Chapter : 7

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Grayson's POV

I was in the kitchen when the door bell rang. I ran to open the door. When I opened it ,there stood the most beautiful girl. With her long hair and beautiful face.

"Hey you alright. " Britney asked.
That's when I realised I was just standing there staring at her with a creepy look on my face.
"Ah yeah sorry. " I said kind of blushing.
"Okay ." She said with a big smile.
"Let me go show you my place."
"Your place??"
"Yeah, I live in the cottage."
"Yeah alone why is that a problem. "
"No was just wondering"

Britney's POV

I was surprised when Grayson told me he lived alone in the cottage. I imagined the twins to share everything even a cottage. At school they look quite close. That's why me and Cindy thought we were going to be spending a day together with the twins. But in any case I'd love to spend the day with Grayson alone.

"So what ya wanna do? "Grayson asked.
"I don't know maybe watch a movie or something. "I said feeling kind of awkward.
"Okay we can do that, but on one condition I pick the movie."he said with a smirk.
"K, go for it as long as it's not a soppy romance, more like some action. " I said as sat down on the sofa.
"Ooo, a girl that likes action movies." He said.
"Just my type." He whispered not thinking I heard it.
I just smiled not saying anything.

Ethan's POV

I was sitting patiently in my room scrolling through twitter when I got a text from Cindy saying her mother just dropped her in front of my house. After I read that I ran down stairs and to the front door. I opened it and saw her walking up to the door.

" Hi ." She said and hugged me.
"Hey there beautiful. " I said with a smile. She just smiled and stepped inside.
"Let's go to my room. "
As I lead her up the stairs I got butterflies in my stomach. She just kind of has that effect on me. Every time I'm with her it feels like I'm flying.

"So this is my crib." I said as we walked into my room.

Cindy's POV

When I got to his room I was surprised to see how big it was he had an tv mounted on the wall and you could see he was into games from the stake of games on his dresser. I was also quite into games so I was kind of glad he was too.
"So what are we planning to do." I ask with a smile.
"What about watch a movie or play games or something. ." He said scratching his head and looking all thoughtful. This only made him cuter.
"Let's play some games." I said look straight at the x box controller.
"Are you sure you know I'm a pretty good player. "he said and smirked.
"Well we'll just have to see if that's true." I said challenging him.

Grayson's POV

We ended up watching taken 3 since Britney hasn't seen this one before. I didn't mind watching it again as long as I'm with her.
Almost in the middle of the movie I stood up to go get us something to eat, because I was starving. When I came back Britney had fallen asleep. That's when I decided to walk over and scare her.
When I got to her I yelled as loud as I can. She nearly fell of the sofa . I just stood there laughing.

"Why would you do that." She said kind of annoyed.
"Sorry I just had to."
"Man your such a dork. " she said shaking her head.
"As long as I'm your dork." I said and I immediately felt stupid for saying that.
"Well maybe you are my dork but your still a dork ." She said with a smirk and I could feel a funny feeling in my stomach. I only get it when I'm around her.

Ethan's POV

"NO NO NO NO NO, AHHHH MANNN!!!" I shouted as Cindy kicked my butt in my favourite game.
" Don't worry I won't tell anyone I won you in your favourite game." She said with a smirk knowing exactly what I was going to say.
"You can tell anyone except Grayson, he couldn't even beat me in this game."

-later that day-(at night)

After hours of laughter and chats and playing more x box Cindy's mom called saying she's on her way to come and get her . This made me sad I just never want her to leave.

As Cindy and I walked down the stairs to go wait in the living room for her mom I could not help but notice how beautiful she was.

Cindy's POV

"Thank you so much for inviting me today was amazing. " I said. To be completely honest today was one of the best days of my life.
"No it was nothing it was great having you we should do this again and soon." He said with a smirk.
"We surely should." And with that said Ethan stepped closer, gently grabbed my face with one hand and moved me closer to him with the other hand. He kissed me so gently yet passionate. As our lips moved in sinc it felt like I was flying.
We slowly pulled away.
"Sorry I didn't mean to rush things. He said and I decided to shut him up by kissing him on the lips again.
When we pulled away he just smiled and said " I really like you."
"Me to, I really do like you too."
We just stood there smiling when I got a text from my mom saying she's in front of Ethan's house.
"I've gotta go my moms here." I said and stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. "Text me" I whispered in his ear before opening the door and walking to my moms car.

Britney's POV

It was getting late and I was wondering when my mom was coming to pick me up. So I texted her.
When Grayson returned he had a box of pizza in his hand and I was starving.

" You are amazing. "I said smiling as I grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bight.
"Thanks madam, I'm just feeding the beast." He said as he chuckled.
"Ha ha, your on thin ice Mr . Grayson. " I said smiling.

When I was done I sat back on the sofa and closed my eyes. That's when I heard Grayson laughing. As I opened my eyes I realised he was laughing at me.

" What's so funny." With that he stopped laughing and wiped my chin with his soft hand.
He looked deep into my eyes.
We both moved closer.
His soft plum lips softly brushed against mine, I could feel the sparks flying. The kiss was getting more intense as I was pulling him closer to me with my arms around his neck and his hands held my hips gently.
Thats when I felt my phone vibrant in my pocket. I broke the kiss and checked my phone it was my mom texting me saying she's in the car waiting for me.

"Crap my moms here and she's not very patient. "
"Oh let me walk you to the door."
When we stepped outside the night air was cold. I slivered a little.
"Wait right here I'll be back in a sec."Grayson said.
When he returned he brought me one of his sweat shirts. It smelled just good as he did.

A/N wow 208 reads..please keep on reading vote and tell me what you guys think. .♥♥♥♡♡♡

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