Chapter: 34

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Britney's POV

At this point  in my life everything  was a mess except Grayson. My mother  has been  acting  weird  and  I  didn't  like it at all. She'd  be  friendly  and caring  and when I'd ask her why she'd fight with me. And on other occasions  she'd  come home drunk.

Cindy has been really  depressed the only  time I see her smile  is when  she's  with Ethan. She also  told me not to go to her house because  she's  not  on good  terms  with her perants. That is super  strange because  I  know her perants to be very understanding. .

Ethan's POV

I woke up this morning  with the biggest  smile. Cindy  made my life feel so amazing. I got out of bed and followed  my usual  morning routene.
When got out of the shower  after I did my morning  workout  routene  it was about 10 AM,  I checked  my phone  and saw that I has two missed calls from  Cindy. As soon  as I saw that I called  her back..

She was crying  as I was talking  to  her on the phone this really scared  me to death.
All I got out of the entire  call was something  about her perants  and that she's  on her way.
Thoughts  raced  through  my mind. What could have happened  for her to be this upset?

Katelyn's POV

Everything  was set in place Monday Cindy and Britney's  he'll would  start. But a tough  road lies  ahead  foe me. I'll  have  to  figure  out  which  of the twins are the most vulnerable. I'd  only  be  able  to  figure that out by get both  alone. . That'll  be  hard they hardly  leave  each others  side. .

Cindy's POV

I woke up this morning happy  for a change. Things  in my house hasn't  been  all to great. Since  my mother  told me that my father isn't my real  father  I've  been  fighting  with  her. And don't  get me wrong it breaks my heart  fighting with her.

I just can't  understand why  she kept  the truth  from me.
I haven't  even  told Ethan or Britney. I feel so ashamed, so betrayed.

-Flashback -

"I was only a teen when I  started  dating  your real  father  he was the school hunk and it was almost  a blessing he looked  my way. Soon I fell hard for him and he became  all I had and all I wanted. I left my friends for him. About two months  in  the  relationship  it got heated, he wanted  to  go further  and I was unsure. He started  threadning to leave me. He had the sweetest  word telling  me he'd  never leave  me and that nothing  bad would happen.

Three weeks later my dizzy  spells  started. And my period  was late, I knew exactly what  was going  on.  The  moment  I told  him I was pregnant  he launched at me saying  I'm  slut. Asking  how sure  I was it was his. He made me look like the biggest slut in school.

Your  father,  well the one you thought  was your father  stepped  in and helped me.."

-End of flashback-

Soon enough  I was sitting  on my bed crying  again  like baby  when I received  a  call from Ethan.  I didn't  want  to  tell him so I didn't  answer. .
But as time  went  by  the  calls kept coming  in.

Ethan's POV

I was calling  Cindy  but  she didn't  answer. I'd  send her texts  and  she'd  read and not  asnwer.

I was  going  crazy  knowing  her she'd  answer  immediately. .

I grabbed  my stuff and left to go see if she okay. .

I knocked  on  her door hoping  she'd open and hoping she's  okay.
The door swang  open revealing her mother. She didn't look happy to see me.

"Morning  miss. Evans. Is Cindy home?" I questioned.
"Yes but she's still sleeping. ." She said with a straight face.
"Can I maybe come in  I really need to see her.?" I asked politely.
"No you saw her last night. Young man you better listen to me. You're not gonna play with my baby girl and break her heart leaving  her when things get too serious." She said stepping out of her house closing the door behind her.
"There is no way on earth I would do that to Cindy. I love, care and respect her way to much to do something  as dumb as that.."I said..

A/N Thanks for reading and please comment  what you thought. .
Please share my story.

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