Chapter : 26

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Ethan's POV

At lunch Grayson looked nervous. He was saying something about Britney being late and worrying that Katelyn has done something to her.
I was of course in my own world.

Grayson's POV

I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to go look for Britney. Earlier this morning she gave me a weird look and ever since I've had a bad feeling.

As I made my way to the main hall I saw Britney standing up from the ground. Her eyes were red. It's clear she's been crying. Her face was extremely white.

" Baby what happened. ." I asked as I rushed to her.

" It's Katelyn she knows about your past and she's gonna ruin your life here." She cried out. It took me a moment to realise what she said.
" How did she find out. "
"Apparently her cousin moved to New Jersey and that's how she found out." She said. This shocked me.
" I'm sorry I ruined everything" she said tears rolling down her cheeks.
" What do you mean you ruined everything? "I asked confused.
" She hates you because of me. I was out of place to try and be your frien-" I cut her off by smashing my lips on hers.

I couldn't take that she felt this way. This was definitely not her fault. I knew that the acceptance was not gonna last.

I kissed her passionately. This was the best way to show my love for her. As I pulled away I spoke agian.

" I love you and you're the best thing in my life. " I said ou of breath.
" I love you too. "She said connecting our lips again.

-At wrestling practice-

Ethan's POV

I cannot believe that Katelyn knew about our past. She also made it pretty clear to us that she's gonna ruin our life's.
It was clear that she already started since the guys on the team has been treating us like trash.

" Listen guys gather around please. " Mr. Patrick said and  everyone gathered around.
" There's been roamers going around that some of my players are using drugs to preform better and to win." He said and my mouth fell open. I ounistly couldn't imagine one of our guys to do that. We all train hard and give it our all.

"Is there anyone that has their suspicions and would be as kind as to share that." Mr. Patrick asked.
Everyone was quite for a few seconds.

But soon someone spoke.
" If there's anyone to accuse of that it would have to be the two new boys. " Brad spoke. At this moment I was so taken back by what he said I was quite.

Grayson's POV

I was filled with rage. How dare he say that. I train every single day of the week no matter what. If I'm stronger than him it's because I work harder than him.

" How dare you say that. You don't know what you're talking about. " I yelled clenching my fists.

" Calm down boys. I understand what Brad is saying. The reamers are about you guys. " he said. I was furious.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. .♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡ ♥

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