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Grayson's POV

The whole ride home I could not stop thinking about Britney. I really like her I have never felt anything like this for anyone else.


I couldn't sleep all night all on my mind was Britney. It drove me crazy. I didn't know what to think , I was feeling like this was moving to fast and I didn't know her well enough to be in love with her.
On my way to school I was thinking of what to do.

"Ethan what do you think I should do?" I asked Ethan.
"Maybe we should invite Britney and Cindy to our house this weekend. "Ethan said.
And to be honest it was a pretty good idea so that I can get to know Britney better.
"You ask Cindy and I'll ask Britney. " I said.
" Alright. " he said.

When we got to school I immediately searched for Britney. I didn't see her right away so I went to her locker.

Cindy's POV

I was on my instagram as I walked into school. Suddenly someone pulled me into an empty class room.

"What the hell who are you.!!" I screamed with fear in my voice.
"Chill it's me Ethan." He said as he closed the door.
"You have to stop scaring me like that." I said kind of annoyed. But in secret I love the thrill of him wanting me alone.
"I want to ask you something. ."
"Would you like to hang out this weekend, with me 'alone'." He asked kind of scared and blushing.
"Well of course I would love to hang out with you." I said with a smile lightly brushing his arm, to let him relax.

I kind of feel like Ethan always act's like a tough guy but is very scared and insecure.

Britney's POV

I was collecting my books when I saw Grayson walking over to me. I still didn't know it thing would be awkward because we almost kissed yesterday.

This was some thing special because I had boyfriends before and I have never let them kiss me , if it was not for his aunt calling him he would've been my first kiss.

"Hey." I said and smiled as he approached me.
"Hi there. " he said looking kind of nervous.
"Something wrong. " I asked kind of worried.
"No, I actually would like to know if you wanna hang out this weekend?." He asked.
"Sure why not." I stated.
"Great. "Grayson said.
"Let's go find Ethan and Cindy. " I said.
At lunch I found out that Ethan asked Cindy to hang out too this weekend. And thought it was funny that both brothers wanna hang out with us.

A/N Hey guys thanks for reading tell me what you guys think and please vote if you like..♥♥♥♥

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