Chapter 24

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It was finally the day of Luke's birthday. Luckily, we had enough time to plan something without him finding out. Meghan was going to keep him away while me and the boys fix the party. We decided on Meghan since Luke would never expect anything if it was her. I feeling of jealousy rushed through me at the thought of him being alone with a pretty girl like her. I knew Meghan would never do anything to hurt me, but I couldn't exactly say the same for Luke. I'd like to believe I could.

"Cal stop popping the balloons! Michael quit playing with the ribbons! Ashton why- No no Calum not there!" I yelled trying to get the boys to co-operate. I groaned in frustration and pulled my hair lightl. This needed to be right.

"Hey hey Jess. Calm down. We still have a long time." Ashton said, giving me a massage to calm me down.

"Yeah Jess. Why are you so bothered? It's Luke we're talking about not the queen of england." Michael snorted and began helping Calum with blowing up the balloons which did nothing since he would let the air out of them again.

"Seriously Jess. Why you so stressed?" Calum asked putting an arm around me and smirking. "Please englighten us."

"Nothing." I mumbled taking his arm off from around me and began fixing the decorations.

"What's the problem?"
"Is she ok?"
"I think she's on her period."

"GUYS!" I snapped stepping off the ladder. "If I tell you will you shut up and help me?" I was that desperate.

"YES." They shouted in unison. They shoved eachother before standing straight and waiting for me to talk.

"I like Luke. Alot. Ok? Now help." I said quickly going back to what I was doing, but Michael grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You what?" He smirked pretending he hadn't heard me. I huffed and folded my arms. "Fine then." He said taking the ribbon and running around with it making childish sounds.

"OK! I LIKE LUKE ALOT! NOW PLEASE HELP ME!" I yelled. Michael walked back smiling cheekily.

"Aw man. That's cute!" Ashton cooed ruffling my hair. "For the record he likes you too." He winked. I scoffed and went back to fixing the decorations. The whole time, the boys would make a stupid comment about Luke and I and each time i would repsond with a very exggerated eye roll.

From Hemmo :)

Ross, Meghan is nagging me. I know your sick but why couldn't she take you :-( she's no fun unlike you babe.

I laughed at the text. I couldn't help but feel giddy when I read his text. Man, I think I like Luke more than I thought.

After a few hour I recieved a text from Meghan.

From The Bitch Megz

We're on our way home you boob! We're 3 minutes from there.

"GUYS! They'll be here in 3!" I yelled to the boys. We had invited his family members to come and they were all sat in the garden waiting for him to arrive. Calum told Liz and she got everyone's attention.

"OK EVERYONE! Luke is on his way home! Everyone get into position." She shouted gathering everyone together. We went silent when we heard the back door click. It opened. "SUPRISE!" We all shouted in unison. He jumped before his eyes went wide.

"What the-" luke started but Liz cut him off by hugging him.

"Happy Birthday honey." She beamed.

"But how-" he started staring at us all with confused happy eyes. Liz leaned in to whisper to him. His eyes went straight to me as I smiled.

"WELL! Let's get this party started!" Calum shouted.

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