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Cindy's POV

It felt  like  I was droning in sadness. I didn't  want to  eat. I was sure as hell  not in the mood to leave my room by now..

My  mom  knocked  on  my door.

"You can come in if you come in peace otherwise  leave I'm not in the mood to fight." I said  laying on my bed.

Soon after the door opened. .
"Sweetie are you gonna stay in here all day?" My mother questioned. .

" and if I am?" I asked.

" why are you so mad at me. I did everything  to give you a good home and a loving  family." At this point  I was pissed  off.

"Do you  call lying to your daughter loving. The man I called  dad my whole  life  isn't my sad how do think that makes  me feel? " I say. I can already  feel the tears coming.

" I didn't  tell you because  I didn't  want you to  feel bad. I didn't  want  to thrown away because  you aren't. . I'm  here for  you and I love you with all my heart and I'd  die for you." My mom said stepping closer.

"  I can't  stand you anymore everything  that comes out of your is lies please  just leave.." I cry.

" fine I'll  leave  you  alone  but just think  about  it  things  could have  much worse  for you.." she said  closing  the  door. .

I sat there  crying. .I felt  so alone..

Britney's POV

Me and Grayson  was busy watching  movies  when I got a message  from Cindy. .

" can I come  over.  ?" She asked. .
This was strange  she rarly came to my house ..
"Sure." I texted  back.

-5min later -

There  was  a knocked  on  the  door. I got up out of Grayson's  grasp.

When I opened  the  door my heart  broke into  pieces. . There my best friend  stood  crying. It was clear that  she's  been cry quite  a  bit . Her eyes was swollen and  her cheeks  were  soaking  wet.
Something  was seriously  wrong. .

" Cindy  cat what's  wrong. . Why are you crying? " I asked as I made way for her to enter  my house. .
The moment  I closed  the door she just hugged  me , crying  into my shirt. .

" W - e  N-  e- e- d to talk." She cried..

"Okay but you need to calm down  first. I'll  go make you something  to  drink, go was your face.." I said.  Soon I went and made her some hot chocolate  with marshmallows in. It always  calms me  down. .

When I met her in the living  room  again  she seemed  to be a bit  calmer but I could see she was fighting  the tears. .

" Okay Cindy cat what's  got you this upset. ? "  I asked. .

" My parents. . My whole  life  was a lie.." she said  and I could  hear the pain in her voice.

"Why do you say that.? " I asked  confused. .

" My father isn't  really  my father. .
My mom got pregnant  at a young age and my real father  left her when  he found out  she was pregnant ." She said.
I am so shocked  I didn't  know  what to say to her..

" Greg was one of my my mother's  best friends  at the time and when her found out what happened  he helped  my mom by saying  he'll  be my father  and then they got married. .." she cried.

" How long  have you  known. ." I asked. .
" 2 weeks or so. " she said. . This explains  her behaviour  lately. .

" I'm  so sorry Cindy. ." I said. .

" Yeah now she thinks  she  can tell me what  to do because  she's  scared  I'll  make the same mistakes  she did." She said . I could  hear the anger  in her voice.

"she calls  lying  to me loving me. She dared to say that she did  everything  to  give  me  a loving  family. ." She said. .

This got me mad because that's  exactly  what  she had and still has and she's not appreciating  it..

" Listen Cindy  I love you and you're  my best friend. You can say anything  you want  about  your mother  but one thing  you can't  say is that your mother  didn't  give  you  a loving  family. . Even if Greg isn't  your father  he treats you like his daughter."

"You're  perants. . Meaning Greg and your mom loves you and will give they're  lives  for you. You shouldn't  be  so ungrateful. I didn't  have a loving  family  like you. My own flesh and blood threw me away." By now I was in tears. .

"Britney  I'm  sorry. What you're  saying  is true. It just hurts that she didn't  tell me.." She said. .

Grayson's POV

I woke  up on Britney's  bed alone  that's  when I heard yelling. So I went down  to  see what was going on. .

"It just hurts that she didn't tell me.." I heard  Cindy  say. It sounds  like  she's  been crying. .

I walked  into  the  living room  and saw Britney and Cindy  hugging. .

" Go talk to your  parents. You have to appreciate what they've  done for  you. ." Britney said. .

"Okay" Cindy  said. As they pulled  away Cindy  saw me standing  there.

"Sorry I didn't  mean to intrude. " I said. .
" No it's  fine Grayson. ." Cindy  said  wiping her cheeks. .
" I'm  gonna  go  now I have to talk to them." Cindy  said to  Britney.

" Okay bey" Britney  said as she closed  the  door. .

" I'm  sorry I walked  into  the convo like that.." I said  as Britney  approached  me.

"It's okay." She said as she put her arms around my neck.

"It's she okay?" I ask.

"Yeah she'll be  fine.." Britney  smiled.

Just looking  at  her lips makes me wanna kiss her. I slowly  leaned  down connecting our lips. .

Soon after  we heard  a car door shut..

" ugh it's  probably  my mom.." Britney  said.

"It's  okay I need to head home in anyway. ." I said. 

"Ah really. .?" She said  making  a sad face.
So I leaned  down connecting our lips again  for a small  kiss.

" Come on I have to go." I said  pulling  away.


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