Chapter : 11

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Cindy's POV

As I started talk about Katelyn and what she has did to me in the past I felt stupid for never standing up to her. I let her win every time. So far she has gotten away with everything and I just let it happen.

"You must think I'm dumb for allowing what she did to me." I said feeling my eyes getting watery.
"No why would I think your dumb, you didn't know what to do. ." He said stepping closer to me.
"I just feel stupid because I'm to scared to stand up to her and have never defended myself." I said.
"Don't think that believe me when I say I understand how you feel. I have been bullied in my past by the people around me just like you. "He said. I wondered how anyone could ever bully this amazing young man.
"What happened. Why did they bully you?"I ask interested in what happened.
"I don't know. Since me and my brother were kids we were hated by parents and the kids in our classes. They would shut us out and call us bad names for no good reason. That's why we moved here to start over." He said getting kind of emotional.
"That's messed up.. How did you deal with it all these years? " I asked him stepping closer to him.
"Me and my brother, we luckily had each other so I wasn't alone through all that. But after years and years we started vine and Youtube. It helped us realise that we weren't useless. " he said and I smile at how cute he is.
"The thing is tomorrow Katelyn returns and she saw that we are hanging out and she's not happy about it." I said thinking of what she might do.
"Hey it will be fine. ." He said .

Ethan's POV

I stepped close to Cindy. I could not take seeing her like this. She look terrified. I automatically knew I would not like this girl Katelyn one bid.
"Hey it will be fine.." I said leaning in.
I just loved kissing her. She's the best kisser. .
I leaned down connecting our lips.

Cindy's POV

Our lips moved in sinc. I locked my arms around Ethan's neck as we kissed. His hands was on my hips pulling me closer to him. I had a rush of butterflies in my stomach. The kiss got more intense and we moved back until my back was against the counter. His tongue slit in my mouth as we kissed more.

"Ugh ugh, excuse me." I heard my mom says.
"Oh god mom.." I said as I jumped out of Ethan's grasp.
"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting. " my mom said sarcastically.
"Uumm mom this Ethan my boyfriend. "
"Oh you are the boy Cindy can't stop talking about. " my mom said . I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as Ethan gave me a cheeky grin.
"Oh stop it mom." I said.
" Pleased to meet you Miss. Evans." Ethan said shaking my mom's hand.
"Oh please call me Dona." My mom said.

Britney's POV.

When I finished my video I checked my phone and saw I had an text from Grayson.
-The text-
G- hey can you come over I'm home alone and I'm really bored.
B- I'm coming see you soon.
G- can't wait. ♥♥
-End of text-
I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After I went to my closest. I put on some shots and a crop top. I also trough on an vinnal and my white sneakers.

I quickly ran downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw my mom sitting in the living room.
"Bey mom I have to quickly run to a friends house. " I said.
"Okay see you when I see you." She said showing me to leave.

This really hurt me because she has lately cared less than usual and usually she doesn't care much. It's like she didn't want to see me any more. Like I was a burden to her.
I felt angry as I started to walk to Grayson's house which was a block away from my house.

But at the thought of Grayson my heart melt and the madness I felt disappeared. I was ready to see him and hug him again.

As I knocked on the doir I could hear Grayson running through the house to open the door.
With that he opened the door with a incredible smile that could cheer me up any time of day.

As we sat by the pool, I enjoyed the sun closing my eyes while I listened to the sweet sound of his beautiful voice.
"You're seriously the most beautiful girl I know." Grayson said. I could feel his eyes burning my body.
"Thanks Gray you're so sweet." I said feeling my cheeks burning. And with that I felt his hand on my arm.
"You're hot..." he said randomly.
"Okay I get it--" I was cut of by Grayson picking me up and jumping in the pool.
As I swam to the surface. I gasp for air.
"You did not just do that" I said splashing him with the cold water.
Little did I know I was starting a war.

After splashing each other for almost an hour I was slowly getting tired. As I was I was about to splash him again he leans forward and grabs me by my waist. Kissing me passionately. We kissed and I was just enjoying the moment, being in him grasp feeling his beautiful lips against mine not wanting this moment to end.

 We kissed and I was just enjoying the moment, being in him grasp feeling his beautiful lips against mine not wanting this moment to end

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"Grayson what are we?" I asked as I pulled away from him.
"What do you mean? " Gray asked looking me straight in the eyes.
"Like are we a couple or what?" I asked  worried about his answer.
"Well I don't know , I just don't want to rush things and mess things up. " He said and I completely agree with what he said we have only known each for a week.

Later we got out of the pool and we dried ourselves and just sat and talked for hours.
I ended up telling Gray about Katelyn but I didn't want to tell him about what she did to me in my freshmen year.

A/N Thanks for reading and vote for my story.
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