Chapter 25

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Me and the boys decided to stay the night, but Meghan went home sadly since she needed to take care of her little brother. I tossed and turned trying to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. I stood up from where I was sleeping, which was in Luke's room on the floor, and walked downstairs trying not to wake anyone up. The back door was open which sent chills down my spine. I walked into the kitchen and out the back door where I saw Luke sitting on a swing chair. I tiptoed towards him and scared him.

"BOO!" I yelled, but not too loud since it was early in the morning.

"Ah!" He yelled jumping up from where he was sitting and hitting my nose unintentionally.

"Ow! Hemmings!" I said grabbing my nose out of instinct. Luke walked to me pulling my hand of my nose slowly. He inspected it before smiling and kissing it lightly. I scrunched my nose up.

"Next time you shouldn'g scare people like that. Especially in the early hours of the morning." He joked shaking his head. "I could've gone all Kung Fu Panda on you."

"Kung Fu Panda? Seriously? Cause he's just soo scary." I rolled my eyes. "And you're just so intimidating."

"Excuse me, I am a pretty bad ass person who would woop your ass any second of the day." He said pretending to be hurt by my words. "I am very intimidating." I place  my hand on my waist.

"Tell that to your Ninja Turtles boxers." I winked refering back to what Liz had said. "The only thing scary about you is your height."

"See, I am scary. Gr." He growled which made me laugh. He grinned. Luke put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arm around his neck and rubbed the nape of it.We swayed back and forth to nothing but comforting silence.

"What were you doing up anyway princess?" He asked smirking and raising his eyebrows.

"I couldn't sleep. You?" I shrugged. My stomach was doing some weird 360's when he called me princess.

"Well, something was on my mind." He spoke softly looking up at the stars so he wasn't looking at me which made me even more curious.

"Like what?" I questioned him furrowing my eyebrows together.

"What are we?" He said. We stopped swaying and a serious look washed over his face.

"Humans?" I joked, but Luke was in no mood to joke around. You could tell by his face. He looked emotionless for a second before he smiled weakly.

"You know what I mean Ross." He said taking his hands of my hips and I did the same.

"I don't know." I said quietly. I thought about it. Were we friends? Aquintances? Enemies? A couple..? He bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair. Something he did when he was nervous or stressed.

"Exactly." He mumbled staring at his feet. He rocked back and forth before looking into my green eyes. The light from the moon and stars reflected off his amazingly blue eyes.

"What's your point?" I was completely oblivious to what he was trying to say. He breathed in.

"I love you." He said gently my mouth fell open at his words. "It's not even a crush. I love you. Whenever I close my eyes, all I can see is you. You're running through my mind everyday and it drives me insane when i'm not around you. I can't help it Ross." He said in one breath. I pinched myself lightly thinking I was dreaming, but it definitely wasn't. It hurt like a bitch.

"I love you too Luke." I breathed put effortlessy. His gaze flickered to my lips. "What does that make us?"

I realised his eyes were still glued to my lips as I spoke. He pulled me towards him and leaned closer to my ear. "Be my girlfriend. Please?"
I nodded slowly smiling. He grinned as he slowly began to lean in. I leaned in getting closer to his lips. Out lips met and the kiss felt different to the other ones we shared. It was undescribeable. It was so passionate, so loving. I never wanted it to stop. He pulled away out of breath and pressed his forhead against mine.

"Promise me you'll stick around?"
"Forever and always."

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