Chapter 7

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"I dare you to kiss Luke."

I'm pretty sure my heart fell out of my ass. My jaw dropped open. If looks could kill, Meghan would be six feet under. She smirked at me.

"Ew, Cal what the fuck?" Luke yelled. "Why her?"

"Luke, woah. Chill." Ashton said trying to calm Luke down.

"Don't worry. I feel the same about him." I scoffed folding my arms.

"C'mon guys, a dare is a dare." Michael said smirking. "It's one kiss. It won't even mean anything."

I gave up. "Fine. Whatever. Get it done with so I can rinse my mouth out after." I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously? No way." Luke said pulling a disgusted look.

"Kiss Jessica or kiss me!" Michael said puckering up his lips getting closer to Luke.

"I'M MUKE AF!" Calum shouted making a love heart using his hands.

"Fine!" Luke shouted. "How long?" Luke said positioning himself to kiss me.

"At least 10." Calum smirked.

"10?!" We yelled at the same time.

"JUST KISS ALREADY!" Meghan yelled in frustration. I mentally slapped her. We leaned in and kissed. His hand was lightly touching my arm.

"ALRIGHT GUYS! IT'S BEEN LIKE 20 SECONDS!" Calum yelled. We pulled away quickly not realising we had been kissing for so long.

"Ew, yuck Ross!" Luke said quickly wiping his lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Yuck Hemmings. Where did you learn to kiss like that? A cow?" I answered back.

"At least I don't look like one."

"Check again Hemmings."

"GUYS!" Ashton yelled. "You guys are such kids. Let's watch a movie so I don't need to hear your stupid arguing. It was just a kiss."

We sat down to watch the movie but all I could think about was that stupid kiss.

It was time to get to bed and me and Meghan were waiting for the rest of the boys to finish doing whatever they were doing. We were sat on the floor in Calum's room.

"You ok Jeka?" Meghan asked nudging me. "You've been acting off since you and Luke ki-"

"Meghan." I warned not wanting to talk about the kiss.

"What's up?" She continued to ask.

"I don't know." I sighed pushing my hair out of my face. "I really don't."

"So what does that mean exactly?" She asked logging onto her social media then looking back at me.

"I don't know." I groaned taking a pillow and putting it over my face. "Meghan, I don't know!"

"Ok.Uh. Is this about the kiss?"
She asked suddenly becoming ver interested. "What did you feel when Luke kissed you?"

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