Chapter 23

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The next morning I left the house early trying not to wake up Meghan. I bought a ton of bubble wrap and poured vinegar over 3 fish. I was walking down the street making sure I had all the things I needed to carry out my master plan, when I crashed into someone.

"Hey watch i-" I stopped when I recognised who I had just bumped into.

"Well Ross. What're you doing up so early?" Luke asked looking down at me putting his phone away.

"I could ask you the same thing." I said nodding my head towards him.

"The thing is though, i'm not carrying around a ton of wierd crap." Luke laughed as he pointed to the endless amount of bags I was carrying.

"I'm going to Dylan's house. He cheated on Meghan." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"And what are you planning to do with," he stopped to look at the content of the bag. "Bubble wrap and stinky fish?"

"I'm going to shove bubble wrap down his throat while chanting something satanic as I sacrifice 3 dead smelly fish." I joked rolling me eyes. Luke looked at me with wide eyes and the most horrific look ever as he stepped back from me. "Jesus christ, Hemmings i'm kidding!"

"Oh right. Right." He said biting his lip and shoving his hands in his pockets. I shook my head at how guillible he was. "So what are you doing with it?"

"I'm gonna bubble wrap his car and shove the smelly fish in it." I said and started walking away from him since I needed to do it before he woke up. Luke began walking beside me.

"Good girl gone bad hm?" He asked in an amused tone. I glared at him. "I'll help."

"No thanks. I can do it alone Hemmings." I said even though I knew I couldn't.

"Oh c'mon Ross. You know you can't. Plus you love me." He said haughtily as he grabbed my waist. We stopped walking and my breath hitched. "Isn't that right?" He whispered the last part which drove me crazy. I gulped and nodded my head.

"Y-yeah. Ok." I said quickly. He snickered at me and let go of my waist. I let out a breath of relief.

"I love the effect I have on you Ross." He said as we continued walking to Dylan's house.

"Whatever." I mumbled as we reached Dylan's house. I ran up to his car with Luke trailing right behind me. "Ok, by what Meghan's told me, his car door shouldn't be locked."

"What?" Luke asked confused by my words. I looked around making sure no one was here.

"Meghan said he never locks his car door especially when he's drunk the next morning. Which he is." I explained as I slowly opened the door. I held my breath as I pulled the door handle. Luckily, it was open. I mentally thanked Meghan for blabbering useless facts about him on a daily basis. Luke handed me the smelly fish and made a gagging noise when he did.

"Urgh, they reek!" He said closing his nose in disgust.

"I know. Hurry up. Just throw them in there." I said pointing inside his car. Luke threw them inside quickly and I shut the door.
"Bubble wrap time."

Me and Luke spent the whole morning covering Dylan's car with endless anounts bubble wrap. My phone alarm buzzed notifying me that Dylan would be leaving his house his 10 minutes to go to work. Thank goodness Meghan told me this aswell. Luke furrowed his eye brows.

"He'll be leaving soon. C'mon. We need to pack up." I said as I began to gather all the items we had left. After, we hid behind a bush to see his reaction. Dylan came out still looking shit faced.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled angrily as he ran to his black BMW. "WHAT- WHAT THE FUCK!"

I giggled as Luke stared at me smiling. "What?" I whispered harshly at him. He shook his head and looked back at Dylan who had walked back inside his house. I peeked up from the bush we were hiding behind and ducked back down when he came outside with a massive pair of scissors. He began cutting the bubble wrap that we had put. He cut it just enough to open his car door.

"EW! What-" he yelled angrily stumbling away from the door.

"C'mon let's go." I whispered. Me and Luke ran away from his house giggling like little kids. Once we were far enough from his house, we slowed down and walked.

"Did you see the look on his far Ross?" He asked jumping around and imitating his face. He laughed loudly. "Who knew you were so badass."

"Well," I spoke flipping my chair behind my shoulder as we walked home. "What can I say?" He smiled wide. I shoved him playfully. He fell off the sidewalk and almost tripped over his own legs.

"That's not funny." He said pouting and shoving me back just a little too hard. The force was enough to knock me to the floor.
"Oh shit, i'm sorry." He crouched down and began laughing.

"Ow Hemmings." I said rubbing my side and pouting.

"I'm so sorry babe." He said. He stretched hus hand out for me to take. He helped me up and kept his hand intertwined with mine.

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