Chapter 22

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"My dad." I breathed out. I looked at the direction he was heading in and he was walking straight to my mum. "No no please." I begged hoping he would turn around and leave us alone, but he continued to walk to her. I bolted towards my mum running as fast as I could with my heels on. Luke ran after me. "Mum. We-we need to go." I said breathlessy tugging on her arm.

"What are you talkin about?" She asked pulling her arm away. "Jessica?"

"We just need to go now please mum. I'm not feeling well." I said quickly looking behind me to see if he was there. Luckily he wasn't.

"But Ross, you were-" he began but I cut him off with a pleading look. "She's not feeling well." I mentally thanked him.

"Oh, alright. C'mon Jess. Let's-" she started but she was cut off by someone grabbing her wrist. We turned around and it was him. The man I never wanted to see again stood infront of me.

"Maria?" He asked. I turned to my mum. Her eyes looked as if they were going to pop out. I saw her eyes begin to water.

"No. Just, just leave." My mum pleaded looking up at the man she used to love with sad eyes. His eyes were hard with little emotion behind them. Liz and Luke stood awkwardly.

"Maria, i'm sorry." He said letting go of my mums wrist and tried grabbing her hand, but she pulled away trying to leave. He grabbed her again more forceful this time.

"Leave us alone!" I snapped catching a few peoples attention. His eyes narrowed at me but softening.

"Jessica-" he started but I interupted him.

"No. Leave us alone." I said sternly as my mum left pushing past everyone. "We don't need you."

"Jess, i'm sorry. For everything I-"

"If you were sorry, you would have came back. Do you know how many times I waited for you for hours on end? Do you know what you put my mum through?!" I yelled. A group of people began to form around us. "Do you honestly think that after walking out on us and leaving us to suffer and fend for ourselves, we would just forgive you like it was nothing? You ruined my life! I had to grow up earlier than most kids because you weren't there when I needed you!" I barked letting out all the anger that built up over the years. A few people were whispering, but I couldn't care less. This was personal.

"I will always be your dad Jessica." He said sternly. I laughed bitterly and shook my head at him. By this time Liz was already out of the building to look for my mum. Luke was still awkwardly stood next to me.

"Oh so now you wanna be my dad? After you left us to be with a slut of a secratary? Huh? Is that how it is to you? Not even a phone call. Not even a fuckin text." I screamed in his face. His face began to go red with anger.

"Listen," he spoke harshly walking towards me. His tall frame towered above me making me feel weak and vulnerable. Luke walked closer to me and lightly grabbed my arm. "I don't care what you think of me or what i've done. I left because I had too. I don't care. I will still be your dad and you can't change that."

"You," I said gathering  up all the courage I could muster. "You will never, ever, be my dad." He stepped back in shock and I pushed past him and the people who were gathered around us. On the way out I heard a few people whisper.

"That poor girl."
"How can she disrespect her father like that?"
"She doesn't deserve this."
"Who was that slut of a secretary? Does she work here?"

I shrugged off all their comments and ran outside to get some fresh air. Tears began to form in my eyes. I pulled my hair frustrated. "Don't cry Jess. He's not worth it. He's not. He's not. He's not." I told myself, but my tears began to fall down my face effortlessly. I didn't realise Luke had followed me out. He engulfed me in a tight hug. I couldn't help but cry into his shirt. So many things were rushing through my head. Luke took my hand and stared into my eyes.

"He's not worth it Ross. You are strong and you shouldn't need to put up with his bullshit. You had every right to say that to him." He said while playing with my hair trying to calm me down. I nodded my head trying to pull myself together. The feeling of hatred and pain, love and want raced through my body. Luke pulled a face trying to make me laugh. I giggled as I wiped my tears. "There you go!" He began doing weird moves and spinning me around. Just then, my mum and Liz walked up to us. My mum looked much better than awhile ago. We hopped into Liz's car and drove off


I climbed up to my room my head pounding. I tried to process the events that had just taken place a few minutes ago. I rubbed my temple trying to calm myself down.

From Hemmo :)

Are you ok?

To Hemmo :)

I'm fine Luke.

From Hemmo :)

I'm always next door if you need any help yeah?

To Hemmo :)

Thanks Luke. For everything. Sorry for getting your shirt wet and ruining the company party :-(

From Hemmo :)

That shirt? Pft, that was nothing babe ;) and it was his fault. He could have just left you alone.

To Hemmo :)

Mhm. I'm sorry though.

From Hemmo :)

No problem. Seriously :-) Goodnight Ross!

To Hemmo :)

Goodnight :)

I closed my eyes trying to forget everything.

There was a loud banging on the door which woke me up. I hadn't realised I had fallen asleep. I reached over to grab my phone and looked at it squinting from the bright light.

"What the hell?" I asked myself. It read 2:02am. Who was knocking at my door at this fucking time? I trudged down the stairs with a blanket wrapped around me. I flew open the door and Meghan was stood there with mascara running down her face and red puffy eyes. My eyes went wide and I hugged her straight away. She sniffled as I let her into the house. We sat in silence as I waited for her to start.

"He cheated on me." Meghan whispered playing with her small fingers.

"What?" I asked in shock not believing what she had just said. They were always so touchy with eachother and so lovey dovey. She sighed.

"While we were eating, something didn't feel right when I was with him. He was off. He was always on his phone and he didn't bother talking to me. He said he needed to use the bathroom and he was there for a really long time. I went to check and," her voice cracked all of a sudden. I rubbed her back urging her to continue. "I saw him kissing some other girl. He saw me told me that he had been cheating and left with the girl. He left me to pay for the food and-" she broke down crying into my shoulder. That son of a bitch.

"Wait here." I said angrily and stormed upstairs. I came back down with a baseball bat and a box of eggs.

"Jeka, no." She said sternly walking up to me and taking the items from me. She carefully put them down trying not to break the eggs.

"Jeka yes." I repeated taking the things. She snatched them from me again.

"Jeka. Please. You'll get in trouble." I frowned.

"But he hurt my best friend. He needs to pay." I said angrily.

"Jeka, he's not worth it. He's not." She said shaking her head saying the last bit to herself instead of me.
I nodded my head understanding what she was saying. "Can i spend the night or ya know morning?"

"Of course." I said smiling. She smiled back. I chose not to tell her about the whole dad incident until we had this problem fixed. I hope she realises i'm so going along with my plan. You mess with her, you mess with me.

So much happened in this chapter like wow. My brain can't. The queen can't. Obama can't.

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