Chapter 30

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"Ross. Come into the water with us!" Ashton shouted as he walked towards the clear blue sea. Luke punched his arm and Ashton pouted rubbing where he was hit.

"Don't call her that. Only I can." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I blushed at how protective he was even when it came to nicknames. "You sure you aren't comin into the water babe?"

"No! I'm going to tan with Meg. I'll be there later." I shouted while putting on sunscreen. It was boiling. I layed on the towel and put on my shades. After a few minutes, Meghan nudged me.

"Pst, Jeka. Those boys are staring at you." She said discreetly pointing to a group if shirtless boys who were shamelessy staring at me. I began to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Shut up Meg. Let's go." I whispered hoping they'd stop if I ignored them. As I began to walk away, they approahed us.

"Jeka, they're walking towards us." She squeaked looking away. I turned around and there they were infront of us. He had brown hair, green eyes and had tan skin.

"Well hello sexy." He winked and bit his lip trying to look seductive but it honestly made me want to throw up on him. He grabbed my hand in his and kissed it.

"Uh." I hesisted as I pulled my hand away from him. One of his douche friends was trying to smooth talk Meghan.

"C'mon babe. Let's go somewhere." He winked again. A feeling of discomfort washed over me when he called me 'babe'. It just didn't sound right.

"No thanks. I'm with my boyfriend." I said hoping he'd come to the rescue.

"I don't see him." He laughed looking around the beach. His idiot friends laughed as well. Just then, A hand snaked around my waist protectively and kissed me cheek.

"Hey babe." Luke beamed making me feel secure. The brunette furrowed his eyebrows at Luke.

"He's your boyfriend? Oh you could do so much better baby." He smirked eyeing Luke up and down with a disgusted look.

"Yeah I am and if you have a fucking problem with that you should fuckin leave 'cause i'm pretty sure you're scaring the living shit out of her with your so called smooth talk and your weird lip bite. Honestly, put on a shirt, turn around and leave her and her friend the fuck alone because she's taken. I suggest you leave right now with your fuck boy friends if you don't want me to fuck up your face even more than what mother nature has done already." Luke threatened walking closer to him with every word he took. His words made my jaw and probably everyone else's drop to the ground. The brunette backed away slowly

"C'mon guys. They aren't worth our time." He said motioning for his 'gang' to follow him. Luke turned around to face us and furrowed his eyebrows at our shocked faces.

"What?" He mumbled as he protectively wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to our spot.

"GODAMN LUKE! YOU TOTALLY SCARED THEM!" Calum screamed and he jumped up and down.

"THAT BURN LUKE! DAMN!" Michael yelled fist bumping Luke. Luke smirked at then before leaning into the whisper in my ear.

"All for you." He whispered. He smiled and he took my hand in his as he swung it back and forth. "Swim with us."

"Hemmings,i'm still going to tan." I said putting my hands on my waist. He pouted and slouched his shoulders.

"Even when I protected you!?" He whined as he watched the boys jump into the water.

"Hemmings. Later." I said sternly as I layed down in my previous spot. Meghan had went with the boys to swim also. I thought Luke had left, but I felt someone pull me onto their shoulder. "LUKE HEMMINGS PUT ME DOWN!"

He chuckled and he began to run to the water. I shook my head panicking.

"No no Luke. C'mon. Please!" I yelled smacking his back trying to get him to stop.

"Nu uh Ross!" He yelled as we reached the water. He began to run in it. "READY?!" He threw me into the water even after I protested a million times.

"Luke! Not funny!" I whined smacking his arm while pouting and looking at my now wet hair.

"Aw, i'm sorry." He apologised leaning in to kiss me when someone splashed us.

"GET A ROOM!" Michael yelled as he splashed us again. I smirked at Luke and he returned it. At the same time we began splashing Michael.

"I'll save you Mikey!" Ashton yelled splashing me and Luke back. I turned my head to the side to avoid getting the sea water into my eyes.



It was sunset by now. We were all sat on the sand, dressed and dried, in a line as we watched the sun to go down. We were all exhausted due to our previous actvities.

"That was fun." Calum said looking at his feet.

"Yeah it was. My eyes still sting though." Michael said rubbing his eyes. We laughed at him.

"I wish we could do this all the time." Ashton spoke as the sum started to go down. As soon as he said that, college popped into my head again. A bunch of questioned swirled through my mind. Should I tell them now? It will ruin a perfectly good day. Will they get mad? Of course. But Luke is going back to Perth.

"You're going back to Perth soon huh Luke?" I blurted out. He smiled weakly and tensed up beside me. He let go of my hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Mhm." He hummed not wanting to continue our conversation about it. "Did I ever tell you I love you?"

"All of the time Hemmings." I spoke softly rolling my eyes. He grinned and took my hand in his again as he rubbed it with his thumb.

"Good because I love you so much Ross. I've never felt this happy in ages. Thank you Ross." He smiled as he leaned in closer to kiss me. I closed the gap between us and I totally forgot about the other boys and Meghan.

"Oh my God! So cute." Meghan squealed beside me. Luke pulled away and cocked an eyebrow at Meghan. I blushed heavily. "Oh sorry. Ha ha."

"We have two weeks left." Calum spoke out of no where. The boys hummed in agreement whereas I was deep in thought.

Calum was right. We had 2 weeks before we went back to normal. 2 weeks until reality kicked in. 2 weeks to tell Luke. 2 weeks until i'd loose everything.

Those 2 weeks weren't enough.

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