Chapter 26

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The next morning, I decided to make breakfast for the boys, with Meghan's help of course. I had called her early in the morning to help me cook since I was pretty bad at it sometimes. As I cooked the bacon, she raised her eyebrow at me after she placed the eggs on the plate. I questioned her gesture.

"Why are you so smiley today?" She asked putting the pan into the sink and washing it. I hadn't even realised I had been smiling.

"What smile?" I questioned pressing my lips in a thin line.

"Jeka. Don't bullshit me. What happened? It's Luke isn't it," I opened my mouth to speak ready to deny, but she cut me off. "Don't even think about lying to me." I sighed in defeat.

"Me and Luke are together now." I whispered. Her eyes buldged out of her head almost falling into the bacon and her mouth fell to the floor. I waited for her response.

"OMG! YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!" She shrieked jumping up and down. Just then, Michael and Calum walked into the kitchen rubbing their eyes.

"Who's cute?" Calum grumbled sitting on the stool infront of Meghan.

"Jeka and Lu-" she began. No way am I going to let her tell the boys. Nu uh.

"You guys hungry?" I asked trying to stop her.

"As I was saying they're fina-" she started again not getting it the first time. The boys watched us in pure confusion.

"Oh! Bacon is done!" I clapped my hands together attempting another time.

"Jeka, stop interuppting that's very rude. Finally da-"

"AH BREAKFAST!" I yelled shoveling a great amount of food in my mouth.

"LUKE AND JEKA ARE FINALLY DATING!" Meghan said quickly. Calum fell off his chair at the sudden news and Michael had the same reaction as Meghan, except a smirk lay on his face instead.

"YOU TWO ARE DATING?!" The boys said in unison. I flinched at how loud they were being.

"Who's dating?" Ashton asked casually walking in and butting into our conversation.

"Nothing!" I rushed preparing the table for breakfast.

"Jess and Luke are dating! It's official!" Calum beamed smiling wide.

"Woah. When did this happen Jess?" He asked me. Luckily, he had a much calmer reaction than the other boys. Thank God for Ashton Irwin. Before I could answer Luke walked into the kitchen. His usually neat quiffed hair was sticking out in random places. He looked adorable. All eyes were on him. The 3 boys smirked at him and exchanged glances with one another. Out of nowhere, the boys began to fake fangirl.

"OMG OTP!" Calum squealed like a proper fangirl.

"#Lessica." Ashton said making the hashtag signs with his fingers and flipping his hair behind him. I cringed at our ship name.

"Gah, I can't even with Luke and Jessica! Like oh my god. I can't deal. Like, why. My heart seriously. I can not." Michael said in the girliest voice i've ever heard him do. The room went silent as we all stared at Michael in horror and confusion.

"Mikey, are you sure you aren't a secret fangirl? That was pretty spot on." Meghan asked amused by his sudden 'fangirl outburst'.

"You never know hun." He winked making Calum wrap and arm around her protectively. I mentally awed at the two.

"So, Luke, you and Jess hm?" Ashton asked bobbing his eyebrows up and down.

"Fuck off Ash." He grumbled walking up to me. He stood behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. He rested his head on top of mine as I continued to make sausages.

"Awww! Luke and Jeka! You two are so cute!" Meghan said actually fangirling. She held her hands on her heart and pretended to wipe a tear from my eye.

"My little boy is all grown up." Calum cooed ruffling Luke's hair as he walked to the fridge and pulled out some juice. Luke groaned again and nuzzled his face in my neck.

"They're teasing me Ross." He whined buring his head deeper into my neck if that was even possible.

"Aw, my little baby." I cooed amused by how clingy and whiny he was being. Who knew the bad boy would be like this?

"Eww! YUCK! LOVERS, NO!" Michael yelled covering his ears with his huge hands.

"Shut up guys. Just cause you're single." I answered back making him huff and fold his arms like a little kid who didn't get the toy they wanted. Michael mumbled something, but I shrugged it off knowing it would be some stupid side comment that had something to do with pokemon or pizza.

"Let's stop teasing the two and let's have breakfast!" Meghan yelled putting all the food down onto the table. We took our seats. I sat between Luke and Michael while Meghan sat between Calum and Ashton.

"This is fuckin delicious." Michael praised me for the bacon I had cooked. I stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, thank you very much." I said in an Elvis Presley voice which made them errupt into laughter. I laughed along with them.

"Why don't we do something together today?" Calum suggested chewing on a bit of his sausage.

"What do you suggest Cal Pal?" Meghan asked twisting her hair inbetween her fingers, something she had done many times before when she was nervous. I have a feeling they'll end up together.

"Hm, we could watch a movie!" Michael insisted throwing his hands in the air. "I really wanna watch Fast and Furious 7!" He dragged on the 'really' probably to to persuade us more.

"I'm down for it." Ashton spoke taking a drink of his orange juice.

"Me too." Calum and Meghan said together making the two of them blush.

"But i've already seen that movie." I whined pouting my lips. I watched it with my aunt and uncle when they came over from America to visit. "You guys go without me."

"But Jess-" meghan began but I cut her off and shook my head.

"Guys seriously. I don't wanna waste my money or yours on a movie i've already seen."

"I'll stay with Ross." Luke spoke sticking his hand up in the air volunteering.


"I'm fine. Really," he said smiling at me before turning to look at the boys and Meghan. "If you guys are going anywhere else after the movie call us and we'll come and join you." He suggested. The boys nodded their heads agreeing to his proposal. After cleaning up, the boys went home and so did Meghan, to get ready to go out while I stayed with Luke.

"You should've went with them." I said pouting. He grabbed my upper arms lightly.

"I want to spend time with you and you can't change my mind." He smirked. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch infront of the t.v. "So, what do you want to do today babe?" The way he called me babe made my heart flutter. I thought about it for a second then an idea clicked into my head.

"Teach me to play guitar?" I asked smiling sheepishly at him. A small smiled began to form on his face.

"Now that sounds like a plan."

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