Chapter 33

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"You're going today?" The boys shouted in unison as they burst through my bedroom door with Meghan smiling nervously behind them. I mentally slapped her for telling them before I did. The boys noticed my troubled state and rushed to my side. I hid my blotchy red, face in my hands, embarassed.

"Meghan told us everything Jess." Michael said rubbing my arm gently. "I can't believe you and Luke actually-" Ashton smacked the back if his head lightly interuppting him. Michael glared. I sighed in frustration and desperation and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Urgh. I messed up." I said flopping onto my bed, my head falling into my pillow. I groaned loudly. "God fucking damn!" I flailed my arms in anger and annoyance.

"Hey Jess. It'll be o-" Ashton began, but I cut him off quickly.

"Stop telling me things will be ok because it won't! I screwed up!" I yelled frustrated. I had had enough of people telling me that it was going to be ok even when they didn't mean a thing themselves. I hit myself repeatedly with my balled fist.

"Jessica stop it," Calum said holding my wrists down to stop me from hitting myself. "Stop it. Look Jessica. It'd mid-day, your flight leaves in a few hours. Go talk to Luke, fix things before you go."

"Yeah Jess, it's no good whining here until it's time for you to leave. Make the most of the time you have left ok?" Ashton encouraged helping me stand up from my bed. I slouched not wanting to talk to Luke, or anyone for that matter.

"NOW GO GET DRESSED, PUT ON SOME MAKEUP, LOOK HOT AND SHOW HEMMINGS WHAT THE HELL HE IS MISSING." Michael cheered fist bumping the air and pulling out random bits of makeup. He held a bottle of mascara up to his face. "PUT THIS... Uh- lipstick on?" He smiled sheepishly handing the bottle of mascara. I smiled at his lack of make up knowledge.

"There's that beautiful smile!" Meghan said tapping the top of my head.

"Thank you guys, so much. I love you all." I said giving them all a hug before pulling away smiling. I was beyond happy to have such understanding friends.

"Yeah yeah, now get dressed up! Quick!" Calum shouted ushering the boys out of my room leaving me and Meghan. Meghan wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes. Here goes nothing.

I walked downstairs in my navy blue dress and white heels. I have never had this much makeup on my face, it felt caked, but I knew it wasn't. Meghan was an expert. The boys began to wolf whistle and cheer. I blushed at their cat calling.

"Damn Jess. I'd tap that."Michael joked licking his lips. Ashton hit him and scowled disapprovingly.

"Don't be like that. Gross Mikey." Ashton scolded putting on a disgusted look. "That's R-U-D-E!"

"Hey hey, a man can dream." Michael joked again raising his hands in defense. Ashton hit him in the groin unexpectadly and Michael yelped in pain. "OW FUCK ASHTON!" Michael doubled over onto the floor rollling around in pain. It looked beyond painful.

"Hey, Mikey. Pst, don't swear." Ashton joked high fiving Calum. Michael stood up clutching his groin. He punched Ashton's arm roughly and Ashton just laughed even harder.

"Urgh, guys. She's leaving now!" Meghan shouted pushing me out of the door tired of the boys childish and silly antics.

"Guys don't kill eachother!" I screamed as Meghan pushed me out of my own house. The boys screamed goodbye in unison as they waved. Meghan turned my around to face her and she wiped a fake tear,clutching her chest dramatically. "Aw, babe. He is sooo gonna take you back." She shreaked hurting my ears. Meghan hugged my tightly trying her best not to ruin my curled hair.

"Ow, ok. Bye Meghan!" I smiled, trying my best to run to his house next door.

"DON'T FORGET YOUR FLIGHT IS IN A COUPLE OF HOURS MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME JEKA!" I nodded my head at her as she closed the door behind her. I knocked on his door, excitedly. My heart pounded in my chest and I breathed heavily. I tried thinking of what I was going to say. Finally, the door opened, but it wasn't Luke who opened it.Mrs Hemmings was stood at the door with her usual smile on her face.

"Well, nice to see you Jessica." She said grinning at me. "Would you like to come in?"

"Uhm, no no. I was actually looking for Luke, is he home?" I asked nervously. She shook her head.

"I believe he said he was going to a friends house. Maybe Calums, Michaels or Ashtons?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Cal, Mikey and Ash are at my house right now. They were actually the ones who told me to talk to Luke. Uh, do you know the address of his friends house?" I asked, my hands getting sweaty.

"He wrote something down on a peice od papee before he left. Let me check." She disappeared inside the house before coming back outside with a square peice of lined paper in her hands. "I think this is the address."

Liz handes me the paper and I scanned it . "Liz, you're a life saver! Thank you!" I squealed, giving her a short hug before running to my car. I began to drive to the address. I shifted in my seat growing impatient. If only speeding was legal! I pulled over and hopped out of the car, running (but in heels it looked like waddling) to the front door.

"Ok, hey Luke, i'm really sorry for not telling you sooner. Believe me, I was, but I was too scared Luke. It's the first time, i've ever fallen inlove with someone and- no too cheesy. Uh- Luke, i love you and I don't want to lose you so please, forgive me? Oh my god, no. Uhm- uh, oh fuck it!" I practiced what I was going to say, but gave up. I sounded beyond stupid talking to myself. Guess I waa going to wing it.

I knocked on the door,but no one answered. I knocked another few times, but still no one answered. I twisted the door handle and much to my surprise, it was open. I cautiously walked in debating whether or not I should actually go inside without the owners permission, but I needed to talk to him. I closed the door and looked around the living room and kitchen, but no one was there. There was a pair of heels sat at the foot of the stair case, maybe his friend had a sister. I walked up the stairs slowly. The hallway was dark and silent. Worry washed over me. I twisted one of the door handles slowly, before opening it wide.

My mouth dropped open at the sight infront of me. My heart began racing in my chest. I tried moving, but my feet were glued to the ground.

Luke was being straddled by a skinny blonde. His hands were tightly placed on her hips and she grinded down on him. She kissed him harshly and the problem was,

he kissed back.



It's almost christmas. I'm shitting myself guys! Happy early christmas :-)

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