Chapter : 15

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Cindy's POV

"Ugh ugh. What is going on here?" Miss Williams asked when she interrupted the passionate kiss I just shared with Ethan.

"Um I'm sorry Miss Williams. " I said.

"Well you're looking much better than you did earlier in my class."she said.
"Just please keep your 'Moments' for after school."she said walking away.

Ethan just gave me a cheeky grin , this made me laugh. .

Grayson's POV

Me and Ethan was at wrestling practice and it was  great to be back at wrestling again.

After practice as we were about to leave we saw all the cheerleaders coming in and hugging all the guys.
We were almost out the door when we were stopped by someone who called our names.

"You guys are new right? " this girl asked.
We slowly turned around facing her.
Ethan just gave me a strange look.
"Yes that's right. "I said politely.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Katelyn Woods. "She said holding a handout for me to shake it.
"I'm Grayson and this is my brother Ethan." I said plainly not shaking her hand.
I didn't like her much. And not because Britney told me what she did just she gave me a bad vibe. She's beautiful I'll give her that but I knew I wouldn't like her very much.

We stood there for couple of more minutes talking and meeting all the rest of the cheer team.


Britney's POV

I was sitting in maths class and praying for this period to end.
Short after the bell finally rang and everyone scrambled to the door.
It was lunch so I decided to go to my locker first to grab some of my books.

As I was busy in my locker I felt someone's hands around my waist. As I was about to ask who it was he spoke.
"How has your day been? " a fimliar voice asked.
This gave me goosebumps. He was just perfect, even his voice was just wonderful.
"It was okay. But now it's so much better."I said turning around in Grayson's grasp.
He just gave me a cute smile.

Katelyn's POV

As me and my friends were making our way to lunch Sharon told me to take a glance to my right. And what I saw had my blood boiling.

I'm not here for one week and Britney and Cindy think they own the place and think they can just take the new guys from me.

I made my way to them and waited for Britney to  notice I was  standing there.

" What do you want Katelyn? " Britney asks rolling her eyes at the sight of me.
" Well I just noticed that you and Grayson were in each others arms and was wondering WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? "I yelled getting more and more upset.

" Um what's your problem Katelyn can I not be in my boyfriend's arms?" She asked with a stupid grin on her face.
I could not believe what I heard. They are dating.
"Wow you move fast as usual."I said.

"Well that's not your problem now is it?" She questioned getting angry.

" I believe it is we all know how cheap you are and Grayson is such a nice guy I wouldn't want him to get hurt ." I said and noticed that the crowd around us was getting bigger and bigger.

"SHUT YOUR TRAP.! " she said stepping closer to me.

"WHAT WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED FRESHMEN YEAR WITH MY CAUSIN. !" I spat back at her  knowing that everyone  knew exactly what I was talking about except Grayson.


"We all know your a hoe and don't have any dignity and will do anything to try and clear your name." I would have gone on but suddenly she stepped forward and slapped me across the face.
This shocked me. She's never lost her temper like this.
"WHAT YOU DIDN'T THINK ILL DO THAT RIGHT. DOES IT FEEL GOOD?"She questioned with a smirk on her face.

I was about to slap her back when Mr. Sam came running in and stopping me telling me I have detention on Friday for almost slapping Britney of course Britney looked all innocent.  This was long not over she just started a war and I'll  have to pay the school board agian to cancel my detention. She knows full well I'll make her life hell from here on.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story. .also comment what you think and share my story pls. .♥▲▼

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