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Grayson's POV

I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door. I took a look at my phone and saw it was 8:30. It wasn't Ethan because he wouldn't knock, he would just burst in and wake me up.

"Who is it?" I yank.
"It's Cam, can I come in? !" My sister says kind of annoyed.
"Yeah" I say surprised.

She wasn't one to be home and what about be here so early in the morning. She was usually with her boyfriend.
She opens the door and sits on the edge of the bed facing me, I sit up right.

"Good morning, Mom send me to come and talk to you. " she says.
I immediately knew what she was going to talk about.
"Good morning"
"You know it's Friday and you have to pack today. So mom and dad made a decision. "She says with a pause.
"Oh no this could only be bad news!"I stated.

Me and my brother were moving to LA because the people in our town kept calling us out in public and say bad things. It could not go on any longer and we decided it would be best to move to a place where nobody knew us.

"They booked you guys in a public school so that you guys can try again, and see if it is different this time. "She said.
"We have done this thousands of times and it turns out the same. "I said kind of angry.
"I know but it's worth a try." She pleaded.
"Okay, tell mom it's fine but she shouldn't get her hopes up." I stated.

Later that day I busy getting all my stuff ready and packed. I really hated packing. I was excited to see my friends from YouTube in LA again. I was not expecting much about going to a new school again. We will probably get rejected again and hated.
Britney's POV
I woke up to my phone buzzing and shouting for attention. I got up and brushed my teeth, I then hopped in the shower. After that I went to my closest and picked out my outfit which consisted of high waisted shorts and a tan top that had swagger written in silver on. I did my makeup and hair and went downstairs for breakfast, when I got to the kitchen there was a note on the fridge that said:
I had to meet a client and won't be back before dinner. -Mom

When I was done I grabbed my skateboard and went off to school. When I got to school I saw the bitchy girls stand there throwing themselves like cheap girls at all the guys on the wrestling team. Katelyn saw me giving her an disguised look and approached me.

"Hey girls look it's Britney. " she said with a fake smile.
"Kate just leave me alone, we wouldn't want a scene like last time do we?"I snapped.

About three weeks ago she and her little sluts tried to break me down in front of everyone at lunch when I put them all in their place which she did not like and everyone thought it was funny.

"Whatever just keep your looks of disgust to yourself. " she said not looking to happy about my reply.
"Maybe I will, maybe not." I smirk knowing she will leave me alone.
She just gave me a stupid look and walked away.
"That was intense. " Cindy said. She's to scared to put them in they're place. "Tell me about it." I said.

The rest of the day dragged on and I thought about what to do for my YouTube channel and thought about vine ideas. When the bell finally rang everyone rushed out of class, I went to my locker where Cindy was already waiting.

"Hey, how was your day? " she questioned.
"Fine I'm just glad it's finally over. " I said annoyed as I got my books from the locker.
"Do you wanna come to my house my mom wouldn't be home till after dinner? " I asked Cindy
"Yeah sure thing. " she said and we skated home on our skateboards.

Ethan's POV
I finally finished packing and went to get dinner and watched movie. Grayson went to bed because if he doesn't get 10 hours of sleep in he is grumpy. I watched star wars and fell asleep on the couch during the movie.

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