Chapter 5

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The next day I found myself sat infront of a small bakery reading a book. So quiet here. You have no idea. My reading was disturbed by someone.

"BOO!" A group of guys yelled in my ear. I jumped making me spill my piping hot coffee all over my sweater. I was so close to verbally abusing them.

"WHAT THE-" I began, but I instantly recognised who is was. It was Calum, Michael and Ashton. My frown was replaced by a wide smile and I forgot about the whole coffee incident.

"ASHTON! CALUM! MICHAEL!" I yelled jumping on them.

"Woah, hey Jessi." Ashton greeted hugging me back.

"Hey there Jess!" Calum beamed.

"AYYE! MY BITCH!" Michael yelled a little too loud causing people to look at us strangely. He wrapped his arm around me.

We all took a seat. "We haven't see you since we left primary." Ashton said loudly.

"Yeah! I know. It's been too long." I agreed.

"Damn right it has!" Michael said nodding his head. Calum looked down at my shirt which made me insecure.

"Oh crap. Sorry. I wasn't staring at your boobies. I mean- uh. Yeah. Just your shirt." Calum stuttered. "Sorry about your sweater. It's anice sweater aswell."

"This? It's an old sweater. Don't sweat it." I said giving him a reassuring look. "How have you guys been?" I took a sip of whatever was left of my coffee.

"Well, we've been-" Michael started, but Ashton was staring at something behind me, which caught our attention.

"Hello! Ashton! What are you staring at?" We looked at what he was looking at. My face dropped into a frown.

"Is that Luke?" Ashton asked pointing out of the window. "It is!"

"Wait, hold up. You know Luke?" I asked holding my hands up signalling for them to stop talking.

"Hell yeah we do." Calum said smiling. "LUKE! LUKE!"

Luke looked beyond pissed with whoever he was talking to over the phone. He turned to face us and his eyes lit up like a christmas tree. He probably didn't see me. He said goodbye to the person he was talking to and began to walk to our table. His eyes locked with mine and his smile dropped, but he continued to walk to us anyway.

"Hey guys." Luke said before doing the weird bro hug. "Haven't seen you guys in years."

"I know right!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Bro, you still look as ugly as ever." Michael smirked taking a sip out of my coffee without realising it was mine. "You weren't a big shot with the ladies i'm guessing huh?"

"Shut up Michael." Luke said smiling shoving him playfully. Wow. He's actually smiling.

"So, how do you guys know eachother exactly?" I asked genuinely curious. "Did he bully you guys?" I snorted.

"Actually, Ross, we used to be best friends before I moved too Perth," Luke glared. "How do you know them?

"Well,Hemmings, we met in primary school but lost communication after when we went to high school." I glared back. Ashton gulped and clapped his hands together before clearing his throat.

"How do you know eachother is the real question here." Calum asked laughing. "You two are acting like you want to slice eachother throats."

"We're neighbours." Luke said quickly giving me a dirty look. I returned it.

"Oh." Michael said quietly. There was a long silence.

"BEEF! BANTA! BOGIES!" Michael shouted after an agonosing silence. "Who wants coffee?"

"ME!" Calum and Ashton said in unison. "What the fuck?" They said again.

"Calum, you idiot." Ashton said chuckling lightly smacking theback of his head.

"What you so violent for!" Calum whined. "Bully!" Ashton just rolled his eyes at him.

"Hey you know what? We should have a sleepover!" Ashton suggested. "We haven't seen eachother in ages!"

"Sounds good (feels good)" Calum said smiling. "You in?"

"PIZZA!" Michael shouted getting up and running everywhere. That was random. We laughed at his stupidity. He sat back down and smiled. He resembled a kitten.

"So Michael's in. What about you two?" Ashton asked us.

"Not with her." Luke said the same time I spoke.

"Not with him." I scoffed folding my arms. "No way."

"Stop acting like kids you big babies. C'mon! Just one night, then you can go back to wanting to kill eachother." Ashton bargained.

"Fine." I caved in. "Only. Only, for the pizza."

"YEAH!" Ashton yelled fist bumping the air. "And you Lukey Pookey?"

"Whatever. Fine. For you guys and don't call me Lukey Pookey. Ever." Luke said sternly. "Only, for you guys." He turned to glare at me.

"I guess we're having a sleepover!"


HELL YUS! THE BOYS ARE HERE! :-) WOOP WOOOOPPPPP!!!!!! Don't you just love asshole Luke sometimes? He could punch me square in the face and treat me like shit and i'd still be in love with him. It's sad rlly.

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