Chapter 34

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I stood there, frozen, even though I knew I should have left, but my feet wouldn't move. Luke noticed me and pushed the girl off his lap. He walked to me half dressed trying to put on a shirt as he did so. It's like life resumed and I was able to move and breathe again. I ran down the stairs as best as I could, but he grabbed my arm as soon as I made it to the front door.

"Ross wait," Luke demanded letting go of my arm. I looked up at him with emotionless eyes. He stared at me for a second, like he was debating what he was going to say to me. His eyes softened for a second, before they returned to how they were.

"L-luke why?" I stuttered not believing what was happening. Luke laughed loudly, making me feel humiliated... Did i mention VERY hurt?!

"Oh c'mon Ross. You didn't really think I liked you right? Stupid, gullible Ross," he said ruffling my curly brown hair. "This is cute. The whole hair and outfit thing you got going on. Don't tell me it's for me?" He laughed again eyeing me up and down putting his hand sin his back pockets. I turned red with embarassment and also anger. I looked down at my outfit ashamed for actually putting so much effort into it.

"Luke, you don't mean that. You don't." I mumbled looking down at my feet as I bit my lip hard. My eyes began to tear up. "It's-I know you're upset, but please Luke, don't-don't lie."

"Ross, don't you get it? You were just my ticket out of this place! I can't believe you actually fell for it." Yeah, neither did I. I looked up at him still chewing on my bottom lip.

"Luke- please. D-don't say that." I said shaking my head, trying to block out his words by puttig my hands over my ears. I didn't want to believe him. He pulled my hands away from my ears roughly and looked me straight in the eyes. For a second, I thought I saw pain and regret flash in his blue eyes, but I knew I was just seeing what I wanted to see instead of what was actually there: Hatred.

"I never loved you." Luke shouted. I let go of my bottom lip as he let go of my hands. He took a step back watching my every move. I scanned his eyes looking for any sign of humour, wishing he would say this was all just some sick prank, but I never heard those words leave his pink lips. I ran out of his house completely humiliated and upset that i'd spent so much time on someone who was using me all this fucking time. I sat inside my car frustrated with myself for letting him into my life. For even loving someone like him. I smack the steering wheel and gripped it hard before kicking and flailing my arms everywhere like it would actually get me somewhere. The tears I had been holding back began to roll down my cheeks effortlessly. I turned on the engine with shaky hands and drove off. My chest felt heavy and my head began to pound. I stepped on the gas pedal hard making the car go at a dangerously fast speed, not caring if I hit someone else. This world was full of evil and I didn't want to live in it anymore.

Images of Luke and that slut flashed in my head and the same words kept appearing in the back of my mind no matter how hard I tried pushing it away.

'I never loved you.' 'I never loved you.' 'I NEVER LOVED YOU'

I sealed my eyes shut trying to block the world out, gripping the steering wheel, making my knuckles go almost completely white. I loud horn beaped and I saw a bright light getting closer to me. I gripped the steering wheel harder waiting for it. Suddenly, darkness welcomed me with open arms and I fell into a black, dark abyss.

Meghan's P.O.V

"I wonder what's taking Luke and Jeka so long." I spoke looking at the clock hung up on top of the t.v. She had only been gone for an hour but something didn't feel right.

"Calm down, babe. She's probably fucking Luke by now." Calum joked kissing my forehead lightly before going back to his game of Fifa.

"Or they could be having dinner, talking things out." Ashton spoke, his eyes glued on the game infront of him.

"Something doesn't feel right. She would have texted me by now." I spoke, concern in my voice. I rubbed my lap worried.

"Why don't you call her Meg?" Michael asked rolling his eyes. "PASS TO ME ASHTON! PASS THE BALL!" I took Michael's advice and decided to call Jeka to calm my nerves. I clicked on her contact and waited for her to pick up, but it went straight to voicemail which was strange since her phone is always on and never low battery. I furrowed my eyebrows and called her again becoming even more anxious. She didn't pick up again.

"She isn't answering guys." I said making them pause their game immedietly. They looked at me weirdly.

"That's impossible. She always answers." Ashton spoke pulling his phone out from his front pocket. I guessed he was calling Jeka for himself, but again his call went straight to voice mail. "Maybe they are fucking."

"I told you!" Calum said putting his arms in the air. He put his controller down on the small glass coffee table.

"Let me try lads." Michael spoke doing the same thing as Ashton and getting the same out come. "Strange. Maybe they're-" My phone began to ring and I quickly tapped the answer button when I saw Jeka's contact name flash on the screen.

"Hello? Jeka?" I asked quickly looking back and forth between the boys. All of them were on there feet in anticipation. I furrowed my eyebrows when I didn't hear her voice, instead a woman with a posh accent answered the phone.

"Hello? Is this Meg?" The woman asked.

"Yes. It is," i spoke slowly. "Who is this? Where is my friend Jessica?"

"Your friend was in a car crash," the woman said calmly. My mouth dropped open at what she said making the mouths look at eachother.

"There has to be a misunderstanding I-" i said trying to put a sentence together without swearing in 50 other languages.

"Your friend, Jessica Ross I believe, was in a car crash. She was hit by a delivery truck on East Road," the woman blabbered, but I didn't pay attention. East street? East Street was the road the street between Luke's apartment and... Jeka's house. "And she's in the hospital. Sydney Wing Hospital."

"O-ok, th-thank you, we're on our way." I stuttered hanging up the phone. I grabbed my shoes and quickly put then on, my hands shaking nervously. I had totally forgotten that the boys were there.

"Meg! What happened!" Ashton asked grabbing his car keys, knowing it was something inportant.

"Jeka was in a car crash."

I jumped out of the car along with the boys and ran inside the hospital panicking. I ran up to the lady at the front desk.

"I need to see my friend. Jessica Ross." I said quickly looking back at the boys who were waiting impatiently. Ashton was on the phone with her mum.

"Sorry, but you can't see her right now." The women said like it was nothing. She went back to whatever she was doing on the computer which pissed me the fuck off. "Listen. This is my best friend we are talking about. Jek- Jessica needs me. I am not going to sit in a crappy waiting room with 3 teenage boys who have the attention span of a spoon while I wait to hear whether or not my best friend is fucking alive or not, so if you could direct me to her fuckin room I promise I won't kill anyone." I said angrily trying to keep my chill, but it was going quickly.

"Listen ma'am. Our team is doing the best we can, so if you could just wait patiently-"

"PATIENTLY?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! MY BEST FRIENDS NEEDS ME!" I shouted furiously catching the attention from some people.

"Calm down ma'am-" the woman started, but I had to see Jeka.

"Meg, babe. C'mon. Don't cause trouble. Just don't." Calum spoke engulfing me in a hug from behind. I turned to him and hugged him back tightly. I hadn't even realised I was crying until now. "I just can't live without her Cal."

"I know." He said rubbing the back of my head slowly trying his best to comfort me.

"Did you call Luke?" I asked wiping my eyes as I looked up at the boy infront of me.

"Yeah, he probably knows what happened. He's on his way now." I nodded my head and layed my head on his chest, waiting for someone to tell us we could see her.

She was my best friend, my sister, my everything. This was by far, the best and worst summer ever.

Oh my god. So dramatic. EVEN I CAN'T!!

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