Chapter: 32

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Cindy's POV

Everything at this moment  was so amazing  and beautiful except Ethan.  He seemed  so out of place and uncomfortable.  With  all the crap  going  on  in  my  life  I shouldn't  complain  about  a peaceful  night under the  stars by the lake but I can feel somethings wrong. .

" Ethan  babe can  I ask you something? "I said  taking  his hand in mine.

"Yeah  of course  anything  for you bae. ."he said  looking  me in the eyes.

"Is everything  okay  you seem a little  unease? " I asked  him hoping  he'll  losen up a bit.

"Everything's great. Nothing's wrong bae. "He said  looking down. At this  point  I knew  something  was  was wrong.

" Baby  now I know  somethings  wrong. . What's  going on? " I questioned.

"Nothing  just I'm  not.... I'm  not  use to these type of romantic  things  and I know  you must  feel so disappointed about  the  stupid  date I came  up  with  after  what  Grayson  did  for Britney. ." He said  almost  sounding  mad at himself. .

" No don't  say that  I love this date it's  amazing.  " I said  lifting  his face so I can look  him in the eyes..

"Well  I'm  glad. .But this was all Grayson's  idea. " he said  looking  down  again. .

"Well  we'll  have to  spice  it up a bit  then to make this date our  own date" I said  hoping  to  make  him feel better. .

"Like what  do you  think  we can  do? "He asked  looking  up again. .

" I don't  know  what  do you  think. ."I said.
" I have  an idea." He said smiling. .

He leaned  forward, gently  pressing  his soft lips  on mine. He then  got  up and started  taking  off his clothes. . At this  point  I was so lost..
"what are you doing ?" I asked  concerned.
" Taking  off my clothes." He smirked.
" Uhh. I can see  that. "I said.

He took  of his shirt revealing  his perfectly toned body. I couldn't  help but  stare.
"  You like what you  see babe? " he said  looking  at me giving  me  an  evil  smile. .
I could  feel  the  blood  rushing  to  my cheeks. .

The  moment  he unbucled his belt  and started  pulling  down  his pants I looked  away . The  thoughts  in my mind  was racing  as I tried   to  think of what  he was doing. Soon after  I heard  a splash. .

He actually  jumped  in the lake.

" Baby  you coming? "  he asked  wiping his face. He was even more  sexy in the water. .

" I don't  have  a swim suite  here. ."I said. .
"Never mind. ." I said  as I felt  stupid  for saying  that. .

I stood  up  and  started  taking  my clothes  off. I could  feel  Ethan's  eyes  wondering  on my body. .
I stripped  down  to  my underwear  and started  making  my way to the water. As I approached  Ethan  signaled for me to go to him. The  water  wasn't  that cold and the night  air was warm. I swam to were  Ethan  was.

He immediately  placed  his hands  on  my hips  pulling  my closer  to  him.
Our eyes met and I felt  my heart  start  to  race.

Ethan looked me in the eyes , then he'd  look  at  my lips liking  his own, when  our eyes  met  again  we both leaned  in to connect  our lips. Our lips  moved  in sinc. As he pulled  me closer  placing  his hands  on the small  of my back my hands  sneaked  around  his neck.

I pulled  him closer as I felt  his tongue  on my bottom  lip begging  for entrance.  I gladly  gave  in. Our tougues  connecting. . The emotions  clear in this kiss.

Ethan  moved  his sweet  lips from my mouth  slowly  making  his way to my ear.

" jump" he wispered.
I did as he asked wrapping  my leggings  around  his perfect  body.

He toke my earlobe  in between  his teeth. . Lightly  biting  and them running  his tongue  over it. It felt  amazing.  He had the ability  to  make  me weak in the knees. .

"You're  so beautiful baby. ." He wispered.

He then continued  to  make his way down  my neck leaving  wet kisses  all over..

He reached  my collarbone .. Consentrating  on that spot. He sucked   onto my skin  running  his teeth  softly on my skin. In a matter  of seconds  a moan  left my lips as my one hand ran trough  his long hair lightly pulling  his hair.

Ethan's POV

Cindy  had a way to make every  moment  more  and more intense..
The moment  that moan left her lips I was puty in her hands.

She made  me feel  amazing. With  her hand in my hair and the other rouming my body this moment  got more and more  intense. .

When  our lips connected  again it was so amazing. So needy. This moment  was perfect  it showed how I feel.

I can't  always  put my feelings  into  words  but this  kiss explained  everything  I've  been  feeling  deep inside  me..

I broke  the  kiss looking  deep  into  her eyes. .
" Cindy Evans----- I truly, madly,  deeply  love you."

"I love you. "
"I love you  more than life  itself. ."I said.

Cindy's  POV

Ethan's words took my breath  away. .
The first  time  in  our month  long relationship  he told  me he loved me. And by the way he kissed  me and the look in his eyes  I knew  he meant  it .
The best  of  all  is that  I feel exactly  the  same  way.

"I love you too Ethan Dolan. "
"I love  you  with all my heart  and  soul. . I don't  ever want  to  be  without  you.." I said.



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