Chapter : 9

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Britney's POV

I stood there in front of Grayson's house. I was various. Not at Grayson but at Katelyn, who does she think she is. She think she can do and say just what she wants. I'm not going to let her keep on doing this any longer. She's not gonna take Grayson from me I won't allow it..

"Hey Gray." I said with a straight face.
As I walked in I made myself ready to tell Grayson everything, including that I like him and that I didn't want to loose him..
But before I could get one word out I kissed him.... I surprised myself by doing this. .
Our lips moved in sinc. I didn't really understand what was happening to me.. It was like couldn't control myself around him he had a spell on me.. The kiss got more intense, when Grayson pulled away and broke the kiss.

" Britney I really like you." He said looking very tense and awkward.
"I like you too Grayson. ALOT!" I said saying the 'ALOT' much louder.
Grayson leaned in and kissed me softly on the cheek whilst grinning to himself. .

"Gray I ne." I was interrupted by a call from Cindy.
"Hold on.."

The Call:
What's up Cindy?
Where are you?!
I'm at Grayson's house why?
Cause I'm in front of your house.
Oh--aaaa--- I'm. .. I'm on my way ..
End of call:

"I gotta go Cindy is at my house I'll talk to you tomorrow. ." I said and leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

Grayson's POV

She just gave me a kiss on the lips and walked out. I stood there shocked about what just happened. She just awoke feelings in me that no one else ever could.

Cindy's POV

I waited in front of Britney's house. Thinking about how unfair life is. .For once the guy I like likes me back and now when Katelyn returns she'll take him away from me just because she can.

"Hey" I suddenly heard from behind me which kind of made me jump. It was Britney.
"Hi." I said .
"Wanna come in?" She asked.
"Yeah we need to talk about yesterday and what Katelyn said on twitter. ." I said serious

As we walked in the house I saw it was empty. There was no sign of Britney's mom.
"Where's your mom?" I questioned politely.
" I don't know she wasn't here when I woke up she probably went out or something. " Britney said looking down.
"Oh okay."
"Do you want coffee? " she asked me. .
"Yes please"
"So what do you think about what Katelyn said on twitter. " I asked like I didn't know her answer.
"I'm gonna put a end to her big mouth..She doesn't own me or Grayson, so she can't say a thing about us hanging out." She said furious.
"Britney it's not that easy.. She's the most popular girl in our school and will make up anything to get what she wants. " I said trying to talk some sense into her.
"Well I won't leave it at that.." she said calming down.

Britney's POV

As I finally calmed down and could think straight agian I realised that I haven't film this weeks YouTube video.

"Oh my word!!!!! Cindy I forgot about this weeks YouTube video! !!"
I yelled trying to figure out what to do for this weeks video.
"Crap girl, what are you gonna do?" Cindy asked.
" Maybe I should do a Q/A."
I said.

A/N Thanks for reading. Keep on reading and vote for my story, comment what you think and share my story. .♥♥♥-H

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