Chapter 29

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Summer was coming to an end. We had 2 weeks left before we had to go back to school. It wasn't enough time. I heard the mail box open and close and I rushed to check what it was. I opened the envelope addressed to me and read the letter. My eyes went wide.I ran into the kitchen jumping everywhere.

"MOM MOM MOM!" I yelled loudly running up to her and tackling her in a hug. "MOM I GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE!"

"Really honey? That's amazing!" She yelled and hugged me tightly. She pulled away abrupty and looked me straight in the eye with a worried look. "Have you told the others sweetheart?"

"No." I sighed running a hand through my hair. How was I going to break it to them. I was going all the way to America.

"Honey, you need to tell them now." She explained, concern in her voice.

"I will mum. Don't worry." I said even though I thought the complete opposite. Wouldn't it be much eaiser if I just left without saying anything? I sighed again knowing I did have to tell them sooner or later.

After a few minutes of deciding when I was going to tell them, the door bell rang. I checked the peep hole and opened it when I saw Meghan patiently waiting on the other side. She engulfed in a hug and a massive smile.

"JEKA!" She screamed loudly in my ear making me cringe at the high pitch sound.

"Meghan. What the hell?" I asked pulling her arms off me before she strangled me.  I let her in and we walked up to my room. She sat on my bed and squealed. "Care to tell me?" I mumbled annoyed.

"Woah. Why are you so grumpy?" She asked. Her happy and hyper demeaner changing into a more serious one. I sighed and sat down next to her.

"I got accepted into College." I whispered. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and tilted her head.

"What? Isn't that a good thing?" She laughed nervously waiting for me to continue speaking.

"The college is in America Meghan." I mumbled not looking her in the eye. Her mouth went into an 'o' shape. I looked at her and she looked taken back about what I said.

"Oh." She said not looking at me either. After a long silence, she spoke up again. "You have to tell them Jeka." Although she didn't say who 'they' were, I knew she was talking about the boys, especially Luke.

"I know Meg. I know." I said annoyed. This whole thing was stressing me out.

"Wanna know something Jeka?" She asked smiling. I looked at her with a blank expression. "ME AND CALUM ARE TOGETHER!" I smiled weakly. Don't get me wrong, I was beyond happy that the Calhan ship had finally sailed, but I was in no mood to cheer and jump around.

"Hey Jeka. C'mon cheer up. You have two weeks to tell them and i'll be there beside you when you do." Meghan comforted while she rubbed me arm.

"Thanks Meg." I smiled back. My phone buzzed on my bedside table. I checked who it was.

From Hemmo :)

Hey babe ;-) Meet us at Michael's house with Meghan. Bring a swim wear and dress casual babe.

"Who is it?" Meghan asked peering over my shoulder to see who had  texted me. She smirked when she saw who it was. "Oh, Lucas hm?"

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