Chapter : 39

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Ethan's POV

I got a call from Grayson. . He was yelling and crying and it sounded like he was having a panic attack..

" Gray please calm down I can't make out what you are saying. "  I said trying to calm him down.

"ETHAN BRITNEY'S AT THE HOSPITAL  PLEASE COME.." Grayson yelled over the phone.

I went cold and ran out of class to get Cindy.

Grayson's POV

"Sir please try to calm down. ." A nurse  told me as I tryed to get into the emergency room. .
Britney was unconscious when I found  her she was almost like a lifeless body..

I did everything I could but she wouldn't wakeup.
At the moment I was loosing my mind  not knowing how she was..

I was pacing back and forth in the hall when Ethan  and Cindy  came running. .

" Dude what happened is Britney okay?" Ethan questioned. .

"I don't know.. she's in there and they won't let me in and I feel like I'm gonna explode " I burst out yelling. .
I felt helpless.

" Try to calm down bro freaking out isn't gonna help Britney.."Ethan  said  patting my shoulder. .


It feels like hours has passed and still no news about Britney's condition.
Finally the doctor came through the door with some info. .

" Miss Jones family? " he questioned. .
" Yes.. is she okay? " i asked nervously. .
"She has bruises and cuts but she'll be fine.." he said. .
" Can i go see her? " I asked. .
" Yes but she's still very week and will need some rest.."he informed us..

As i walked into the hospital room my heart dropped. . My heart scattered into pieces as i saw Britney's bruised face..

Britney's POV

A bright light made my head hurt. . My whole body was aching . The door opened reveling Grayson. .His face was filled with pain and anger.

" Baby. ."he choked out .. His voice a small wisper. .

" Gray-" I tryed to say but my chest started to  ache.
" Don't speak. . Try to get some rest ."he said. .

Ethan's POV

I could see Grayson's pain.. He wouldn't last very long.He needed to  get some rest but there was no way he would leave Britney's side..

" Gray we're going to head back home ..I assume you're gonna stay here with her.." i said..

" Yeah I'm gonna stay the night. ." He said  as he kissed Britney's bruised hand.

"Okay but try to get some sleep bro.." I said  as I patted his back..

Soon after I felt  Cindy's hand in mine and we started to  head out of the hospital. .

The car ride was silent until Cindy broke the silence and spoke..

" How could this happen to Britney? "She questioned.

"I don't know. . Who would want to hurt her in this way. And for what reason?" I asked trying to make sense of this situation.

-Two days later-

Today is Britney's release from the hospital. .

Britney's POV

"Finally I can go home .. I hate hospitals." I said  as Cindy  was pack my bags.

"Yeah it's gonna be great to have you back.." she said hugging me.

" So at what time are the twins coming to pick us up? "I ask..

" They'll be here soon.." she said winking. .

Soon enough the door opened reveling red roses and a fluffy bear..

"Ahh Gray!!" I screamed. .

He quickly made his way through the door hugging me tightly. . As if he wanted to  made sure i was save.

The car ride home was silent but comfy. With my head rested in the crock of Grayson's neck. I could stay like this for ever.


Happy New year everyone. .
Happy birthday to the twins .
And sorry for not posting in a while

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