Chapter 28

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I woke up and heard people whispering quite loudly.

"Aww they're so cute"
"Shh Mikey don't draw on them."
"I'm gonna take a picture."
"Look how cute they look in it though."

Luke groaned next to me. We had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie. My back was pressed against Luke's front with his arm lazily draped around my waist to stop me from falling off the side.

"Good evening Lukey Pookey!" Michael cooed loudly making me flinch.

"Fuck off you inconsiderate and idiosyncratic dick." Luke swore under his breath and nuzzled his face into the back of my neck.

"Jess, tell your boyfriend to stop being so mean." Michael whined before disappearing into the kitchen with Ashton. Meghan and Calum walked together laughing. Aw. My Calhan heart.

I could feel Luke's lips form into a smile behind me. "Boyfriend. I could get used to that. Especially when I have an extremely good looking girlfriend to show off hm babe."  I blushed and giggled at his comments. I untaggled myself from him, which made him pout his lips at me. "Ross! I was comfy."

"Tough luck Hemmings." I snorted walking to the kitchen whilst swaying my hips slightly. Luke ran up to me and hugged me from behind. He put all of his weight on me, almost making us fall over and break our necks or something. I sat on the stool beside the kitchen counter.

"Hey guys. So what we doing for the rest of the day?" Meghan asked whilst holding Calum's hand. I was definitely asking Meg about that later.

"We could sleep." Michael suggested taking a slice of pizza from the fridge and heating it up.

"Hey! You didn't heat any pizza for me?" Ashton whined grabbing a slice of his own and stopping the mike-rowave (HAHAHHA)  to put his cold pizza inside.

"You have two hands and feet do it yourself." Michael answered sassily earning a few 'oo's' and 'ahs' from the rest of us.

"So if I didn't have both if them you would help me?" Ashton continued. Michael rolled his eyes and the microwave stopped.

"That's not what I meant Irwin." Michael laughed taking his pizza and biting into it. "OW HOT HOT HOT!" He spit the pizza back out and fanned his tongue rapidly.

"KARMA IS A BITCH!" Calum shouted which made Meghan giggle widly.

"Seriously guys, what should we do?" Calum asked seriously this time. The room was silent and I felt Luke nudging my arm. I looked up at him and he smirked cheekily.

"A horror movie."

5 against 1. Can you guess who lost? Me. We were all sat on the couch watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Luke was not a bit fazed by the movie, whereas I was cowering behind his broad shoulders, shielding my eyes from the terrifying film infront of me.

"Luke." I whined grabbing his shirt like it was going to keep me safe. "I don't like it." Luke chuckled quietly trying not to disturb the boys and Meghan who were already too engrossed in the film to even realise we were talking.

"It's not that bad babe." Luke whispered in my ear, his eyes still glued on the t.v. "It's not even scary."

"Yeah, that's because nothing scares you." I whispered back uncovering my eyes a little to look at him.

"I'm scared of things." Luke said looking at me this time. I raised my eyebrows in curiousity.

"Oh yeah like what?" I got into a more comfortable position so I was looking at Luke and not the t.v screen.

"Losing you." He whispered. I giggled at he cheesy-ness, but he wasn't laughing.

"You're serious?"

"Of course Ross." He smiled making my heart flutter. Just then, the boys interuppted are amazing moment by screaming loudly.

"AH! OH MY FUCK! SHE'S THERE! SHE'S FUCKING BEHIND YOU,YOU STUPID ASS!" Michael shouted throwing popcorn at the screen. Ashton hugged Michael tightly like his life depended on it. A scary face popped up making me and the others jump. Luke didn't even flinch.

"No no no." I whined again pushing my face into Luke's chest.

"It's just makeup." He chuckled again. I mumbled something under my breath.


After an agonising 6 hours of watching horror movies non stop, we finally decided to go to sleep. Well, the rest of us that were actually awake still. I was dreading bed time because my mind always decided to make the scariest and worst scenario's after a horror movie. We decided on sleeping in the living room since we were all too lazy to go upstairs.

"Goodnight Ross." Luke said cuddling me. I had no intention of sleeping for a week. I didn't want to let Luke know that I was scared. I didn't want to sound weak and pathetic. I looked up at the clock and it read 2:21am. We went to bed at midnight. Luke faced the opposite direction to me and I was closest to the door.

"Luke?" I whispered in a shaky tone. "Luke?" I tried again. Sadly, he didn't wake up and he continued snoring. I decided to shake him awake even though it meant I was going to sound clingy and whiny. He groaned and sat upright to face me.

"Ross? You ok?" He mumbled looking at me with tired eyes. He rubbed them.

"Sorry Luke. It's just- the horror movie and-" he began to laugh quietly which only made me even more embarassed. Luke must have noticed my silence and stopped laughing.

"Aw Ross." He cooed and went to lay back down pulling me with him. We were facing eachother and he hugged me tightly. "It's ok Ross. I'm here." He whispered. He played with my hair lightly and I began to close my eyes.

Maybe true love does exist, you just need to find the right person.


GUESS WHO'S BACK BABY! I'm feeling sorta better after sleeping in for a whole day and drinking endless amounts of water. I hope you guys haven't given up on me yet! Hope you enjoy the next few chapters! Oh! Thank you guys for the nice get well soons! Much appreciated.

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