Chapter 21

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The room was filled with women and men dressed in tux's and cocktail dresses. I tensed up at the amount of people. They had such a high social status, what if I trip and break my foot or something? The news will spread like wild fire. Luke must have felt me tense up so he leaned in to whisper.

"What you scared of Ross?" He whispered chuckling quietly. He untangled his arm from mine and held my hand.

"I'm fine. Just, what if I embarass myself?" I asked squeezing his hand which he squeezed back.

"That's quite possible." He laughed. I scowled at him before rolling my eyes. We walked up to a table with Liz and my mum trailing behind.

"They're so cute." I heard Liz whisper trying not to be loud, but she failed. "Luke's attitude has definitely changed." I felt luke squeeze my hand tightly when Liz said the final sentence making me curious as to why.

"I know. Look at those two." My mum cooed. Luke let go of my hand quickly and wiped it against his suit.

"Ew Ross. Sweaty hands." He said pulling a disgusted face. I smacked his arm lightly and blushed. He grabbed some wine for himself, but Liz snatched it away from him.

"Nu uh, Luke. You're only 16. No wine." She said sternly making Luke groan. "I see everything Luke. Don't try to drink anything you're not meant too. I saw people handing out juice." I stifled a laughter at Luke's anger and embarassment.

"Mum, i'm not a kid." He huffed rolling his eyes.

"Tell that to your endless amount of stuffed penguins and Ninja Turtles boxers honey." Liz said making me burst out laughing. I clamped a hand over my mouth almost immedietly. Luke glared at me. I smiled nervously shrugging which made him smile.

Company parties are very boring. Too many speeches, the people here are so formal it hurts. Me and Luke were sat in a corner talking about the randomest things.

"Hey, in my defense, they looked very cute." He defended himself. We were having the longest conversation about how he once petted a penguin when he wasn't meant to and it bit him. "Cuter than you Ross." He winked before breaking into laughter. I huffed and pouted.

"I'm kidding Ross. You'll always be the cutest." He said taking a drink of water. I smiled and booped his nose. Luke scrunched his nose up when I did. "Tell me what you hate Ross."

"Huh?" I asked laughing at his sudden question.

"What do you hate? I know what you like." He said simply.

"Hm, well. I hate slugs, worms, hang nails, people who sniff their nails-" I counted off the things with my fingers.

"Ew! What the hell? I have a wierd cousin who does that." Luke shouted getting a few looks from the people around us. "C'mon deeper things. No the general stuff."

"Ok then. Uh, being rejected, when someone plays with my emotions, when someone uses me-" I began again. Luke tensed up and stiffened next to me. "You ok?"

"Yeah. It's nothing." He stared at me again like he did so many times before.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He let go of my hand and went to grab something from his coat pocket.

"Take this." He said putting a peice of crumpled paper into my small hands. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and started opening the paper when he stopped me.

"NO NO NO!" He yelled closing it again. "Don't open this yet."

"When can I open it?" I asked puzzled looking down at the paper curious as to what was inside. He smiled weakly.

"You'll just know when ok? Promise me you won't open it until the time is right." He said holding his pinky out to do a pink promise.

"But when will the time be right Hemmings? You'renot being very specific." I said stuffing the paper in my purse and going back to talk to him.

"Just promise me alright?" He asked his voice lowering. I nodded my head agreeing. I linked my pinky with his and smiled when I did. He let go and returned back to his usual self.

"You're so weird Hemmings." I giggled leaning back in my chair.

"Weird? How exactly?" He moved his chair so it was closer to mine. It rubbed on the ground which let out an annoying sound. I cringed.
"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly.

"You're all happy,then you become a dick, then you get all serious and it just keeps going." I explained sitting up.

"Mhm." He said nodding. "Quite true Ross, but-"

"Wait." I stopped him abruptly and stood up from my chair to get a better look at what I was looking at.

"Is something wrong?" When I didn't answer he stood up aswell and turned around to see what I was looking at and furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't understand what was so important.

"My dad."

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