause I'm here to keep you safe
I promise if you let me see your face
That I won't let you down
I won't let you down
I'm here to wipe your eyes

Tonight before you fall asleep
I run my thumb across your cheek (across your cheek)
Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes
I know I made you feel this way
You gotta breathe, we'll be okay (be okay)
Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes

The crowd began to cheer and chant their names. The boys thanked them before running off stage almost tripping over because of their freakishly long legs. Meghan grabbed my arm and pulled me to the kitchen to meet up with the boys. While we were waiting, Meghan kept smiling at me. The boys burst through the kitchen jumping everywhere. They screamed and ran around the massive kitchen shouting things like "OMG DID YOU SEE US?!" "The crowd was singing along!" "GAHHH!"

I smiled at how happy they were. I congratulated them. I hugged them all, but when I got to Luke all eyes were on us. I walked over to him and hugged him. He stood there awkwardly and tensed up before hugging me back relaxing under my touch.

"Are you two dating or?" Calum asked furrowing his eyesbrows at us.

"No!" We said at the same time pulling away from eachother. I went red. "We're, we're not together. We-"

"Ok! Ok! Chill. At least we can all go out together without you two wanting to rip eachothers heads off right?" Ashton joked making the other boys laugh.

"Anyway! We should all have a drink!" Michael shouted getting the beer from the fridge.

"I don't drink." I said quietly slightly ashamed of being an 17 year old that doesn't drink.

"Oh. Well, i'm not going to force you! There's sprite in the fridge if you like." Michael said. I smiled at his kindness and went to go grab a bottle of sprite. Michael poured everyone a drink.

"Cheers!" We yelled puttting our cups together and drinking. I felt bad for not drinking with them. I shifted uncomfortably. Luke noticed and nudged me.

"Hey, it's ok if you don't drink." He whispered into my ear. I smiled at his words. His blue eyes twinkled.



After a crap ton of beer, it was safe to say that the boys were passed out completely. Me and Meghan were almost fully sober. She stopped drinking after the first round since she still needed to drive whereas the boys got a ride here. Meghan yawned.

"What time is it?" She asked leaning her head on her arm.

"Uh, 2:03am." I said struggling to stay awake. Meghan groaned.

"We gotta get these boys home." She stood up and got her belongings together. I did the same. "How are we going to do this?" How were we going to carry 4 boys twice the size of us?

"I know. We can uh, you take Calum and Ashtons arms and wrap them around you and i'll take Mikeys and Lukes." I blushed when I mentioned Luke's name. Meghan hummed in agreement and attempted to pull the boys onto her. I struggled also.

A 100 try's later, we finally reached the car. We shoved all four of them in the back seats and drove off. We dropped off Michael, Ashton then Calum. Each time struggligg to get them to their front door. Finally, it was mine and Luke's turn.

"D'ya need help?" Meghan asked yawning for the hundreth time this morning.

"I'm good." I said taking Luke's arm and wrapping it around my shoulder. I placed my hand on his waist. She nodded and drove off once I got him out of the car. I stumbled to his house but his door was locked and all the lights were off. I groaned realising no one was home and dragged him to my house. I fumbled around for my keys and opened the door. It was a pain dragging Luke up the stairs. After an agonising work out, i let him fall onto my bed. I tucked him in. I decided on sleeping in the living room, but when I started to walk away Luke groaned.

"Ross?" He said half asleep. I smiled to myself. Even when he was completely drunk he still used 'Ross'.

"Yeah Luke?" I whispered walking back to him. He pulled me closer to him. His lips were close to my ear.

"Stay here with me." He whispered in a low voice.

"Luke-" i began but he cut me off and grabbed my wrist gently.

"Please." He whispered before falling back into a deep sleep snoring lightly. I sighed and joined him in bed not bothered getting dressed. He snuggled up to me. Within minutes, I was fast asleep in his warm embrace.

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