Chapter 27

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I groaned in frustration as I strummed the guitar. I cringed when the sound wasn't right.

"Urgh! Damnit!" I yelled running a hand through my brown wavy hair.  "I give up!"Luke had an amused look on his face. He bit the inside of this lip to stop himself from laughing his head off.

"Hey, c'mon Ross, no giving up. You can do this. Just a little bit more practice." He encouraged, but it wasn't helping at all. I groaned again leaning back into the pillows whilst holding the guitar on my lap.

"That's what you said 43 minutes ago!" I whined pouting. "We're getting nowhere." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Fine. You can give up, but try one more time ok?" Luke asked raising his eyebrows at me. When I didn't agree, he pouted, his cuteness making me cave in almost immedietly. I nodded my head.
"Great." Luke placed my fingers on the strings slowly. "Now strum."

I strummed the guitar and finally the chord sounded amazing. A rush of joy ran through my body and hugged Luke. Too tight may I add.

"Ow. Ross." He breathed out. I let go of him quickly and he gasped for air. I mumbled an apology and blushed. "It's fine. Well done!" He congratulated taking the guitar from me. He lifted his hand up in the air for a high five, but I had another idea. I quickly pulled him into a kiss. He didn't kiss back at first, but he slowly realised what was happening and kissed back putting his arms around my waist as he crouched in the floor. The kiss began to get heated and Luke tugged on my shirt. I pulled away as soon as he did. Luke looked at me with lustful eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I-i'm not ready." I stuttered looking at my lap. Luke nodded understandingly and ran a hand through his quiffed hair messing it up slightly.

"It's ok Ross. I'll be here when you are." He winked as he sat next to me. "Wanna watch a movie?" I nodded my head eagerly.

"MAZE RUNNER!" I screamed at him making him flinch. He groaned.

"No! A wanna watch a horror movie!" He complained looking through the enormous amount of DVD's piled up on top of eachother.

"But Hemmings!" I whined waving my arms everywhere. "Maze Runner!"

"A horror movie."
"Maze Runner!"
"Horror movie!"

We continued for another 5 minutes before Luke lifted his arms up in defeat. "Ok! Ok! Maze Runner. Only cause you're so annoying." Luke stuck his tongue out at me and put the DVD in. He sat on the opposite side of the couch frownig with his arms folded like a little kid.

"Aw Lukey," I cooed crawling towards him and wrapping my arms around his torso cuddling him. We can watch a horror movie tonight with the rest of the boys ok?" He huffed.



We were half way through the movie and i'm pretty sure I was drooling because of Dylan O'brien and Thomas Sangster. Hot damn.

"Urgh." Luke said in annoyance. "He's not even that good looking. His nose is too...and his eyes.. Oh and his.. I don't know."He gestured angrily towards Dylan O'brien. I furrowed my eyebrows at his sudden outburst and hatred for Dylan O'brien then it clicked.

"Is someone jealous?" I asked raising my eyebrows at the blonde boy next to me.

"What? No." He said getting defensiveve. He looked away from me. I smiled at him and turned his face so he was looking at me again. I couldn't help but laugh at his frowning face which made him roll his eyes and groan loudly.

"Aw!" I cooed squeezing his cheeks. He grimaced.

"Ow! Ross! Stop! That hurts!" He yelled pulling my hands off and rubbing his now red cheeks. He huffed and went back to watching. "And that blonde newt guy. He's not even that good looking either. Like, my accent is better than his!"

"Lukey, quit being jealous!" I hit his arm lightly.

"I'm not-" i cut him off by raising my eyebrows. "Ok. Maybe I am." He mumbled.

"Aw, Hemmo. Don't be jealous! You're my one and only! Plus, I think your accent is way way WAY hotter than his and your blue eyes are perfect, your nose is very...special." I said laughing at my choice of words. He laughed along.

"Well, thanks Ross. I think you're also..special." We errupted into laughter.

"That makes two of us."

How y'all liking it so far? If you jad a chance to decide the ending for this story (which you don't. Sorry guys! :,-( ) you like a happy ending...or a sad ending?

How are you guys? :)

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