Chapter 17

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"Hemmings i'm paying." I said putting my hands on waist. You pushed your card towards the lady at the till.

"Not a chance Ross." Luke said pushing his card at the lady.

"Ross." I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. The lady at the till looked exasperated.

"Look you two, if none of you are going to pay-" she started, but Luke cut her off.

"I got it." He said quickly giving the woman his card. I sighed in defeat and looked up at him with a frown. He put his fingers on either side of my lips and pushed them upwards making it look like I was smiling. "Cheer up Ross. This is our first date isn't it? Man's gotta pay." He said winking. I giggled.
The lady gave him back his card. He mouthed a thank you.

"Wait. Did you say date?" We sat down at our table after ordering and paying.

"What? I never said date Ross." He said laughing nervously.

"Uh, yes you did." I said nodding my head. He sighed.

"Oh come on. Are you seriously gonna start an argument about this?" Luke said in a are-you-serious tone. This time it was my turn to sigh. I shook my head and looked up at him. A small smile creeping up his face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing." He said. Just then, the food arrived. The waiter winked at me while he handed me my food.

"Hey there gorgeous." The waiter said completely ignoring Luke's presence. I saw Luke's jaw clench in the corner of my eyes. Why?

"Uh, uhm. Hello?" I said more like a question.

"We should hangout sometime." The brunette waiter stated smirking at me. He leaned in to kiss me cheek, but Luke interupted him.

"Ahem. Excuse me?" Luke said angrily. The waiter turned to face him annoyed.

"What?" The waiter snapped annoyed at Luke for interupting him. I couldn't do anything but stare at the both of them. Luke looked hot when he was angry. WHAT?! STOP IT JESS STOP IT! No. No NO.

"Sorry, but i'm pretty sure your job is to serve fuckin food,not hit on other peoples girlfriends,"Luke said furiously. Girlfriend? "So, unless you want to get fired from the only job that will probably hire you because you're a fuckin slacker who can't follow somple instructions like 'serve people their food' then I suggest you leave. Right now." My mouth dropped open at what he said. The sass was real.The waiter nodded his head quickly.

"Uh, yeah. Right. Ok." He stuttered before walking away. Luke stuck his middle finger at the waiters retreaving figure. A string of curse words left his lips. He looked up to see my mouth agape.

"Sorry, Ross. Didn't mean for that to happen. He's just.. He's a dick." He said still tense. I took a bite out of my waffles and kept my head down.

"Girlfriend?" I asked quietly hoping he didn't hear it and he would just let it go. His head snapped up. He bit his lip.

"Oh, just to make sure he'd actually leave." Of course. "What do you want to do after this?" Luke asked me. I thought about it for a second.

"Oh! The park!" I said excited. He chuckled and I stared at him puzzled. Luke noticed my confused look.

"You looked so much like a child that just got their favourite toy. It's adorable." He said eating his syrup covered pancakes. I blushed at his compliment. "The park it is."


Me and Luke were sat in a secluded area in the park. It was peaceful and the summer sun made it even better. I stared at Luke and realised that we barely even knew eachother.

"Tell me about yourself." I said randomly making him furrow his eyebrows and laugh. I leaned back using my arms to support my weight behind me.


"Well, I realised that I don't really know much about you besides from the fact that your name is Luke." He smiled at me and sat up taking my hand in his. His hands were rough from playing guitar but it felt like the softens thing in the world.He drew shapes on the back of my hand with his fingers as he looked up to talk to me.

"What do you wanna know?" He asked going back to playing with my hands.

"Anything really. Friends, family, home life, life in Perth." He stopped drawing shapes on my hand when I mentioned 'life in Perth' he just stared at his feet awkwardly. I bumped his shoulder with mine and he looked at me. I sighed realising that his life in Perth probably wasn't that great. This time I took both of his hands and pushed them against my cheeks and made funny faces.He laughed at my attempt to cheer him up. He took my hand again and placed it in his. He smiled.

"Well, my full name is Luke Robert Hemmings. I'm 17. My favourite animal is the penguin. I listen to alot of bands. Uh, my favourite show is 'How I Met Your Mother'. My favourite movie is Anchor man and uhm, i've never seen the Titanic." Said Luke. I smiled noticing we had things in common. "Your go Ross." He smirked poking  my nose. I scrunched my face up.

"Okay. Hmm, my full name is Jessica Olivia Ross. I am 17. I like photography and music. I play the drums. I listen to bands also. Uhm, my favourite show is also 'How I Met Your Mother'. Dylan O'brien is my celebrity crush and I enjoy writing." I said almost in one breath. Luke grinned.

"Drums? Really? That's so cool!" He said his eyes going wide. I stared into his eyes that were covered up by his black rayban shades. Luke pulled a funny face whide made me giggle.

As we got to know eachother more, we found our more personal things about eachother. Like the fact that Luke's parents got divorced when he was 7 and his dad married his secratary who he was dating while he was dating his mum. Luke's dad would emotionally abuse him by telling him it was his fault that his mum and him broke up. He was forced to move to Sydney for the summerto change his attitude. luke had it hard. I hugged him.

"I don't even know what I did wrong."  Luke said quietly.
"It sucks I know Hemmings." I said rubbing his arm to comfort him. Now I realise why he's like that. Why he's so hard to crack.

"Enough about me. What about your dad Ross?" He said careful my since it was a sensituve subject.

"Uhm, my dad walked out on us when I was only like 3. My mum said that one day he just left and never came back. She said i'd wait for him by the front door. My mum said she'd cry every night. When my mum was better, a few weeks later, she found out he took all our money and savings from their joint bank account. My mum said she put more than half of our money into their joint account. We were poor for ages, but a guy helped us out. My mum and him got married, but he died of cancer when I was 12." I said to him quickly my jaw tightening. He wrapped his arm around me and put his head on top of mine.

"Sucks to have a shitty childhood huh?" He asked hugging me. I nodded. I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes relaxing under his touch. It's weird to think that just a few hours ago, we hated eachother.


Hopefully this gave you some feelz! Yeaahh! :-) Love you guys x

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